1. Before and After Website Redesign Posted in: All, Before and After, Images, Landing Pages
  2. Bike Visibility in Traffic Posted in: Data, Images
  3. The Learning Pyramid Posted in: Data, Images, Motivation
  4. 50 Ways To Spend Time Alone Posted in: Advice, Data, Social Media
  5. 98% of Reddit users are lurkers chart Posted in: Data
  6. “Can’t Skip Ad” billboard from Yesco Posted in: Ads, Billboards, Funny and Weird, Outdoor Advertising
  7. Package Re-design of RXBar Posted in: Copywriting, Packaging
  8. How couples meet graphic Posted in: Data, Images
  9. Cost of running a community Posted in: Advice, Business Ideas
  10. 10 Biggest Economies in the world Posted in: Data, Images
  11. Conferences Then -VS- Now Posted in: Before and After, Essay, Images
  12. Snowshoe Tours Business Idea Posted in: Business Ideas
  13. Tree Beautification Business Idea Posted in: Business Ideas
  14. Sauna Rental Business Idea Posted in: Business Ideas
  15. Wallpaper Business Idea Posted in: Business Ideas
  16. Before/After Pricing Showcase for CRO Testing Posted in: Before and After, Copywriting, Images, Pricing
  17. Newsletter Business Idea Posted in: Business Ideas
  18. The Copywriting Course Business Model Posted in: Advice, Direct Mail, Images, Money
  19. How much it costs to propose at baseball stadiums Posted in: Funny and Weird, Images
  20. Social Media → Community Funnel Posted in: Advice, Emails, Newsletter, Social Media
  21. When core beliefs are formed Posted in: Advice, Images, Wisdom
  22. 1 idea executed vs 1 million ideas Posted in: Advice, Images, Wisdom
  23. Better Pitch Project Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  24. Remote vs Onsite pricing model Posted in: Pricing
  25. ConversionWise CRO Comparison Graphic Posted in: Before and After, Home Pages, Pricing
  26. What a copywriter does Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Tweets
  27. Evolution of the Alphabet chart Posted in: Copywriting, Images, Sketch, Wisdom
  28. Eight Sleep Product Comparison Page Posted in: Before and After, Pricing, Product Descriptions, Sales Pages
  29. Ad Professor Agency Homepage Posted in: Home Pages, Landing Pages, Sales Pages
  30. DesignScientist Agency Homepage Posted in: Home Pages, Landing Pages, Sales Pages
  31. Building New Products Pyramid Posted in: Data, Images
  32. Qualities to sell a company for a very high multiple Posted in: Money, Wisdom
  33. Crappy Plunge Ad Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Images
  34. How much time you spend with __________ vs age (chart) Posted in: Data, Images
  35. AIDA Formula low effort -> high impact Posted in: Formulas, swipes email, Tweets, Wisdom
  36. Really intriguing billboard Posted in: Advertorials, Billboards, Outdoor Advertising
  37. U.S. Interstates visual Posted in: Data, Images, swipes email, Wisdom
  38. 2023 US age to net worth comparison. Posted in: Data, Images, swipes email
  39. Free Advice Ad for The Hiten Show Posted in: Ads
  40. Speedy Wash Pricing Posted in: Ads, Outdoor Advertising
  41. Retention.com’s Home Page Posted in: Home Pages, SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  42. Retention.com’s Problem Explainer Posted in: Copywriting, Landing Pages, SaaS Pages
  43. Q2 is near Posted in: Advice, Images, Motivation
  44. Total Addressable Market Posted in: Advice, Data, Images
  45. The AIDA Slippery Slope Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Formulas, Images
  46. Top TV vs. Seinfeld Posted in: Data, Interesting, swipes email
  47. “The Slippery Slope” and “The AIDA Formula” Posted in: Formulas, swipes email
  48. ”Food is a gift we give ourselves 3 times a day.” Posted in: Motivation, Quotes
  49. Why learn calculus? Posted in: Advice, Funny and Weird, Motivation
  50. Local business A-Frame marketing Posted in: Outdoor Advertising, Print Ads, Restaurant Signs, swipes email
  51. Crossed 100,000 Subscribers YouTube Plaque Posted in: Images, Picture, swipes email, Videos
  52. Motion beats meditation Posted in: Advice, Motivation
  53. Gary Halbert the Millionaire Posted in: Direct Mail, Print Ads
  54. Earl Nightingale Motivation Posted in: Motivation, Quotes
  55. Confidence Posted in: Motivation, Quotes
  56. Perfection Posted in: Motivation, Quotes
  57. Jeff Bezos Attention Span Posted in: Motivation, Quotes
  58. Choose a problem, not a product. Posted in: Advice, Motivation, Quotes
  59. 2,000 Cold Calls Posted in: Motivation, Quotes
  60. Figma to Production Posted in: Funny and Weird, Images
  61. “The Most” of every United State Posted in: Data, Images, Interesting
  62. Pricing Psychology Tips Posted in: Copywriting, Images, Pricing
  63. Michael Cera + CeraVe Advertising Campaign Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Images, Print Ads
  64. Book Split Test: Rob Roseman’s WTF Divorce Journal Posted in: Before and After, Interesting, Outdoor Advertising, swipes email
  65. Book Split Testing: Noah Kagan’s Million Dollar Weekend Posted in: Before and After, Books, Essay, Outdoor Advertising, swipes email
  66. Genius Litter Comparison Chart Posted in: Data, Images, Pricing
  67. Zoom Etiquette Chart Posted in: Data, Images
  68. YouTube is the widest used social platform Posted in: Data, Interesting
  69. Noah Kagan’s Million Dollar Weekend Book Cover Split Test Posted in: Images, Interesting, Outdoor Advertising
  70. Copywriting Course Landing Page Split Test Posted in: Landing Pages, Signup Forms
  71. Million Dollar Weekend. Posted in: Splurge, swipes email, Videos
  72. Shark Tank: trying to sell “Genius Litter” Posted in: Interesting, swipes email
  73. No caffeine for the next two weeks. Posted in: Essay, swipes email
  74. Commercial Airline Cruising Speed (1930-2020) Posted in: Data, Images, Interesting
  75. Hidden pricing structure for AltMBA Posted in: Pricing
  76. 60,000 more design agencies listed in last 4 years Posted in: Data
  77. 1928 San Bernardino, California locomotive factory Posted in: Images
  78. US Mountain Data Map Posted in: Data, Images, Interesting
  79. King of the Hill Visual Style Guide: Posted in: Formulas, Images
  80. Build lots of things, only one needs to hit Posted in: Advice, Data
  81. Car Detailing Flyer Hangar Posted in: Ads, Flyers, Outdoor Advertising, Print Ads
  82. Get Dang Billboard Posted in: Billboards, Images, Outdoor Advertising
  83. One image, the bartending skill encapsulated. Posted in: Data, Images
  84. Art + Driveway Sign Posted in: Images, Outdoor Advertising
  85. Copywriting in real life for cat poster Posted in: Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Outdoor Advertising
  86. This is how raising the price of a product can help you. Posted in: Advice, Money, Pricing, Videos
  87. Things that worked well for me in 2023: Posted in: Advice, Notes
  88. How content creators could get paid for their work. Posted in: Essay, swipes email
  89. Pivoting requires losing customers Posted in: Advice, Data, Images, Quotes
  90. My best productivity advice for 2024: Posted in: Advice, Videos
  91. YouTube: Quality and Uniqueness will triumph over Quantity and Speed. Posted in: Advice, Videos
  92. Noah Kagan’s Yearly Goal Chart Posted in: Advice, Data, Motivation
  93. Caffeine Spectrum Data Posted in: Advice, Data, Images
  94. Guard your brain when writing. Posted in: Advice, Images, Motivation
  95. The “Normal Distribution” shows up in almost every area of life. Posted in: Advice, Data
  96. Flyer advertising in the wild Posted in: Ads, Flyers, Outdoor Advertising, Print Ads
  97. Let’s re-do this classic 1950’s David Ogilvy ad for Schweppes Tonic Water. Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Print Ads
  98. The world’s top Podcasts in 2023 Posted in: Data, Images
  99. Which of these Facebook ads will do better? Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Copywriting, Social Media, swipes email
  100. Life After Death Warning Sign Posted in: Headlines, Images, Outdoor Advertising
