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Cheap Clients -vs- Expensive Clients
A hilarious visual representation of how much a cheap bargain-hunting client will ping you, versus a more expensive client. Most...

Another cute PostHog email
This is the most boring email notification you can imagine, a "Billing Limit" email...however by adding their fun hedgehog to...

Pac Sun Standing on Horse Ad
Know what's a great way to grab someone's attention?? Show them a guy standing on top of a horse 😂People...

Oat Milk Funny Packaging
This hilarious headline on oat milk makes people unsure if it is a mistake.The point is to get attention for...

Sunglasses billboard headline: We want to sit on your face
Now this definitely grabs some attention! A funny double innuendo for a sunglasses company 🤣

Tesla order confirmation friendly porcupine
This is the friendly little porcupine Tesla shows to thank you after a purchase of a car. I love how...

Bell Curve Meme for making something that people want.
This meme illustrates the bell curve associated with product creation, and that smart people and dumb people tend to get...

Funny sign making fun of a sign
To be honest these simple signs work pretty well, but what’s funny is the white sign trolling the yellow sign...

Red Bull "littering cans" sales campaign it seems hotly contested if this is even true or not, but this story appears to be written about...

The best copywritng makes people...
This is a frustrating piece because it says "The Best Copywriting Makes People" ........then it goes on to list:F ----N-H-B---K-But...

Funny do not park here sign
Instead of a simple "do not park," the sign humorously displays the cost of towing, making the message both clear...

Timex watch billboard
This Timex watch ad takes a little dig at Apple Watch by showing that you can check the time without...

Old Novelty Alcoholic Toothpaste Ad
Novelty makers back in the day used to sell all sorts of weird gag items like this. In reality this...

Microsoft Paint Mirror
Ok this is just a cool ass mirror, a designers dream!

Beavis and Butthead Mural SXSW Hotel Vegas
I saw this awesome Beavis and Butthead as hipsters (or something) outside of Hotel Vegas in Austin during SXSW.The Mural...

Shirts as gifts or intro's
A custom t-shirt from online can be a super unique idea to give someone, like Uriah from Productive Therapist seeing...

Prince Chunky Spaghetti Sauce Print Ad
A funny add showing normal vs “chunky” pasta sauce with the Mona Lisa.

Real estate inflation meme
80% of all the dollars in the world were printed in the last 4 years. This goes through the economy...

Dude getting free advertising in exchange for Monster Energy drink!
This is funny but effective: This guy Jameson will get free advertising for his deck company by putting up a...

Fun parking sign
Normally a “no parking” sign like this won’t get much attention, but this drove the point home that it could...