Curated Inspiration Library for Marketers and Creators
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Before/After Software Ad for Icon
I LOVE the layout of this ad, where it shows alllllll the different softwares you've gotta use for making ad...

Your brain scrolling Instagram -vs- walking
I have no idea if this random post is true or not, but taking a stroll and walking is definitely...

Before and After of a home transformation
This before and after of a home transformation is perfect to post on social media.

Before and After House Exterior Makeover
This before-and-after image showcases how an older home has been updated to achieve a more modern appearance.The point of this...

Oatley Milk Before/After Branding
Oatly re-positioned as a proudly dairy free alternative to milk and last year did $813m in revenue.

Tesla front self driving camera stack over the years
Love this image of Tesla front facing dash cams evolving over the years.

Poppi Rebranding before and after
A complete overhaul transformed "Mother," an apple cider vinegar beverage, into "Poppi," a prebiotic soda, resulting in $100 million in...

Halo Top Ice cream before and after packaging
Halo Top ice cream led to annual sales totaling $347 million after they stopped promoting the brand as much, and...

Flyer Design Elements wireframes.
These flyer wireframes demonstrate the design elements that contribute to a flyer’s visual appeal.

Brick & Batten home transformation
Great use of a before and after showcasing a stunning transformation of a homes exterior

Prince Chunky Spaghetti Sauce Print Ad
A funny add showing normal vs “chunky” pasta sauce with the Mona Lisa.

Sketch to finished website design
This is cool to see a hand-drawn mockup of a business idea (a creative agency) to a finished website.
La Croix Re-branding
La Croix changed its branding and positioning resulting in $500 million in annual sales.They moved away from competing as a...

Sweetgreen Fries Ingredients (Us -vs- Them) Ad
This is a GREAT ad by Sweetgreen which shows how many ingredients other fries have versus their own. As people...

"Goodbye" to old file folders ad
This is a cool way to showcase a service that replaces an old school file folder full of documents with...
Before and After Video Editing
Great example of a before and after video showcasing editing.

Public VS Private Sector Innovations
This is a poignant display of showing the innovation in the private sector versus the public sector. While we NEED...

Tesla Interior Refreshes and Simplicity
This is a cool visualization of the extreme simplification happening on Tesla interiors as the cars go from physical +...

Peaky Blinders Real Life to Characters image
This image compares the real people to the actors who portrayed them in Peaky Blinders.This post isn't really about marketing...

Hims Weight Loss Semaglutide Ozempic Shot Before/After
I thought this ad by Hims was super easy to understand by providing a simple comparison chart between their service...