  101. The 4% Rule Posted in: Advice, Data, Images, Motivation
  102. Newsletters are just blogs. Posted in: Funny and Weird, Interesting, Wisdom
  103. Social Proof Before And After Posted in: Advice, Before and After, Copywriting
  104. Arrow Mockup Pool Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Images, Instagram
  105. More experiments in 2024. Posted in: Motivation
  106. Planning out UI/UX with pen & paper Posted in: Images, Sketch
  107. World’s Toughest Truck Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  108. Injured? Good! Posted in: Billboards, Funny and Weird, Headlines, Outdoor Advertising
  109. AppSumo Black Friday Retro-Advertising Posted in: Funny and Weird, Packaging
  110. Hilarious and unique marketing agency landing page Posted in: Copywriting, Funny and Weird, Home Pages, Images, Sales Pages
  111. Awesome agency messaging graphic Posted in: Copywriting, Home Pages, Images, Sales Pages
  112. Change the paint, change the room Posted in: Advice, Images
  113. Headed to a billion dollars by sending emails, making Creator Flywheels, Nathan Barry of ConvertKit Posted in: Advice, Videos
  114. wework wecrashed timeline Posted in: Data, Headlines
  115. The Sphere in Las Vegas Posted in: Outdoor Advertising, Picture, swipes email
  116. Guy walks around with QR code on hoodie Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Outdoor Advertising
  117. How cash in bank affects lifestyle Posted in: Advice, Data, Money
  118. AirBnB revenue went up after painting house black Posted in: Advice, Before and After, Funny and Weird, Outdoor Advertising
  119. The Pareto Principle in action Posted in: Advice, Data, Images
  120. Las Vegas Sphere QR Code Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Outdoor Advertising
  121. Industries die and become niche Posted in: Advice, Money
  122. Speak French, Visit France. Speak English, Visit the World. Posted in: Ads, Advice, Billboards, Images, Outdoor Advertising
  123. ConvertKit awesome home page graphic Posted in: Home Pages, Images, Landing Pages, SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  124. Show, Don’t Tell. But with Sugar. Posted in: Advice, Data, Images
  125. The top book I’ve ever recommended Posted in: Advice, Books
  126. How the name “Hampton” came about Posted in: Advice, Videos
  127. FAT-FIRE Posted in: Advice, Money, Motivation
  128. Internet Users Over Time Posted in: Data, Images, Money, Motivation
  129. Boring industry Excel before/after Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Data
  130. Rubiks Cube Formula Posted in: Data, Funny and Weird, Images
  131. Conference table flyers Posted in: Event Marketing, Flyers, Funny and Weird, One pagers, Outdoor Advertising
  132. “Dall-E 3” image generator Posted in: Essay, swipes email
  133. Getting the most out of a Guest Bedroom Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  134. Where the ultra-rich spend their holidays Posted in: Data, Images
  135. Before & After photos are awesome Posted in: Before and After, Images
  136. ChatGPT voice feature Posted in: Advice, Interesting
  137. I put up a billboard Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Outdoor Advertising
  138. Best party crashing advice Posted in: Advice, Funny and Weird, Motivation
  139. Antagonizing College Board Competitor Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Print Ads
  140. “Don’t Replace. Refinish” print ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Print Ads
  141. Lawyer evergreen print advertising Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  142. Hot shingles billboard Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Outdoor Advertising
  143. Copywriting industry size by keyword Posted in: Data, Images
  144. Canva product announcement Posted in: Ads, Event Marketing, Landing Pages
  145. Neural network structures chart Posted in: Data, Images
  146. Luxury Bag Pyramid Posted in: Data, Images
  147. PhotoAI.com product comparison image Posted in: AI, Before and After, Images, Testimonial Examples
  148. CEO of NetFlix naming strategy Posted in: Advice, Images, Motivation
  149. Different types of humor breakdown Posted in: Data, Images
  150. Write for humans, not algorithms. Posted in: Advice, Motivation, Quotes, Tweets
  151. What people will pay for. Posted in: Advice, Motivation, Quotes, Tweets
  152. The 4% Rule Posted in: Advice, Money
  153. 6 “relationship filters” for finding a partner Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  154. R180 Smart Cooker Toaster Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  155. You can have a job, a career, or a calling Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  156. Apple’s employee onboarding message Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Headlines, Motivation
  157. 1976 Parker Pen Mechanical Pencil Ad Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  158. Common birth dates easy-to-read chart Posted in: Data, Images
  159. Email list cleaning Posted in: Advice, swipes email, Wisdom
  160. Awesome copy announcing “Once” Posted in: Copywriting, Headlines, Home Pages, SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  161. Financial images and charts Posted in: Data, Images, Money
  162. Most regretted college majors chart Posted in: Advice, Data, Images, Money, Wisdom
  163. Cool graphic categorizing all the ways to make freelance money Posted in: Data, Images, Money
  164. Discord Vs. Slack Posted in: Data
  165. Cool graph shows time to launch a product, get a customer, and product market fit Posted in: Data, Images, Money, Motivation
  166. 1970’s CBC News Election Broadcast Setup Posted in: Images, Interesting, Picture
  167. Email audit consulting sales page Posted in: SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  168. MarketingProfs Event Sales Page Posted in: Event Marketing, Sales Pages
  169. Duluth Trading Company Funny Jeans Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Emails, Funny and Weird, Headlines, Images
  170. Shoe profits bar chart Posted in: Data, Images, Money, Pricing
  171. Great word-of-mouth recommendation flyer Posted in: Ads, Flyers
  172. Consolidation of the soft drinks industry Posted in: Data, Images
  173. “Learning Pyramid” chart Posted in: Advice, Data, Images, Wisdom
  174. 1973 Ford Pickup Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  175. Cool “social proof” style Good Year ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads, Social Proof
  176. Awesome book promo stick figure Posted in: Ads, Books, Funny and Weird, Images
  177. 1978 Orson Welles Cadillac Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Funny and Weird, Headlines, Print Ads
  178. Using bad testimonials to show the good Posted in: Images, Social Media
  179. Do a ChatGPT SWOT Analysis on your company Posted in: AI
  180. Have a better weekend with less screen time Posted in: Advice, Motivation
  181. Clever Coffee Graphic Off/On Posted in: Funny and Weird, Images
  182. What you planned -vs- What really Happened Posted in: Advice, Data, Funny and Weird, Motivation, Wisdom
  183. Pratt & Whitney defense contract print ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  184. Snickers Iced Coffee Can Posted in: Images, Packaging
  185. Who is your target audience? Posted in: Formulas, Videos
  186. Different Call To Action Examples: Posted in: Copywriting, Headlines, Images
  187. Reforge courses landing page: Posted in: SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  188. Reforge membership landing page: Posted in: Home Pages, SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  189. BA Can’t Get It Up Stunt Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Print Ads, Social Media
  190. Dan Go Focus On Good Habits Posted in: Advice, Tweets, Wisdom
  191. Pricing comparison of a Tesla to a Toyota Corolla, Camry, or BMW Posted in: Data, Images, Pricing
