This funny Citroen ad captures people's attention with a "negative" about the car.
It pokes fun at itself, much like this old Volkswagen Beetle ad:
1946 7up All-American Fun Print Ad
This 1946 print ad promotes having fun with your family while enjoying a 7up. Red areas are most likely to attract attention, followed by...
Aug 10, 2017
Print Ads
Vintage Dodge with memorable headline
Classic vintage ad format headline, body copy, money shot of product and where to buy info. The body copy is pretty bland. It's a...
Apr 2, 2022
Funny and Weird
Venn Diagram of how to win the Instagram Algorithm
This chart is pretty generalized, but it’s a cool example showing how you need to balance Content, Community, and Consistency to do well.
Dec 26, 2022
Quick follow up email after a job interview
Hi Linda, It was fantastic interviewing yesterday! Would love to join the awesome team, and have a bunch of great ideas and work to...
Nov 9, 2017