Crazy Burger King letter to Michelin Star

Burger King writes a letter to Michelin Star to make the case for why they deserve to be awarded the highly coveted restaurant award. Here is my favorite line: “How many places does your little red book have that serve exceptional dishes that are on the table in five minutes, and where you don’t have to book three months ahead?”

What a way to troll the prestigious restaurant award organization and create tons of press. This proves publicity stunts don’t need huge budgets. Just a good story to tell. 

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Crappy Plunge Ad

I saw another “Our Designer Quit” ad out in the wild!

This variation is “Our Designer Is On Vacation” but it’s still the same hilarious concept.

This style makes people …


Figma to Production

I’ve been moving designs from Figma into actual live pages, and this meme captures it perfectly 😂

Design mockups look so awesome in Figma, but when actually translating them into