Who is your target audience?

Aug 23, 2023
Sometimes your target audience to sell to ISN'T WHO YOU THINK. This video shows you a quick way to think more broadly about your target audience.

Positive Aspects

The blog post title, "Who is your target audience?", hits directly at the heart of a fundamental marketing challenge: identifying the right audience. It's an intriguing invitation for readers to reconsider their assumptions and expand their perspectives. The content effectively piques interest by hinting at a potential gap between perception and reality when it comes to who you're selling to. The accompanying video promises a quick and practical approach to thinking more broadly about a target audience, which is a valuable promise for marketers looking to refine their strategies.

Key Takeaways

  • Challenge Assumptions: Your initial idea of who your target audience is may not be accurate. Be ready to explore beyond the obvious.
  • Broaden Your Perspective: Use tools and resources, like the linked video, to help think outside the box and identify potential audiences you might have overlooked.
  • Practical Advice: The blog offers actionable insights, providing a quick method to reassess and expand your target audience.
  • Adaptability: Stay open to the possibility that your audience can shift over time, and your marketing strategy should be flexible enough to accommodate these changes.
  • Engage with New Audiences: Once new target audiences are identified, consider how to tailor your messaging and products to better meet their needs.

Additional Insights

In marketing, we often fall into the trap of thinking we know exactly who our audience is, but what if we’re missing out on a whole segment of potential customers? This post and the accompanying video remind me of a story I once heard about a startup that thought its main audience was tech-savvy millennials. However, after some digging, they found a surprising number of retirees were using their product because it helped them stay connected with family. This unexpected audience led them to tweak their marketing and even their product features to better serve this new segment, resulting in a significant uptick in sales.

So, as you watch the video and reconsider your own target market, remember that sometimes the most unexpected customers can become your biggest advocates!
