This cool graphic packs tons of of cooking knowledge into a super easy graphic. I never knew what a lot of these common blends contained until now!
Vest-Pocket Adding Machine Print Ad
This old ad showcases a "cool technology of the time" adding machine for your vest-pocket! The copy interestingly talks in the first person tense,...
Oct 10, 2018
Print Ads
"How can just 1 calorie taste so good?"
This is a great Tab Cola ad from 1964 showing how few calories it has.
Aug 13, 2022
Print Ads
Saas company has an entire page of case studies to use as testimonials + social proof
This a well organized page of big tech name clients sharing their success stories. I like that some boxes show actual people which gives...
May 24, 2022
Social Proof
Luxe Bubble Bath Packaging
This retro packaging stands out on the shelf.
Mar 11, 2018