  192. How much AI was mentioned in recent earnings calls Posted in: AI, Data, Images
  193. Intake form for copywriting & marketing for review Posted in: Copywriting, Pop Ups, Signup Forms
  194. IBM typewriting ball element ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  195. Pricing structure, monthly vs yearly? Posted in: Money, Pricing
  196. Interesting data visualization of largest economies Posted in: Data, Images, Money
  197. Indian copywriting Posted in: Funny and Weird, Holiday Promos
  198. Before & After comparison of video vs AI video Posted in: AI, Before and After, Images
  199. Copywriting is transferring information Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Images
  200. Volkswagen Beetle “Ugly” Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  201. Simple graphic makes you appreciate AC Posted in: Data
  202. Cool style guide for 1920’s man Posted in: Data, Images
  203. CRO -vs- Copywriting -vs- Digital Marketing Posted in: Copywriting, Data
  204. How women and men see colors differently Posted in: Data, Images
  205. Simple ad for getting an Instagram username Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Instagram, Sales Pages
  206. Charisma and excitement Posted in: Advice, Motivation, Tweets
  207. 20 year price changes of goods & services in the United States Posted in: Data, Images, Money
  208. Donation subscription page Posted in: Pricing, Sales Pages
  209. Age of the founding fathers of the USA Posted in: Data, Images
  210. “What is inflation” cool visualization Posted in: Data, Images, Money
  211. Great Newsletter Signup Pop-Up Posted in: Emails, Images, Newsletter, Pop Ups
  212. Super easy product explainer video Posted in: Videos
  213. Apple’s Major Product Milestones to $3 Trillion Posted in: Data, Images, Money
  214. Running a company is like dating Posted in: Advice, Tweets
  215. Bitcoin to Fiat Transfer Graphic Posted in: Crypto, Data, Images
  216. Free beer for lif Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Pricing, Restaurant Signs
  217. Neil Gaiman quote Posted in: Copywriting, Quotes
  218. MasterClass “high touch” sales sequence Posted in: Home Pages, Pricing, Sales Pages, Signup Forms
  219. Synthesia home page Posted in: Copywriting, Headlines, Home Pages, SaaS Pages, Signup Forms, Videos
  220. Great “Ours vs Other’s” product image Posted in: Before and After, Images, Product Descriptions
  221. AI Wheel Chart Posted in: AI, Data, Images
  222. 200 calories in different foods visual data Posted in: Advice, Data, Images
  223. Shaky Digital Infrastructure Posted in: Images
  224. Hidden Rules Among Classes Posted in: Copywriting, Data, Formulas, Images, Lenses, One pagers
  225. Chevy Cruise Full Page Newspaper Ad Posted in: Ads, Data, Images, Print Ads
  226. Spreadsheet Unbundling Graphic Posted in: Data, Images
  227. It use to be…changing platforms Posted in: Essay, swipes email
  228. Texas famous Buc-ee’s Gas Station Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  229. Thai spiciness level visual chart Posted in: Data, Funny and Weird, Images, One pagers
  230. Hilarious “Food Poisoning” bar chart Posted in: Data, Images
  231. Craigslist unbundled Posted in: Data
  232. Take notes when you read Posted in: Advice, Images, Sketch, swipes email
  233. How VC’s analyze investments. Posted in: Data, Images, Interesting, swipes email
  234. Social Platform Axis Chart Posted in: Data, Funny and Weird, Images, swipes email, Wisdom
  235. Great alternative to “Now Hiring” sign Posted in: Copywriting, Headlines, Outdoor Advertising, swipes email, Wisdom
  236. The fish that ate the whale, America’s Banana King Posted in: Splurge, swipes email
  237. One Pager Examples Posted in: Essay, swipes email
  238. Great Us -VS- Them Instagram ad Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Copywriting, Data, Headlines, Images, Instagram
  239. Which hot dog would you choose Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, swipes email
  240. Reptile Expo Sign Placement Posted in: Outdoor Advertising, Picture, swipes email
  241. Thinking Errors One Pager Posted in: Data, Images, One pagers
  242. Much better sign than “wash hands” Posted in: Funny and Weird, Restaurant Signs, swipes email
  243. Breakdown of the writing industry Posted in: Copywriting
  244. Before/After shot for a product photography course Posted in: Before and After, Images
  245. 13 predictions from David Ogilvy from 1983 Posted in: Copywriting, Images, Notes, Quotes
  246. Burberry logo going from simple to complex design Posted in: Images, Packaging
  247. Use images for math formulas Posted in: Copywriting, Data, Images
  248. Simple visual + callout Twitter Ad Posted in: Ads, Images
  249. List of psychological triggers that make people buy Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Formulas
  250. I used my iPhone as a webcam Posted in: Picture
  251. Budweiser’s ad reaching out to new audiences Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  252. 1966 version of a lead magnet download Posted in: Ads, Direct Mail, Headlines, Images, Interesting, Print Ads, swipes email
  253. AIDA is still the best Posted in: Essay, Formulas, Instagram
  254. Pressure Washing Ad Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Headlines, Outdoor Advertising
  255. Cool way to show product possibilities Posted in: Ads, Data, Images, Print Ads
  256. Take small steps Posted in: Advice, Images, Motivation
  257. Pricing the process, not the output Posted in: Advice, Data, Images, Pricing
  258. The Wright Brothers Bicycle Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  259. Copywriting Formulas Posted in: Copywriting, Essay, Formulas, swipes email
  260. Budweiser “don’t add salt” Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  261. Cool Econoline Van Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  262. Much information, Very Small Space, Many Educational Posted in: Data, Images
  263. Grabbing coffee headline Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Print Ads
  264. Kool-Aid Benefits Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  265. Meme Ad from HeroPost Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Images, Instagram
  266. Selling supplements in 1909 Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Headlines, Print Ads
  267. Oura Ring readiness score Posted in: Interesting, swipes email
  268. How many ancestors does it take to make YOU? Posted in: Advice, Motivation
  269. Jaspr which makes high end air purifier Posted in: Splurge, swipes email
  270. The ULTIMATE way to spread your advertisement Posted in: Essay, swipes email
  271. If I was born 200 years ago. Posted in: swipes email, Wisdom
  272. Support your favorite business for free Posted in: Advice, Images, Instagram, Motivation, swipes email
  273. Lex Fridman on perspective Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  274. Bruce Lee Workout Posted in: Advice, Images, Motivation
  275. Clever OJ ad makes you look closer at it Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  276. Removing Stains Simple Guide Posted in: Images
  277. Apple’s Revenue Chart VS Tech Companies Posted in: Data, Images
  278. 1978 Ford Pinto Ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  279. Survive a Dog Attack Guide Posted in: Advice, Images
  280. King’s Coronation Guinness Beer Ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  281. United States Empire Posted in: Images, Tweets
  282. Periods when to make money chart Posted in: Advice, Data, Images, Money
  283. How your house is looked at meme Posted in: Funny and Weird, Images
  284. AI Tools Listicle Chart Posted in: Advice, AI, Data, Images
  285. McDonald’s Banana Puns Ad 1976 Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Print Ads
  286. Sunglasses Product Images + Features + Price Posted in: Ads, Images, Instagram
