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Question Their Power Follow Up Email

Nov 9, 2017
I do not condone using this except in rare situations! This method might burn bridges, so beware.   Hey Jim, seems like we might be asking the wrong department about this, can you forward me to the person/department who can make this happen?

Positive Aspects

The blog post's bold disclaimer immediately grabs attention and sets a cautionary tone, which is crucial for emphasizing the risky nature of the suggested email tactic. This approach ensures that readers understand the potential consequences of using such a strategy, promoting responsible use.

Key Takeaways

  • Use Sparingly: This email tactic is a last-resort method, meant only for rare situations where other communication attempts have failed.
  • Assess Risks: Be aware that this approach might damage relationships, so weigh the potential benefits against the risks.
  • Direct Communication: The email's straightforward request aims to bypass unnecessary intermediaries and reach the decision-maker.
  • Clarity is Key: The message is concise and clear, which is essential for effective communication, especially when trying to resolve issues.

Additional Insights

In the world of business, knowing when to escalate a matter is crucial. Sometimes, the direct approach can cut through bureaucratic red tape, but it's a double-edged sword. I've seen situations where a well-timed, direct email saved a project, but I've also witnessed it backfire spectacularly. As with any tool, understanding its power and wielding it wisely is the secret to success.

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Question Their Power Follow Up Email | SwipeFile