In a small image this chart is able to display 21 different types of port interfaces.
The power of a little bit of text + images.
1974 How To Make Money With Your Credit Cards Print Ad
This 1974 print ad, written by Gary Halbert, was created for the book "How To Turn Plastic Into Gold" by Marten J Meyer
Aug 14, 2017
Print Ads
One notification can destroy your deep work, so protect your time
This image is a great reminder that a single notification “ding” on your phone can destroy your Deep Work thinking or work time…so make...
Jan 4, 2023
Funny vest image with lines
This is just a humorous image, but done very cleanly and nicely by Julian. His blog in general has a ton of cleanly designed,...
Sep 30, 2020
HustleCon Date-Based Pricing Structure
This is a great example of a pricing structure that clearly goes higher the longer you wait. It encourages people to buy their tickets...
Feb 19, 2018