  287. Video editing burnout ad Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Instagram
  288. Funny neck pain image Posted in: Advice, Images
  289. Hilariously good lawyer billboard 😂 Posted in: Ads, Billboards, Funny and Weird, Images, Outdoor Advertising, Social Proof
  290. “Life having a trainer for work” Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Instagram
  291. Phil Knight’s 1980 Manifesto for Nike. Posted in: Advice, Motivation
  292. IRL Facebook Marketplace Posted in: Flyers, Outdoor Advertising
  293. Super simple private chef and meal prep flyer Posted in: Copywriting, Flyers, Outdoor Advertising
  294. Copywriting is the marketing that feeds your core business Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Images
  295. Funny sign at Austin Airport Posted in: Data, Funny and Weird, Images
  296. 1935 DKW Car Strength Demonstration Posted in: Ads, Data, Images
  297. Noise mitigation visualization Posted in: Data, Instagram
  298. Why pay for dating apps?? 😂 Posted in: Ads, Flyers, Funny and Weird, Images, Outdoor Advertising, Print Ads
  299. The Guinness Toucan Ad Series Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  300. 1966 Budweiser “Whiffability Test” Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  301. Tasty looking Whopper Ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  302. Ekster bifold wallet ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Images, Tweets
  303. Social Media Drugs Image Posted in: Images, Social Media
  304. Twitter Posting Cheat Sheet Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Notes, swipes email, Tweets
  305. “The Rolls Royce of Pans” Twitter Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Tweets
  306. I’m in St. Kitts Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  307. High end gaming mouse Twitter Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Images, Tweets
  308. Apple Logo Gets Simpler Posted in: Copywriting, Headlines, Images
  309. Easy tire tread depth visual Posted in: Data, Images
  310. “Lowest calorie dessert” Jello Ad Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  311. What can you make from a barrel of oil? Posted in: Data, Images, swipes email, Wisdom
  312. Clever “Father’s Day” McDonald’s Ad Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Images, Print Ads
  313. 8th grade exam from 1912, can you pass it? Posted in: Copywriting, Direct Mail, Images, Interesting, swipes email
  314. Rick Astley Outdoor One Pager Flyer Posted in: Copywriting, Flyers, One pagers, Outdoor Advertising
  315. What happens when messaging groups get to big? Posted in: Data, Essay, swipes email
  316. 2 Hour Cocktail Parties Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  317. Want your kid to become a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or business owner? Posted in: Data, Images, Interesting, Stats, swipes email
  318. Funny “Neighbor-Poll” outdoor signage Posted in: Funny and Weird, Outdoor Advertising, Print Ads
  319. Honest before/after shoe ad with time Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Instagram
  320. Espiritu huaraches mark-up photo Posted in: Ads, Images, Instagram, Sketch, swipes email
  321. Friskies Cat Food Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  322. 1967 “What does a banana have to be to be a Chiquita?” Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  323. GPT-4 Exam Performance vs Average Students Posted in: AI, Data, Images
  324. “Units of Luck” Posted in: Essay, swipes email
  325. 4 main ways to scale Posted in: Money, swipes email, Wisdom
  326. Cool “Us” vs “Them” graph showing a service Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Data, Instagram
  327. Nokia “Personal Assistant” Phone Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Images, Print Ads
  328. “Gets Better With Age” Twitter Wallet Ad Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Tweets
  329. Before & After Hair Loss Ad Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Images
  330. Built-In Crayon Sharpener Box Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  331. 1947 Welch’s Grape Juice Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  332. 1959 Crayola Print Ad with Great Headline Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  333. Consulting on a platform Posted in: Essay, swipes email
  334. To me, this is what ideal male body looks like: Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  335. Taglines and slogan advice Posted in: Advice, Interesting, swipes email
  336. Copywriting is not just for professional copywriters. Posted in: swipes email, Wisdom
  337. Vintage Domino Sugar comparison Ad Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Print Ads
  338. MarketHire to-the-point ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Instagram
  339. Avis “We’re only Number 2” Ad Campaign Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Print Ads
  340. Automated bidet controls Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  341. AIDA Formula Posted in: Sketch, swipes email
  342. his was the equivalent of 18th century Google Chrome Tabs 😂 Posted in: Interesting, swipes email
  343. ChatGPT Cheat Sheet One-Pager Posted in: Advice, AI, Images, One pagers, Sketch, swipes email
  344. Cool graphic showing “Cheaper is not better” Posted in: Before and After, Copywriting, swipes email
  345. Visually showing procrastination Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Images, Instagram
  346. Straightforward headlines are best when advertising Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Instagram, swipes email
  347. Memo on writing from David Ogilvy Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  348. Attention-grabbing Handwritten Window promotion by Andersen Posted in: Ads, Flyers, Images, One pagers, Outdoor Advertising, Print Ads
  349. Qualifying a prospect in just 3 words Posted in: Outdoor Advertising
  350. 9 more months to complete your goals Posted in: Sketch, swipes email
  351. Before and After Transformation Photos Posted in: Before and After, Essay, swipes email
  352. A fun & cheap joy in life is getting a carwash! Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  353. Daily to-do list Posted in: swipes email, Wisdom
  354. Grabbing retirement asset chart Posted in: Data, Images
  355. Show your work, not your tools Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Images
  356. New technologies emerge quick Posted in: Data, Images
  357. Eight Sleep mattress simple graphic Posted in: Images
  358. White paint on brick trend before/after Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Images, Instagram
  359. “Handwritten” estimate flyer grabs attention Posted in: Ads, Flyers, Outdoor Advertising, Print Ads, swipes email
  360. When you’re trying to hit the quota 😂 Posted in: Funny and Weird, Headlines
  361. Sender reputation’s value Posted in: Sketch, swipes email
  362. “I haven’t been broke since I was 17, and have always had several years of savings ready!!” Posted in: Essay, Money, swipes email
  363. The Male Mid-Life Crisis by Nancy Mayer: Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  364. Remember that people pay money for things that: Posted in: Money, swipes email, Wisdom
  365. Wal-Mart’s First Print Ad in 1962 Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  366. The 76° Apple Store Screen Tilt Posted in: Funny and Weird, Interesting, swipes email
  367. 17 equations that changed the world Posted in: Data, Images
  368. Super generalized business card Posted in: Copywriting, Funny and Weird, Interesting, swipes email
  369. Fun visual of most visited countries Posted in: Data, Images
  370. 1920 One Night Cough Syrup Posted in: Funny and Weird, Packaging
  371. 1961 Ford Econoline “Price Advantage” Ad Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Pricing, Print Ads
  372. Have you ever wondered how I blast out 50,000+ emails a week to this newsletter? Posted in: Splurge, swipes email
