If you want to make a business better, here's an image that shows a rough plan of how to start incrementally improving your online business.
Add social proof by linking to famous names or brands
An easy way to show social proof for a product is to link the product to a more famous name (if true) like this:...
Jun 18, 2020
Glowforge Email Signup Form
Glowforge signup form is written as a letter. Instead of just adding your email and name you are introducing yourself to the Glowgforge team...
Mar 11, 2021
Signup Forms
Great sales copy and images for Sony DSLR Amazon product page
The opening image is my favorite part. It has a stunning list of awards won on the left. The right has a bolded blurb...
Mar 30, 2022
Sales Pages
Product Descriptions
Segmetrics Sales Page
This is a great salespage for the InfusionSoft analytics company SegMetrics. The sales page includes, all the cool features it has, testimonials, and social...
Jul 27, 2017
Sales Pages