In addition to showing the product right off the bat, this add uses logical reasons on why to buy a...
This helpful diagram shows roughly how much protein different things have from animal products vs plant products. While this isn’t...
This advertising campaign from 197😂3 uses text + arrows to learn how to spot a drug abuser. This is from...
This very simple graphic from Instagram shows how not to participate in “toxic positivity” by giving you concrete phrases to...
This is a delightfully clever print ad that takes a boring article and spices it up by showing the letters...
Everyone’s heard, “Take your dogs age and multiply by 7 to get it’s human age.” However the story is a...
When visualized out proportionally, the United States and North America combined look shockingly small. If this was shown in raw...
Lightest! Handiest! Phone Size! 10-Key Keyboard! These are all great features being shown off in this print ad. They also...
In 1985 the Ford Escort was one of the best selling cars in the world, so this ad listed out...
This 1968 ad for Rit Liquid Dye uses a great headline and image to grab your attention, then describes how...
In a neat visual way this chart shows the “cool technology” of each era of lighting, and how it got...
This whole ad demonstrates how to replace snaps, hooks, and buttonholes with simple Velcro fasteners. It even shows a closeup...
Instead of using words and data to describe lethality of different drugs, these viles each show a lethal dose of...
This McDonalds ad from 1975 uses one of Joe Sugarman’s Triggers called “Desire To Collect.” The desire to collect is...
This clever image visually demonstrates how full your stomach would be with different types of food. You can easily see...
This direct mail flyer is full of attention-getting features: 1.) It looks “handwritten” 2.) It “highlights” the offer with lines....
This frame-worthy graphic shows a bicycle and simultaneously draws and labels each part of a bike.
This cool guide of chores shows common chores for different ages of children.
This is a clever Hot & Spicy Pringles ad showing a guy eating Pringles lighting up a hot air balloon...
This form of proofreading is fading due to the proliferation of digital writing, but this is the markup language writers...