Exploding Topics newsletter landing page
Super easy to understand landing page for an email newsletter that sends you recent trends on the internet. It shows a sample of what you get, some strong testimonials, and a solid email capture.
Figma is a collaborative design tool that can be used to build prototypes, wireframes, storyboards, (and pretty much anything else). Their home page is...
Sam Parr shares how Copywriting Course was life-changing for him and providing the foundation for building The Hustle. Positive Aspects The title, "Sam Parr...
This is a standard [BOX] + [PICTURE] + [QUOTE] + [WORKPLACE] testimonial as seen on the KopywritingKourse testimonials page. This example from Tam Pham...
This creative ad shows the quality of the product in the ad itself. They literally put their money where their mouth is. Even if...