  373. Cloud of Influence Posted in: Essay, swipes email
  374. SXSW party and panel Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  375. 1912 mail order house plans Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  376. Call to action based pizza ad: Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  377. Sphere of Influence Posted in: Advice, Images, Social Proof
  378. Lots of medical tourism data in simple chart Posted in: Data, Images, swipes email
  379. 1951 “Instructional” Orange Juice Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Print Ads
  380. Simple chart shows how much data NetFlix and YouTube take up Posted in: Data, Images, Interesting, swipes email
  381. Testimonial + Pic for the ultimate social proof Posted in: Ads, Images, Instagram, Social Proof, Testimonial Examples
  382. Project Hail Mary Posted in: Books, Splurge
  383. Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  384. Business is tax advantages Posted in: swipes email, Wisdom
  385. Show Don’t Tell Posted in: Before and After, Copywriting, Images
  386. McDonald’s 1984 swag game was hard! Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  387. No need for copy, just image Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  388. Awesome stuffed pasta guide Posted in: Advice, Data, Images
  389. Simpsons ratings data easily displayed Posted in: Data, Images, Interesting, swipes email
  390. How much you learn from different methods Posted in: Advice, Images, Motivation, swipes email, Wisdom
  391. 1975 “Recession Copy” for Wrangler Jeans Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  392. Why do Le Labo candles smell so much superior to other candles? Posted in: Essay, swipes email
  393. I have been using this site called CaveDay.org Posted in: Splurge, swipes email
  394. Why write lots of copy, when you can show a picture? Posted in: Interesting, swipes email
  395. Fun 1950’s Life Savers Ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  396. Meaning of life according to a bunch of different philosophers Posted in: Advice, Images, swipes email, Wisdom
  397. This book is now worth $1,000+ each 🤯 Posted in: Books, Interesting, swipes email
  398. Things that seem weird to teach kids today Posted in: swipes email, Wisdom
  399. Swanson “3 Course” TV dinner Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  400. 1972 print ad with good image but bad everything else Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  401. Keep an avocado from turning brown Posted in: Advice, Images
  402. Beautiful Nippon Beer Ad from 1912 Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  403. You become what you think about Posted in: Advice, Motivation
  404. Great unsubscribe email from Drizly Posted in: Copywriting, Emails, Essay, Headlines, Images, swipes email
  405. “The Quiet Toy” Crayola Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads, swipes email, Wisdom
  406. Daily life check-in Posted in: Advertorials, Essay, swipes email
  407. Beautiful image of a ranch Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  408. Documentary recommendations Posted in: Interesting, swipes email
  409. Clever Barilla Pasta “Fireworks” Ad Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Images, Print Ads
  410. 12 Major Hair Types Simple Graphic Posted in: Advice, Data, Images
  411. “Lumpy Mail” example with bottle opener Posted in: Copywriting, Direct Mail, swipes email
  412. ChatGPT Pricing Plan Structure Posted in: AI, Pricing
  413. Simple Twitter Ad for a coffee company Posted in: Ads, Images, Tweets
  414. Mohs Hardness Scale helpful chart Posted in: Advice, Data, Images
  415. Surgical terms explained in quick graphic Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Images
  416. Awesome “This Morning” vs “Late Afternoon” Bathroom Remodeling Ad Posted in: Before and After, Images, Instagram, Social Proof, Testimonial Examples
  417. What you can (and can’t) control puzzle chart Posted in: Advice, Images, Motivation
  418. 1986 Honda Helix Ad – YUCK! Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  419. Bathroom remodeling before & after Instagram ad Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Images, Instagram, Social Proof
  420. 1977 Old Faithful and New Faithful Volkswagen Ad Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Copywriting, Images, Print Ads
  421. Monthly and Yearly Pricing Posted in: Essay, Money, swipes email
  422. Ugliest Scooter Ad Rewrites Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  423. Fun tools by Neal Fun Posted in: Interesting, swipes email
  424. Using a cast iron skillet rules chart Posted in: Ads, Advertorials, Images, Print Ads
  425. Great headline for Atari ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Print Ads
  426. Exploring the Functions: How Do Online Casinos Work? Posted in: All
  427. Awesome “Yuppie Handbook” book cover from 1984 Posted in: Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  428. Great “Yearly Upgrade Deal” from ConvertKit Posted in: Copywriting, Emails, Pricing
  429. Great 1956 Headline for Crest Toothpaste Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  430. Benjamin Franklin’s To-Do List Posted in: Images, Motivation
  431. Organizing your day Posted in: Sketch, swipes email
  432. Copywriting over the years Posted in: Essay, swipes email
  433. Co-working session Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  434. The Political Style of Your Brain Posted in: swipes email, Wisdom
  435. Handwritten door flyer Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Direct Mail, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  436. Volvo Turbo Wagon Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Images, Print Ads
  437. The Circle Of Influence Posted in: Advice, Essay, Formulas, swipes email
  438. Notes about billionaires Posted in: Essay, swipes email
  439. Private community benefits Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  440. Two ideas for Twitter Posted in: Interesting, swipes email, Tweets
  441. A common path I’ve seen people take online: Posted in: swipes email, Wisdom
  442. The Ivy Lee Method for productivity Posted in: Advice, Images, Motivation
  443. Online entrepreneur path Posted in: swipes email, Wisdom
  444. 1962 “Pet Monday” ad Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  445. Simple visual + text potato guide Posted in: Data, Flyers, Images
  446. Grabbing headline Pop-Tart Ad Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  447. Whole 30 Rules Posted in: Advice, Data, Motivation
  448. McDonald’s Salad Ad from 1987 Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  449. Cool graphic shows lifespan of different parts of a house Posted in: Data, Images
  450. Rouge grammar vigilante simplifies a sign Posted in: Copywriting, Flyers, Funny and Weird, Headlines, One pagers, Outdoor Advertising
  451. IQ score distribution chart Posted in: Data, Images
  452. Awesome 1980 Boom Box print ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  453. The basic Bic Pen has been the same since 1955 Posted in: Advice, Images, Motivation
  454. Opossum one pager flyer Posted in: Flyers, Headlines, Images, Outdoor Advertising, Print Ads
  455. My goal is to build a life I don’t need a vacation from Posted in: Advice, Images, Motivation, Quotes
  456. Funny “Emoji” way of showing market cycles Posted in: Data, Images
  457. Eye Catching Volkswagen Bus Ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  458. Funny “direct mail” for a bad parker Posted in: Copywriting, Direct Mail, Flyers, Funny and Weird, Outdoor Advertising
  459. 40th Birthday in Mexico City Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  460. Cholula hot sauce Posted in: Interesting, swipes email
  461. Currency “inflation” shown as a chart Posted in: Data
  462. William Arthur Ward quote about teachers Posted in: Quotes, swipes email, Wisdom
