Water Heater Print Ad (1965)

Print Ads
Jun 8, 2020
"This water heater is so safe, your kids can play pin the tail on the donkey on it." Using this as an example, we can easily brainstorm creative ad angles of our own. Step 1.) List out your product's biggest features or USP (e.g. biggest, fastest, safest, easiest, cheapest, sturdiest) Step 2.) Fill in the blanks: It's so   FEATURE , you can  SOMETHING YOU CAN DO WITH PRODUCT THAT EMPHASIZES HOW COOL THE FEATURE IS   Step 3.) Brainstorm a list of 20 ideas Step 3.) Choose your favorite and create a clear image of this idea in action The only thing I'd change with this ad is to ad a big headline: "Pin The Tail on the Water Heater".

Image Description

The image is a playful 1965 print ad showing children playing "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" around a water heater. The scene highlights the product's safety, with kids joyfully engaged while an adult watches, emphasizing the heater's reliability.

Positive Aspects

This ad brilliantly uses a visual metaphor to communicate safety, a crucial selling point for a water heater. The playful imagery connects emotionally with parents, reassuring them about the product's reliability. It cleverly implies that the heater is so safe, it blends seamlessly into everyday life.

Key Takeaways

  • Highlight Unique Features: Focus on your product's standout qualities like safety or efficiency.
  • Use Visual Metaphors: Create relatable scenarios that emphasize product benefits in a memorable way.
  • Engage Emotionally: Connect with your audience by addressing common concerns, such as safety for families.

Additional Insights

This ad is a great example of nostalgic advertising. Imagine if today’s products used similar creative angles—perhaps a smartphone ad showing it as so durable, kids can use it as a frisbee! The key is to make a strong connection between the product feature and a playful or exaggerated real-life scenario.
