“Learning Pyramid” chart

This is a cool chart that shows how much people remember from different mediums of learning. 

  • 5%: Lectures
  • 10%: Reading
  • 20%: Audio/Visual
  • 30%: A demonstration
  • 50%: Discussing in a group
  • 75%: Practice by doing
  • 90%: Teaching others

“Teaching others” seems especially effective because to teach others you have to know the concepts very well yourself.


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This intriguing chart provides valuable insights into the retention of information across various modes of learning. It underscores the profound impact that different teaching and learning methods can have on our ability to remember and comprehend information. Let’s delve deeper into the significance of each learning medium:

Lectures (5%): Lectures, while a common form of instruction, appear to have the lowest retention rate at just 5%. This suggests that passively listening to information may not be as effective for retaining knowledge.

Reading (10%): Reading fares slightly better, with a 10% retention rate. Reading allows individuals to engage with content at their own pace and revisit it, potentially enhancing comprehension.

Audio/Visual (20%): The combination of audio and visual elements proves to be more effective, with a 20% retention rate. This medium leverages multimedia to engage multiple senses, making it more memorable.

A demonstration (30%): Demonstrations, where learners observe concepts in action, yield a higher retention rate of 30%. This hands-on approach allows learners to connect theory with real-world applications.

Discussing in a group (50%): Group discussions boost retention significantly to 50%. Interaction and dialogue among peers encourage active engagement, which aids in understanding and remembering the material.

Practice by doing (75%): Learning through hands-on practice leads to a remarkable 75% retention rate. This aligns with the well-known saying, “Practice makes perfect,” emphasizing the importance of applying knowledge.

Teaching others (90%): Teaching others emerges as the most effective method, with an impressive 90% retention rate. This is because teaching requires a deep understanding of the subject matter. When individuals teach, they must organize and explain concepts coherently, reinforcing their own understanding in the process.

The exceptional effectiveness of “teaching others” underscores the idea that teaching is a powerful learning tool. It not only solidifies one’s grasp of a subject but also benefits others by imparting knowledge. Furthermore, it highlights the principle that true mastery of a topic comes from the ability to explain and convey it to others. Therefore, educators and learners alike can use this chart as a guide to choose the most effective learning methods for their specific needs and goals, ultimately enhancing the acquisition and retention of knowledge.

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The Learning Pyramid

Learning can take many forms, and some are better than others:

• Lecture: 5% (Average Retention Rate)
• Reading: 10%
• Audio/Visual: 20%
• Demonstration: 30%
• Group Discussion: 50%…
