This is a great ad because it sets up a comfortable + happy guy on an Autonomous chair vs an uncomfortable woman on a "regular" office chair.
Then it zooms into the guy on the Autonomous chair and starts focusing on individual features of the chair with text callouts.
The callouts identify the feature, the video shows it off in action, and the happy guy shows the benefit attached to the feature.
Barber Buzzer Length Diagram
This simple and handy diagram shows exactly what each buzzer length looks like for beards. Here are some other helpful barber diagrams: And here's...
Sep 20, 2020
Buffer Home Page
This is a great example of a home page that is easy to navigate. Buffer clearly tells readers how they can save time managing...
Aug 11, 2017
Home Pages
TechCrunch event marketing email
This email does a succinct job of getting people to buy one of two types of tickets for their event. Subject: Pop quiz... Body:...
Mar 25, 2018
Event Marketing
We don't talk enough about the power of a smiling face
This is a well designed home page featuring a smiling customer. Many marketing experts agree that a smiling face can boost conversion rates.
Jun 5, 2022
Home Pages