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My Newsletter Marketing Summit Notes
Here's my notes from the Newsletter Marketing Summit, sorry for the terrible handwriting!Page 2:Page 3:Page 4:

13 predictions from David Ogilvy from 1983
Exactly 40 years ago in 1983 David Ogilvy from the mega-popular advertising book “Ogilvy On Advertising.” His hand was turned...

Amazon's internal writing advice
Cool writing advice from Amazon internal memos.

Sam Altman – How To Build The Future Video Notes
Took some notes on this Sam Altman video about building the future. It also has some great advice for young...

Job interview cheat sheet
Mastering interviews can be tough, but this cheat sheet simplifies the process with common questions and valuable tips for crafting...

Twitter Posting Cheat Sheet
Here’s a helpful cheat sheet to screenshot that will help you create Twitter posts.

Bob Metcalf On Tim Ferriss Podcast Notes
I took Notes on this episode with Bob Metcalf (founder of Ethernet, and cool dude that speaks to entrepreneurs here...

Things that worked well for me in 2023:
• NEWSLETTER to interact with audience. Stay top of mind. • SHORT CLIPS to stay top of mind, get new...

Physical writing proofreading markup symbols
This form of proofreading is fading due to the proliferation of digital writing, but this is the markup language writers...

Sam Altman On Masters Of Scale Podcast Notes
Here’s my notes from the Masters of Scale Podcast featuring Sam Altman:

Arnold Workout Advice Notes
Notes on YouTube video: Arnold Schwarzenegger Explains How You Can Get A Body Like Bruce Lee.