Starting as a total beginner

If you're a complete beginner just getting started, sometimes just being a generalist freelancer is good and building up reviews and contacts.

Positive Aspects

The title "Starting as a total beginner" is straightforward and sets the stage for readers who are new to freelancing. The content offers practical advice for newcomers, suggesting that starting as a generalist can be a smart strategy. This approach allows beginners to gain experience, build a portfolio, and create valuable connections, which are essential steps in establishing a successful freelancing career.

Key Takeaways

  • Start as a Generalist: Embrace a broad approach to freelancing to gather experience in various areas.
  • Build Reviews and Contacts: Focus on accumulating positive reviews and expanding your network, which are crucial for credibility and opportunities.
  • Gain Experience: Use your early projects as learning experiences to improve your skills and understanding of the market.
  • Portfolio Development: Every project adds to your portfolio, showcasing your versatility and capability to potential clients.
  • Networking is Key: Building relationships can open doors to future projects and collaborations.

Additional Insights

Starting out in freelancing can feel like stepping into the wild unknown, but embracing a generalist role is like having a Swiss Army knife—ready for any task that comes your way. Think of it as the "Jack of all trades" phase, where you're gathering tools and experiences. As you accumulate projects and reviews, you'll naturally start gravitating toward the niche that fits you best. Plus, who knows what hidden talents you might uncover by trying a bit of everything? It's like a sampler platter for your career!