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MoneyWise Podcast Download Numbers from Sam Parr
This is a super interesting inside peek into the private numbers of the MoneyWise Podcast by Sam Parr and Hampton....

Big ole numbers are good
For social proof sections I love the concept of showing a BIG NUMBER and smaller text explaining it. Like this...

Before/After Software Ad for Icon
I LOVE the layout of this ad, where it shows alllllll the different softwares you've gotta use for making ad...
Big numbers on a pitch deck are helpful
Designer Anthony Miller gives some good advice that large numbers in your pitch deck design makes everything so much more...

Sweetgreen Fries Ingredients (Us -vs- Them) Ad
This is a GREAT ad by Sweetgreen which shows how many ingredients other fries have versus their own. As people...

How Tesla is changing assembly lines
Illustrations showing difference between traditional assembly lines and Tesla "unboxed" approach.

The intersection of copywriting, design, and development
I like this image saying how combining Copywriting with Design with Development is the way to create great products and...

Raven or Crow cheat sheet
Simple cheat sheet sharing the characteristics to tell the difference between a Raven or a Crow.

Rand Fishkin's "Audience Influence Spending" Slide
Rand Fishkin, founder of SparkToro and also famous SEO guy had this slide at a conference that shows: Where is...

The absolutely insane travel schedule of a comedian
One of the careers I'm fascinated by is the stand-up comedian. Their schedules and lives are SO insanely weird compared...
Getting good sleep tips
I love the simple use of a sleeping person with arrows pointing to each part along with a simple tip...

AI unicorn companies with fewest employees
This shows the different major AI companies in 2025 worth a billion or more with the fewest employees.

Most expensive neighborhood in each state
This is an interesting approach to listing out the most expensive neighborhoods in each state: By showing a map but...

EBITDA Explained in one image
Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger famously hated the "EBITDA" method of calculating profit, because it doesn't account for allllll the...

How much does it cost to advertise on social media chart
This chart provides a detailed overview of the advertising costs on the major social media platforms.
Dharmesh's "Strong Market Need" Graph
Dharmesh Shah, founder of giant public company HubSpot gives the advice that it's often best to go after a problem...

Light pollution reducing design
This simple graphic shows the small design changes that can drastically reduce light pollution but keeping the light down.

Grok 3 AI Prompting Hacks
This is a handy little graphic that shows the different ways you can use the Grok 3 AI system....all of...

Anatomy of an AI SaaS Landing page
This graphic shows what was done to a SaaS landing page that increased conversions by 179%
4 Types of Communities Chart
This is a cool graph by Jordan Godbey that shows the four different types of communities you can have and...