1947 was LIT! There’s two funny things going on in this ad:
1.) Granny is straight up spiking the grape juice.
2.) Everyone else at this party besides granny seems pretty young.
The ad claims the green bottle is “ginger ale”...but we all know what’s up 😏
Avoid “Toxic Positivity” Do & Don’t Chart
This very simple graphic from Instagram shows how not to participate in “toxic positivity” by giving you concrete phrases to say (and not say)....
Nov 29, 2022
Sneaker retailer pop up offers $5 off next order when signing up for newsletter
Cool product shot of limited sneaker to the left of the offer compliments the the benefits of joining the newsletter. "First dibs on new...
Feb 7, 2022
Kissing advertorial
This is a crazy little advertorial that starts out like a "kissing guide" - complete with 1-2-3-style images down the left-hand side of the...
Jul 6, 2020
Vintage camera ad displays social proof
Nikon displays social proof that supports the headline by displaying images of there long list of best selling cameras over the years. It shows...
Jun 29, 2022
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