Book Split Test: Rob Roseman’s WTF Divorce Journal


In our Copywriting Course Office Hours member Rob Roseman said he wanted to a release a book to his Instagram followers:

Just 4 weeks after thinking of the idea I'm holding Rob's physical book in my hand! That's impressively fast execution!

I've procrastinated writing books by months and years, so to see someone do this in ONE MONTH was impressive. He did it like this: WEEK 1: He got the concept for the book, then split tested titles and covers on Instagram. He also did some sample book store split testing for fun: WEEK 2: In Office Hours sessions we came up with content formats for inside the book, he split test those as well on his Instagram account:

WEEK 3: Once he got the content types down, he created all the content and published. He heavily leveraged his divorce Instagram account for content which helped show what content was socially proven.

**Side Note: His Instagram just started to pop a few months ago, so he didn't have an already giant community until very very very recently.

Now that's some HUSTLE seen right inside our copywriting community!
