All posts by Lesley Amos

Asking for phone number email

This was an email sent by that requested a phone number reply from people who didn’t buy.



Subject: phone number?



Were you curious about my …

HubSpot re-engagement email

HubSpots re-sub campaign to make sure people engage and click (and therefore better deliverability)!



Subject: This is goodbye. Here’s why …

We miss you already …


Casper Signup Form

This is an intriguing prize for anyone in the market for a new bed, TWENTY free pillows! The sheer number of pillows is grabbing.…


HustleCase Sales Page

Cool sales page for a physical product that you paste on the back of your laptop to turn it into a dry erase board. Perfectly explains different uses and shows …

Siteleaf Website

Clean and simple layout has different sections explaining each feature and what you can do with SiteLeaf.…

Aura Health

This peaceful and calm website promotes a mindfulness app, and perfectly captures the mood while still clearly explaining what it does.…

Toggl App

The tagline is “Ever feel like someone is STEALING your time” and this image conveys that message perfectly.…


6 Ways To Make Money Online

This chart from GrowthLab shows why people choose online courses over software sometimes. Software is more viable in making a very large and useful business, but digital products are better …