The “Normal Distribution” shows up in almost every area of life:
• Test scores
• Height
• Stock market returns
• Intelligence
• Attractiveness
It also shows up in your customer demographics:
68% will be similar avatar
16% will be skewed left
16% will be skewed right
Shaan Puri Website
Shaan Puri's personal website is awesome! You can sign up for his email list to get access to his essays and email threads for...
Aug 12, 2024
Signup Forms
Landing Pages
Every new technology get negative press
It's fun to re-visit history and see every new technology get negative press for a while while it disrupts the existing system. This article...
Jan 9, 2023
Swipes Email
Funny and Weird
Swipe File Definition
This is the definition for a “Swipe File.”
Nov 25, 2018
Animated homepage for SAAS company
This simple above the fold moving graphics illustrates the simplicity of this SAAS product. Designed specifically for Reddit marketing, they use the reddit branded...
Apr 5, 2022
Home Pages