David Ogilvy quote about connecting yourself and advertising

Jul 23, 2018
David Ogilvy
If you can’t advertise yourself, what hope have you being able to advertise anything else?
David Ogilvy
If you can’t advertise yourself, what hope have you being able to advertise anything else?

Image Description

A black-and-white photo of a man in a suit looking thoughtfully to the side, exuding a classic and professional demeanor.

Positive Aspects

The image captures a sense of professionalism and introspection, perfectly matching the wisdom and insight of David Ogilvy's quote. It reinforces the theme of self-presentation and credibility in advertising.

Key Takeaways

  • Self-promotion is crucial; if you can't market yourself, marketing other things will be challenging.
  • Confidence in self-advertisement translates to stronger advertising skills overall.
  • Personal branding lays the foundation for effective advertising strategies.

Additional Insights

Think of advertising yourself like a pilot testing a plane before a flight. If you can’t sell your own story convincingly, how can you expect to sell anyone else’s? It's like trying to teach someone to swim while standing on dry land!
