This creative newspaper ad by Brazilian ad agency Maximedia shows Twitter as if it were old technology. The idea is that advertising trends and technology move fast, and their agency stays ahead of the curve.
Cambodian Pizza Restaurant Sign
This sign is so simple—and my rational mind tells me it's not true—but for some reason, I'm still curious to see just how big...
Jun 8, 2020
Restaurant Signs
social proof sub headline on home page
"More than 2 million canadians trust us" is a powerful statement that signals that they must be doing a good job to garber so...
Feb 16, 2022
Home Pages
Social Proof
Casper Signup Form
This is an intriguing prize for anyone in the market for a new bed, TWENTY free pillows! The sheer number of pillows is grabbing.
Mar 7, 2018
Signup Forms
Nest sales email has a good set up headline
The headline sets up the sub line to tell you why it's so great with its many benefits. This could be an old school...
May 7, 2022