  463. Entrepreneurship 20 years ago Posted in: Essay, swipes email
  464. Neville’s 40th Birthday Posted in: All, Picture, swipes email
  465. 1956 Tubeless Tire Magazine Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  466. YouTube Shorts cold emails Posted in: Emails, Instagram, Social Media, swipes email
  467. Incentivising content creators Posted in: swipes email, Tweets, Wisdom
  468. Simple Twitter Content Calendar Posted in: Advice, Tweets
  469. Copywork exercise Posted in: Copywriting, Sketch, swipes email
  470. “Month-Long Experiment” ideas for 2023 Posted in: Essay, Motivation, swipes email
  471. Short video results Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  472. Feature, Benefit, Experience. Posted in: Formulas, Interesting, swipes email
  473. This Is Earl Nightingale Posted in: Books, Motivation, swipes email, Wisdom
  474. Chance of winning lottery compared to guessing a BitCoin private key Posted in: Crypto, Data, Funny and Weird
  475. Funny illustration about notifications and work Posted in: Images, Sketch, swipes email
  476. Every new technology get negative press Posted in: Essay, Funny and Weird, swipes email
  477. Project chainsaw Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  478. Human attention spans changes because of TikTok and Shorts Posted in: Interesting, Social Media, swipes email
  479. Main twitter uses Posted in: Data, Images, swipes email, Tweets, Wisdom
  480. Copywriting Course 404 Error Message Drawing and Pitch Posted in: Home Pages, Signup Forms
  481. Funny library sign Posted in: Copywriting, Funny and Weird, Images
  482. Creativity comes from absorbing many things Posted in: Advice, Images, Instagram, Motivation
  483. The Success Iceberg Graphic Posted in: Advice, Images, Motivation
  484. What you need to make $1,000,000 this year Posted in: Advice, Data, Sketch, swipes email
  485. What will humans do? Posted in: Essay, swipes email
  486. Healthy eating with gas grill Posted in: Picture, swipes email
  487. The keyword “Copywriting” from 2004 to now Posted in: Copywriting, Interesting, Stats, swipes email
  488. Having a printer in your home Posted in: Advice, swipes email, Wisdom
  489. Karbach Ranch Water Magazine Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  490. Text vs calling Posted in: Advice, Data, Images, Sketch, swipes email
  491. Emails and weekly newsletters Posted in: Emails, Essay, Formulas, Newsletter, swipes email
  492. Destroy distractions with Focus45 Posted in: Advice, Interesting, Motivation, swipes email
  493. Before & After photos Posted in: Before and After, Images, swipes email, Wisdom
  494. One notification can destroy your deep work, so protect your time Posted in: Advice, Images, Instagram, Motivation
  495. Building social media audience Before/After Instagram Ad Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Copywriting, Instagram
  496. Blog posts vs watching short form video Posted in: Images, Sketch, swipes email
  497. U.S. Department of Education Crowd-source Idea Posted in: Data, Essay, Formulas, swipes email, Tweets
  498. Christmas & New Year’s in Austin Posted in: Funny and Weird, Images, Picture, swipes email
  499. Neat illustration of machine data Posted in: Data, Images
  500. “The Most Beautiful Vehicle In The World” Dirty Range Rover Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Images, Print Ads
  501. Largest Hedge Funds in 2022 Chart Posted in: Data, Images
  502. Visualization of comparing yourself to others Posted in: Advice, Instagram, Motivation
  503. Simple email copywriting guide Posted in: Copywriting, Images, Instagram
  504. Funny Justine’s Peanut Butter Packaging Copy Posted in: Copywriting, Funny and Weird, Packaging
  505. What makes a good error message graphic Posted in: Copywriting, Tweets
  506. Training A.I. systems Posted in: Images, Interesting, swipes email
  507. Motivation, reward and punishment Posted in: Quotes, swipes email, Wisdom
  508. The current thing (trends) Posted in: Data, Essay, Images
  509. Venn Diagram of how to win the Instagram Algorithm Posted in: Data, Images, Instagram
  510. Interactive Walmart Photo Center 12 days of Christmas Deals Posted in: Holiday Promos, Images, Pop Ups, Pricing
  511. Anker Twitter Ad for Charging Cables Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Images, Tweets
  512. Image explaining the evolution of a banana through it’s life Posted in: Advice, Data
  513. How “negative” or “positive” different English words are perceived Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Data, Images
  514. Chubbies “Everywhere Pant” visual ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  515. Giving six reasons to own… Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  516. Beautiful tourism ad for Copenhagen Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  517. Stealing prevention sign seen on a gas station ice cooler Posted in: Copywriting, Outdoor Advertising, Print Ads, Restaurant Signs
  518. Ray Dalio 9 Work Principles Advice Posted in: Advice, Motivation
  519. “Ten Reasons NOT To Buy” reverse psychology Volkswagen ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Print Ads
  520. Instagram Pool Installation Ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Instagram, Testimonial Examples
  521. Who Americans spend their time with at different ages Posted in: Data, Images
  522. ATIDFA Copywriting Formula Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas
  523. Simple graphic showing how to match shoes and pants Posted in: Data, Images
  524. 7-Steps of a Compelling Story Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Formulas, Images
  525. Attention grabbing “mirror” headline Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Print Ads
  526. Awesome illustration on how Big Bird works Posted in: Images
  527. Setting a table illustration Posted in: Advice, Images
  528. “Online Dating” in 1951 😂 Posted in: Ads, Copywriting
  529. Cool piece of advice about handling negativity Posted in: Advice, Instagram
  530. Number-driven reason ad for mobile notification service Posted in: Ads, Data, Instagram, Pricing, Testimonial Examples
  531. Heart-tugging Gillette shaving ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  532. Simple subscription pricing example for newsletter Posted in: All, Pricing
  533. AMC Gremlin Ad from 1978 with “6 serious reasons to own” Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  534. Protein chart: Animal VS Plant Posted in: Data, Images
  535. Diagram of a drug abuser Posted in: All, Images, Print Ads
  536. Avoid “Toxic Positivity” Do & Don’t Chart Posted in: Advice, Formulas, Images, Instagram
  537. Clever Stihl Leafblower Ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  538. Pet to Human Years Calculator Posted in: Data, Formulas, Images
  539. Visualization of Earth’s population Posted in: Data, Images
  540. 1958 “Features & Benefits” Adding Machine Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Images, Print Ads
  541. Ford Escort “Social Proof” Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Print Ads, Testimonial Examples
  542. Product describes how it can dye your clothes a different color Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  543. Fun “Lighting Evolution” Visual Chart Posted in: Data, Images
  544. Velcro Ad Showing Results/Benefits of Product Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  545. Shocking Visual Demonstration of Lethal Dose Drugs Posted in: Data, Images
  546. McDonalds promotion using the “Desire to Collect” trigger Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  547. Visual demonstration of 400 calories of different foods Posted in: Advice, Data, Images, Stats
  548. “Handwritten” commercial flooring direct mail flyer Posted in: Copywriting, Direct Mail, Flyers
  549. Awesome bicycle part labelling graphic Posted in: Images
