I love stuff where your brain just "gets it right away." This chart shows the top colors to wear for max safety on a bike. You learn something valuable from just a tiny square of information!
Toys R Us Store Growth Animation
This is a short clip of a longer video that shows the number of Toys R Us stores that opened up (and then closed...
Jul 3, 2020
Thinking Errors One Pager
I love how much data is presented in this one-pager.
Jul 4, 2023
One pagers
Apple’s Major Product Milestones to $3 Trillion
This is a cool visualization of major produce releases that helped Apple reach a $3T+ valuation. It would be cool to make a revenue...
Jul 28, 2023
3D Tinder Bar Sign
This sign was placed outside a pub in London. Image Description A chalkboard sign on a city sidewalk reads "3D Tinder" with an arrow...
Dec 13, 2017
Restaurant Signs