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1968 Volkswagen Testimonial Ad

Print Ads
Aug 9, 2017
In 1968 they literally printed a handwritten letter that was sent to Volkswagen's head office as an ad. Red areas are most likely to attract attention, followed by Yellow/Orange areas, and Blue areas. Areas that have no color overlay are unlikely to attract visual attention.   The Regions Report graphically represents the likely distribution of visual attention during preattentive processing.   Any area or object that is identified as one of the first 4 predicted fixations is highly likely to be noticed at first glance, regardless of its 1, 2, 3, or 4 order.

Image Description

The image is a black-and-white handwritten letter sent to Volkswagen's head office. It details a personal testimonial about a Volkswagen vehicle, highlighting its purchase date, model, and impressive mileage.

Positive Aspects

This handwritten letter adds authenticity and a personal touch to the Volkswagen ad. It showcases a real customer's story, making it relatable and engaging. The use of a genuine testimonial is a clever marketing strategy to build trust and connect with potential buyers.

Key Takeaways

  • Authenticity Sells: Using a real customer's handwritten letter as an ad highlights credibility and personal connection.
  • Visual Focus: The use of colors in the heatmap and regions report guides the viewer's attention effectively.
  • Impressive Testimonial: The letter emphasizes the reliability and durability of Volkswagen vehicles, with a focus on high mileage and frequent use.
  • Emotional Appeal: Personal stories resonate more deeply with audiences, making them powerful marketing tools.
  • Innovative Marketing: This creative approach to advertising was ahead of its time, breaking away from traditional ad formats.

Additional Insights

Volkswagen's strategy of using a handwritten letter taps into the power of word-of-mouth marketing. It’s a reminder that sometimes the most compelling stories come directly from satisfied customers. This approach also adds a vintage charm, evoking nostalgia and trust in the brand's long-standing reputation.

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1968 Volkswagen Testimonial Ad | SwipeFile