This is a cool ad for Bacardi Rum that shows all the different beverages you can mix it with, and also throws in a helpful reminder not to drink and drive.
Lego Imagination Print Ad
Without using any words, this ad communicates to parents that legos are more than just toys you step on—they're imagination-stimulators for your kids.
Aug 12, 2020
Print Ads
Try using a single call to action for emails
Be careful of sending emails with multiple CTAs. They dilute your conversions. Once a reader clicks one link, they’re unlikely to come back to...
Jun 30, 2020
Headlines that tell them a surprising fact
Tell them some things about the product that are really cool and unique. This iPhone case is made out of the same stuff as...
Mar 21, 2018
Eufy security camera email thank you / sales page
Eufy raised 1m on kickstarter and sent out a thank you email to there list. They mentioned a 40% off sale at the top...
Apr 1, 2022
Social Proof
Sales Pages