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Headlines that get them curious

Mar 21, 2018
Curiosity gets people to want to experience your product.
  • See what it’s like to be in a room where everyone makes more than $1,000,000/year.
  • I have a gift I want to send you…..but I can’t describe it here.
  • Inside the members area you’ll get 26 videos plus 3 amazing bonuses that get physically delivered to your door.
  • Every order comes with a mystery bottle of wine.  Some prize bottles are worth $10, and some are work $800.
  • You have to see through these polarized lenses to believe it.
  • Until you hear what a Bose system sounds like in person….there’s no way to describe it.
  • Our nightclub has the most expensive sound system in history.  You must feel it to believe it.
  • The Tesla Model S is so fast to accelerate, most people have never experienced that many G-forces on their body.
  • These sheets are 1,800 thread count.  You’ve never felt anything so soft before.
  • These Night & Day contacts are super-breathable, so your eyes don’t even feel them.
  • Our shirts are made of a special poly-blend we closely guard.  Most people can’t believe how smooth they feel.
  • Old Spice deodorant works so well…..just try it on before a workout and see if you can feel the difference.
  • These advanced bearings make your skateboard ride so smooth, you have to try them to believe it.
  • Until you pick up a Trek Speed Bike with one finger, you’ll never understand just how light it is.
  • It doesn’t matter what super car you’ve been in…..our Tesla will launch you (silently) to 60 MPH faster than any of them.  You’ve never felt anything quite like it. Come test drive one to experience it.
  • There’s no way to describe what it feels like to wear this underwear.
  • It’s difficult to describe virtual reality headsets because it’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.  Like you’re ACTUALLY there.
  • See the movie in IMAX quality, you can’t understand how much richer the experience is until you’ve sat in that chair.
  • We could describe how good this massage chair feels, but it’s simply impossible till you’ve tried it.
  • I could tell you our seminars “change people’s lives”, but you’ll never experience it without being in this city, in this room, with these people.
  • You’ve seen all my free content, now just imaging how good my paid content is.
  • One of the things I’m proudest of is when people walk out of the room saying, “Oh my god….that was so much better than I ever possibly expected.”
  • Burning Man is one of those experiences where you can see pictures, watch movies, and read reviews….but you can never know what it’s like till you go.
  • Being in The Vortex in Sedona is a magical experience for some people.  Come see if you feel it’s energy.
  • The new MacBook is so light that it kind of confuses your brain, because you’ve never picked up anything that size that weighs so little.
  • Using the Retina display on a Mac makes it look like real life, not just a screen.
  • On your first aircraft carrier takeoff you’ll experience G forces like nothing else you can even compare to.

Image Description

A stick figure with question marks around its head looks curiously at a red box labeled "Mystery Box."

Positive Aspects

The image perfectly captures the essence of curiosity. The stick figure's puzzled expression and the labeled mystery box visually reinforce the blog post's focus on sparking interest and intrigue through headlines.

Key Takeaways

  • Curiosity-Driven Headlines: Use headlines that pique curiosity to entice people to explore your product or service.
  • Experience Over Description: Emphasize the unique experience your product offers, which can't be fully described in words.
  • Mystery and Surprise: Incorporate elements of mystery, surprise, and the unknown to engage potential customers.
  • Emotional Impact: Highlight how your product can evoke emotions or sensations that must be experienced firsthand.

Additional Insights

Curiosity is a powerful motivator, often leading people to explore and engage with content they might otherwise overlook. It's like dangling an irresistible carrot in front of them. When crafting your headlines, think about what would make you pause, ponder, and click. Maybe it’s the allure of the unknown, or perhaps it’s the promise of an unforgettable experience. Whatever it is, make sure it’s compelling enough to prompt that all-important next step: the click.

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Headlines that get them curious | SwipeFile