Great ad showing the savings when buying AppSumo's lifetime access of TidyCal against the monthly cost of Calendly.
Social media ad selling LED masks to men
Great example of a before and after video showcasing editing.
This image of a full calendar with the headline "Have dinner with new people" is the perfect ad for social...
This is a set of ads for the Delonghi coffee machines pulled from Instagram. Each one has a clever headline...
Function Health's clean social media lab details over 100 lab tests available in this Instagram Ad.It needs very little copy...
This Feals social media ad illustrates how many of its gummies you need to for how you want to feel.It...
This add from Function Health shows all the different areas they can check with their panel of lab tests.
Tushbaby clever marketing by founder: Giving away free products at the airport and filming the results.
This Search Atlas ad targets its main competitors, showing potential monthly savings.It goes directly after it's closest competitors and is...
This is a very simple self-filmed-on-a-phone ad on Instagram that directly shows the product working in action. This is great...
The cool way Nick Gray uses Instagram to promote his newsletter
This is a great ad by Peachy which starts off with a before/after comparison of a woman after getting Botox.
By showing the product markeed up with tex and arrows this simple ad does a great job of explaoining the...
Take a look at this informative bar chart showcasing the most widely spoken languages across the globe. Bar charts are...
Fun branding with the perfect image for a design camp.
This simple ad showcases the airplane-size bottle to promote their concentrated cold brew, demonstrating that it is small enough to...
I learned a lot about pools from this simple Instagram Ad. The combo of showing an unfinished pool without water...
I liked this simple ad for a service that helps claim an Instagram user handle. In a little square it...
This Instagram ad for a snoring prevention device gives 4 reasons to use their product instead of the standard breathing...