Saas pricing page with sales elements

This pricing page includes some important sales elements to help convert the prospect.

“Join over 50,000 people writing content with Jasper.” is a powerful element of social proof.

The interactive pricing box allows the reader to slow down and configure a unique quote.

A CTA is present below each pricing slider. + a testimonial at the footer of the pricing box.



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Hidden pricing structure for AltMBA

Seth Godin’s been way ahead of the online cohort game, starting AltMBA years ago. It’s interesting how they show their pricing:

…they don’t!

It’s hidden in a random FAQ page.


Shoe profits bar chart

Wow…this graphic shows a surprising conclusion:

When Nike sells a $100 shoe, they make only $5 in profit.

Chat GPT:

Wow, the data presented in this graphic is truly eye-opening …