Sometimes when writing an article people tell a long and winding story in order to seem clever. Sometimes it's just better to get to the point!
Lego Imagination Print Ad
Without using any words, this ad communicates to parents that legos are more than just toys you step on—they're imagination-stimulators for your kids.
Aug 12, 2020
Print Ads
Banner ad with testimonial + social proof
We see social used in the headline "Trusted by Moms", a bold pic of the product. Then a 5 star testimonial with a "buy...
Aug 10, 2022
colorful product page for THC gummies
This colorful product page has everything needed to convert a sale. Great description of product + a creative use of emoji's as bullet points...
Mar 15, 2022
Sales Pages
What type of people should you hire to make your business successful?
Nick Huber talks about what type of people to hire for your business. Key Takeaways Hire for Attitude and Train for Skill: Focus on...
Nov 19, 2024