  550. Age Appropriate Chores List Posted in: Advice, Formulas, Images, Stats
  551. Hilarious “Hot & Spicy” Pringles Ad Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Images, Print Ads
  552. Physical writing proofreading markup symbols Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Images, Notes
  553. How To Survive A Bear Attack Graphic Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Headlines, Images
  554. Nuclear Explosion Size Data Posted in: Data, Images
  555. Clever “Battery Bar Chart” Posted in: Data, Images
  556. Great “zoomed out” view of literacy rates data Posted in: Data, Images
  557. Showing off the “call in” feature on a VCR Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  558. Cool Felix The Cat ad from 1959 Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  559. They’re not buying a product, they’re buying the transformation Posted in: Advice, Images
  560. Clever pop-up to capture competitors customers Posted in: Copywriting, Pop Ups, Scripts, Signup Forms
  561. HeyDay Simple Two-Tier Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  562. Email Marketing “Iceberg” Posted in: Copywriting, Emails, Images
  563. History of the Telephone Ad Posted in: Ads, Direct Mail, Flyers, Print Ads
  564. Funny Radiant Plumbing Van Posted in: Ads, Billboards, Funny and Weird, Outdoor Advertising
  565. Geological Time Scale Chart Posted in: Data, Images
  566. Twitter “DM” Call To Action Example Posted in: Copywriting, Event Marketing, Scripts, Social Media, Tweets
  567. $1 Trillion Dollar Asset Holding Company Website: Berkshire Hathway Posted in: Home Pages, Sales Pages
  568. YMCA Hiring Direct Mail Posted in: Ads, Direct Mail, Headlines
  569. They don’t want software, they want to accomplish a goal Posted in: Advice, Formulas, Quotes, Tweets
  570. Basic Auto Mechanical Knowledge Drawing Posted in: Images, Print Ads
  571. Hire A Professional Tweet Posted in: Advice, Tweets
  572. The age you peak at everything Posted in: Data, Images
  573. Good friends bring up hard conversations Posted in: Advice, Formulas, Motivation, Quotes
  574. Types of Intimacy Circle Chart Posted in: Data, Images, Instagram
  575. Lifespans of Famous People Chart Posted in: Data, Images
  576. Car Industry Consolidation Chart Posted in: Data, Images
  577. Good headline on a ready-to-eat cake ad Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Print Ads, Product Descriptions
  578. Type of Fragrances Posted in: Data, Images
  579. How Big Is Private Equity Chart Posted in: Data, Images
  580. Comfort Zone Circles Posted in: Formulas, Images, Instagram, Motivation
  581. HungryRoot Before/After Ad Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Images, Instagram, Testimonial Examples
  582. The Impact of Geopolitics and Global Tensions On Bitcoin Pricing Posted in: All
  583. Tik Tok Clips Agency Homepage Posted in: Headlines, Home Pages
  584. H.A.L.T. Acronym Posted in: Advice, Formulas, Images, Lenses, Motivation
  585. 1955 Jello Magazine Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  586. Dog Groomer Price Justification Chart Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Headlines, Images, Print Ads, Restaurant Signs, Stats
  587. Clixlo Price Comparison Ad Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Images, Instagram, Pricing
  588. Copywriting Monetization Methods Posted in: Copywriting, Images, Pricing
  589. Characteristics of Pseudoscience Chart Posted in: Advice, Data, Formulas, Images
  590. Coffee Ingredients Chart Posted in: Data, Images
  591. 1958 Fender Amps Ad: LISTEN! Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  592. Highest Grossing Movie Data Posted in: Data, Images
  593. Explaining a Cardinals Outfit Diagram Posted in: Images
  594. Cool Roman Field Force Diagram Posted in: All, Data, Images
  595. Protein Visualizations Posted in: Data, Images
  596. Differences Between Chocolate Chart Posted in: Data, Images
  597. 1972 Plymouth Fury “Beautiful” Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  598. “Knot So Fast” Tie Knots Posted in: All
  599. Re-working copy Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Images
  600. 1966 Ford Mustang “Youth” Ad Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Print Ads
  601. Visualization of the $100 trillion dollar world economy Posted in: Data, Images
  602. The point of copywriting Posted in: Copywriting
  603. Graphic showing what information you transmit to criminals Posted in: Data, Images
  604. Course “Roadmap” Example Posted in: Community, Images, Instagram
  605. Nomadic Matt Travel Journal Instagram Promo Image Posted in: Ads, Images, Instagram
  606. Top cooking show is a Mexican grandma and an iPhone Posted in: Data, Images
  607. Richest billionaire in each state chart Posted in: Data, Images, Stats
  608. David Todva Freelance Writer With Portfolio On Weebly Posted in: Portfolio
  609. This Old House basic yet effective newsletter signup Posted in: Signup Forms
  610. Funny “Crappy Marketing” strategy by Kapwing Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Instagram
  611. Social Proof Headline: “America’s Largest Selling Ale” Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Print Ads
  612. 30 Instagram Content Ideas Posted in: Images, Instagram
  613. How to plan your day Posted in: Advice, Images, Instagram
  614. Microaquire Headline Before/After Posted in: Advice, Before and After, Copywriting, Headlines, Signup Forms
  615. 1911 International Tourism Exhibition in Berlin Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  616. Not everything is a priority Posted in: Advice, Formulas, Images
  617. Reforge Car Analogy Image Posted in: Ads, Community, Copywriting, Images
  618. Text-length styled PE ratio chart Posted in: Copywriting, Data, Images, Stats, Tweets
  619. How to fix your Instagram growth problems Posted in: Advice, Instagram
  620. Great Twitter follow ask Posted in: Copywriting, Signup Forms, Social Proof, Tweets
  621. Build a startup like this… Posted in: Advice, Images, Motivation
  622. Show your product working for others Posted in: Advice, Social Proof, Testimonial Examples, Tweets
  623. Steve Wonder Atari Ad Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Print Ads
  624. “Creativity is the Enemy” Nike Headline Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Print Ads
  625. Hypefury low engagement support email Posted in: Emails
  626. Count to 12 on hands image Posted in: Images
  627. Amazon’s internal writing advice Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Images, Notes
  628. Words to use instead of “very” Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Formulas, Images
  629. Guinness Happy Turtle Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  630. Yamaha “Pass the Gas Pump” Headline Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Print Ads
  631. The Learning Pit Posted in: Advice, Formulas, Images, Motivation
  632. Increase the price for status symbol Posted in: Advice, Funny and Weird, Pricing
  633. Earth Rides: Like Uber but with Teslas Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Outdoor Advertising
  634. Optimize your Instagram profile mockup Posted in: Advice, Images, Instagram
  635. California avocados, a “sensuous” food Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  636. Human anatomy in form of subway map Posted in: Images
  637. Baseball Guide to Ball Park Franks Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  638. Full for 20 min -vs- Full for 2 hours Posted in: Copywriting, Images, Instagram
  639. Kraft ad gives helpful suggestions Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Print Ads
  640. Vitalis Vintage Hair Workout Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  641. Vintage Borden’s Milk Brand Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  642. Cold email with a ton of value Posted in: Emails
