I'm a sucker for images that immediately grasp your attention, and this one definitely has a "curiosity inducing" vibe.
This is from a 1978 advertising photo with actress Susan Wood for New York Magazine.
Interactive pricing for Saas company
Pricing is based on paid members. You can see the price change based on your audience.
Aug 11, 2022
Starting as a total beginner
If you're a complete beginner just getting started, sometimes just being a generalist freelancer is good and building up reviews and contacts.
Dec 5, 2024
Business Ideas
About page with great use of stats for social proof
The stats as social proof is powerful. "200M+ customers served" is a big deal. They establish more trust by listing all of the firms...
Apr 14, 2022
About Pages
Social Proof
Great analogy about washing hands
As someone who has worn contacts before, I can 100% understand how much you need to wash before taking out contacts đ Great analogy!
Aug 17, 2021
Print Ads
Funny and Weird