Jon Yongfook (@yongfook) tweeted this image of his SaaS journey to highlight how we usually just focus on a winning stretch vs the lifetime of a project.
DuPont Wax Vintage Print Ad
This is a great example of taking your audience's biggest pain point (e.g. having to spend time waxing your car all the time) and...
Aug 18, 2020
Print Ads
Before and After's Manifesto + Sales Page is an email service by Basecamp that's focused on privacy and more tools to keep your inbox clean. When they first started getting...
Jun 22, 2020
Sales Pages
Shocking Visual Demonstration of Lethal Dose Drugs
Instead of using words and data to describe lethality of different drugs, these viles each show a lethal dose of 3 different drugs, and...
Nov 20, 2022
Social Media Post Testimonials
Pull screenshots from a Facebook post or a Twitter update, and you have instant proof that your customers love your products.
Aug 19, 2017