Daily to-do list

Swipes Email
Mar 31, 2023
Speaking of hand writing....I currently hand write my daily to-do list, but it lacks one major component: It's not digital so I can't share it between devices! My wishlist of features would be: • Access/edit from phone and desktop. • Easily integrates with everything. • Not many options, dead simple. SO I polled Twitter for the best *simple* daily to-do list app, here's results: • Todoist: 21 votes • Things3: 7 votes • MS Todo: 5 votes • Apple Notes: 4 votes • Google Keep: 4 votes • Written: 4 votes • Apple Reminders: 3 votes • Notion: 3 votes • Teuxdeux: 3 votes • TickTick: 3 votes • Asana: 2 votes • Evernote: 2 votes • Sunsama: 2 votes • Trello: 2 votes • Tweek.so: 2 votes • Alexa: 1 vote • Any.Do: 1 vote • Carrot: 1 vote • Done: 1 vote I will commence playing around with a few of these! Let me know if you have suggestions as well 🙂