It took me a while to figure out what this was for. I would be clueless if it wasn't for the description to tell me that it's an ad for a gig based job board.
The top left corner of this image leaves plenty of space for a proper headline: “I just landed my first gig”
Apple’s employee onboarding message
A message Apple would send to all of it’s new employees to encourage them to be a little crazy and obsessive over the products...
Sep 23, 2023
Monthly and Yearly Pricing
You must have noticed that almost every service you signup to has either Monthly pricing, or Yearly pricing. This may seem relatively obvious, but...
Feb 10, 2023
Swipes Email
Starwax Super-Targeted Ad
This ad campaign is a great example of lasering in on one tiny audience and making them feel understood. Most people see these ads...
Jul 23, 2020
Print Ads
Asking for phone number email
This was an email sent by that requested a phone number reply from people who didn't buy. Subject: phone number? Copy: Were you...
Mar 9, 2018