The ULTIMATE way to spread your advertisement

If you're advertising something, the ULTIMATE way to spread your advertisement is by making it so valuable people want to save it, maybe even share it. For example I saved this stain chart because I had a stain I couldn’t get out, and instantly referred to this chart to see how to remove it. David Ogilvy made a "stain chart" decades ago, and it was one of the most popular detergent ads ever because so many people saved it, even posted it up! Or look at this classic Guinness Oyster Pairing was so helpful that bars would frame it and post it up for allll their patrons to see!

Image Description

The image is a "Removing Stains" chart, showing various types of stains like red wine, makeup, and ink, alongside recommended removal methods, such as white wine, shaving cream, and milk. It's visually engaging with icons and clear text, making it easy to reference.

Positive Aspects

The stain chart image perfectly complements the content by visually illustrating the concept of creating valuable advertising. It’s practical, engaging, and exactly the kind of content people want to save and share. This visual aid reinforces the blog’s message about the power of useful advertising.

Key Takeaways

  • Make your advertisement so valuable that people want to keep and share it.
  • Practical content, like a stain removal chart, can transform an ad into a useful tool.
  • Historic examples, like David Ogilvy's stain chart, prove the effectiveness of this strategy.
  • Useful ads can become fixtures in everyday settings, like bars framing helpful posters.
  • Value-driven ads not only promote a product but also build lasting brand recognition.

Additional Insights

Creating advertisements that double as useful tools can turn a simple marketing effort into a long-lasting resource. Think about other areas where this strategy can be applied—perhaps a calendar with daily tips or a bookmark with a conversion chart. Ads that solve problems are the ones people remember and rely on!
