Dust Buster Weight Comparison Image
Mar 16, 2021

This handheld vacuum is trying to show that it's lighter than a typical dust buster, so they cleverly put it on a scale to "show" that it's lighter!
These are the salary ranges for any type of copywriter: Average: $57,000 Lowest: $31,000 Highest: $147,035
This 1958 Budweiser Print Ad shows a couple sharing a beer. Red areas are most likely to attract attention, followed by Yellow/Orange areas, and...
This headline really creates quite a bit of curiosity with the giant headline “Oops! We goofed” I didn’t WANT to read the smaller print...
[drawattention ID="2739"] AJ&Smart is a design agency that specializes in design sprints. This page does a great job: Explaining what design sprints are and...