I enjoy seeing lots of information in a small area, and this “surviving a dog attack” guide fits the bill. It uses simple animations and quick captions to teach something in a tiny comic strip.
Ron Anderson's Carbonmade Portfolio
This portfolio is created using Carbonmade portfolio site.
Mar 24, 2018
Japanese Fanta Ad
While we're not sure what this 1960's Fanta Ad is saying, it's beautiful imagery shows us an ice cold Fanta with the new pull...
Jan 26, 2022
Print Ads
Vintage Land Rover ad speaks on innovation
The nature of tech companies are constant innovation and changes to their products. The same was true in the early days of automobile manufacturing....
May 3, 2022
Create Your Own Website with Wix.com Explainer Video
This explainer video quickly shows you how to create a website using Wix.com
Oct 11, 2017