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Apple's Rules for Success for employees

apples rules for success employee badge
This is Apple's "Rules For Success" they used to have on the back of all employee badges. Some good rules for life!   Apple's Rules of Success:
  • Let go of the old, make the most of the future.
  • Always tell the truth, we want to hear the bad news sooner than later.
  • The highest level of integrity is expected, when in doubt, ask.
  • Learn to be a good businessperson, not just a good salesperson.
  • Everyone sweeps the floor.
  • Be professional in your style, speech and follow-up.
  • Listen to the customer, they almost always get it.
  • Create win/win relationships with our partners.
  • Look out for each other, sharing information is a good thing.
  • Don't take yourself too seriously.
  • Have fun, otherwise its not worth it.
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Apple's Rules for Success for employees | SwipeFile