How Do I Get My First Freelance Copywriting Client?

Mar 31, 2020

Landing your first client is a HUGE milestone, but it’s also one of the most challenging. Most potential clients will only hire a copywriter with experience, but how do you gain experience if nobody will hire you?


Positive Aspects

The title of the blog post, "How Do I Get My First Freelance Copywriting Client?" immediately resonates with aspiring freelance copywriters. It addresses a common pain point: the classic chicken-and-egg problem of needing experience to get work, but needing work to gain experience. This sets the stage for readers to dive into a topic they can relate to and are eager to solve.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the Catch-22: Acknowledges the difficulty of breaking into freelance copywriting due to the requirement for previous experience.
  • Milestone Achievement: Emphasizes that landing the first client is a significant achievement and a crucial step in a freelancer's career.
  • Resource Availability: The link to a course suggests there are resources available to help overcome these initial hurdles.

Additional Insights

Starting out as a freelance copywriter often feels like trying to climb a mountain without any gear. One way to get that first gig is to leverage what you do have: offer a free trial or a discounted rate for your first clients in exchange for a testimonial or referral. Networking is also key—get involved in communities, both online and offline, where potential clients hang out. Remember, every seasoned freelancer started with zero clients, too. Maybe even try writing some spec work for brands you admire and share it with them. It's all about getting that foot in the door!