  643. American Motors Eagle 2-wheel or 4-wheel option ad Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Print Ads
  644. Pop up triggered on pricing page to promote free trial Posted in: Advice, Pop Ups, Tweets
  645. Homepage graphic easily explains product Posted in: Home Pages, Images
  646. “No other video game stacks up” Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Tweets
  647. 1960’s Budweiser Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  648. Pricing page with a special message that creates a sense of urgency Posted in: Pricing
  649. Past client highlight section of homepage is a great display of social proof Posted in: Social Proof
  650. Building Courses to Community Path Posted in: All, Images, Tweets
  651. Spyfu homepage excellent headline and call to action Posted in: Headlines, Home Pages, Social Proof
  652. Mcdonalds print ad says a lot with less Posted in: Print Ads
  653. Vintage Kodak camera Ad headline sparks curiosity Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  654. Online Casinos Exposed: Understanding Their Operation Posted in: Advice, All, Funny and Weird
  655. “How can just 1 calorie taste so good?” Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Headlines, Print Ads
  656. Cooking knife print sensationalized benefits Posted in: Ads
  657. 1962 Volkswagen Van “Be the first on your block” Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  658. Interactive pricing for Saas company Posted in: Pricing
  659. Before and after print ad for non profit Posted in: Ads, Advertorials, Before and After, Print Ads
  660. Banner ad with testimonial + social proof Posted in: Ads, Testimonial Examples
  661. Ghost.io publishes profit calculator to show creators earning potential Posted in: Pricing
  662. Vintage camera ad mocks the competition Posted in: Ads, Advertorials, Print Ads
  663. Give people the end result they want Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Images
  664. Mighty Mules Lawn Care Door Hanger and Note Posted in: Flyers
  665. Interactive pricing page uses GIF to preview each feature Posted in: Pricing, Product Descriptions
  666. Descript 4-Tiered Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  667. Pricing page for email marketing company with cool CTA Posted in: Pricing
  668. Bus stop ad for grocery delivery company with clever headline Posted in: Billboards
  669. 1959 Alka-Seltzer Hand Drawn Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  670. Colorful Bar Charts: Posted in: Data, Images
  671. 1980’s Calling All Carts! Flyer Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  672. Clever beer print ad Posted in: Print Ads
  673. Sign up form that keeps selling Posted in: Signup Forms
  674. Credit monitor homepage filled with social proof Posted in: Home Pages, Social Proof
  675. e-com product page with cool pricing section Posted in: Pricing, Product Descriptions
  676. Beautiful simple homepage for Neuru Gum Posted in: Home Pages
  677. Vintage camera lens ad simple headline Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  678. Above the fold text only homepage Posted in: Headlines, Home Pages
  679. Saas pricing page in two steps Posted in: Pricing
  680. All text homepage has all the elements for conversion Posted in: Home Pages
  681. Vintage camera ad has a bold headline Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  682. Homepage opens with big discount Posted in: Home Pages, Social Proof
  683. Video homepage for interactive photography game social proof Posted in: Home Pages, Social Proof
  684. Instagram ad sells shirts in a clever way Posted in: Ads, Instagram
  685. 1945 Old Gold “Irritated” Ad Posted in: All
  686. Saas pricing page with sales elements Posted in: Pricing
  687. Simple Homepage for ExpressVPN Posted in: Home Pages, Social Proof
  688. Vintage minolta camera ad sells appearance rather than performance Posted in: Print Ads
  689. Social networking site homepage has cool graphics Posted in: Home Pages
  690. Vintage Nike ad speaks to durability Posted in: Print Ads
  691. Vintage camera ad explains there high prices Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  692. Vintage Kodak film ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  693. Descriptive Saas pricing page Posted in: Pricing
  694. Homepage for educational E-mail course site Posted in: Home Pages
  695. Simple pricing page Posted in: Pricing
  696. Well researched vintage camera ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  697. About page for app company leads with a mission statement and company culture Posted in: About Pages, Social Proof
  698. Homepage has great graphics and simple but effective copy Posted in: Home Pages
  699. Great illustration and copy on homepage Posted in: Home Pages
  700. Vintage sneaker ad describes the fit Posted in: Print Ads
  701. Unique homepage design for non-profit Posted in: Funny and Weird, Home Pages
  702. Landing for shopper rewards app has everything but a testimonial Posted in: Landing Pages
  703. Saas company has an entire page of case studies Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  704. Brilliant vintage sneaker ad Posted in: Print Ads
  705. IBM Selectric Typewriter Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  706. Interactive Saas pricing calc for email marketing Posted in: Pricing
  707. Vintage camera ad sells the experience of using the product Posted in: Print Ads
  708. Vintage jeans ad give benefits through images Posted in: Advertorials, Funny and Weird, Print Ads
  709. Vintage car ad is a big testimonial Posted in: Advertorials, Print Ads
  710. Whiskey Tribe Community Sales Page Posted in: Community, Copywriting, Sales Pages
  711. Kodak 4-Shot Flashcube Ad 1967 Posted in: Ads, Print Ads, Product Descriptions
  712. Logic-minded Gatorade Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Print Ads
  713. Vintage camera ad displays social proof Posted in: Advertorials, Print Ads
  714. Zelf Homepage social proof with cash offer CTA Posted in: Crypto, Home Pages
  715. Interactive pricing graphic for writing app Posted in: Pricing
  716. Cool homepage graphic gives sneak peek into product Posted in: Home Pages
  717. Homepage for payment app keeps it simple Posted in: Home Pages
  718. Genius vintage camera ad Posted in: Ads, Advertorials
  719. Above the fold homepage has all the elements for conversion Posted in: Home Pages
  720. J.C. Penny 1981 “Fox” Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  721. Rolls Royce Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  722. Pricing for unbounce landing page builder Posted in: Pricing
  723. Clear headline and great above the fold graphics Posted in: Landing Pages
  724. Vintage camera ad Posted in: Advertorials
  725. Dedicated page of use cases for wp theme builder Posted in: Social Proof
  726. IG ad disguised as user generated meme post Posted in: All
  727. Before and after IG ad for financial newsletter Posted in: Ads, Instagram
  728. IG ad for newsletter shows value Posted in: Ads, Instagram
  729. Webpage dedicated to testimonials Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  730. Homepage that shows stats as social proof Posted in: Home Pages
  731. Range Rover ad with a clever price call out headline Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  732. Twitter ad for hooper disguised as a tweet Posted in: Ads
  733. Interactive pricing chart for Saas with CTA Posted in: Pricing
  734. Vintage Omega Ad displays social proof Posted in: Print Ads
  735. Make ads like Ogilvy – Cheat Sheet Posted in: Formulas
  736. Creatively designed sales page for art prints Posted in: Sales Pages
  737. Glass Guru Car Advertising Headline Posted in: Ads, All, Copywriting, Headlines
  738. Gearlight Amazon Return Warranty Card Posted in: Direct Mail
  739. Vintage Porsche ad pokes fun of the competition Posted in: Print Ads
  740. Vintage Range Rover ad with amazing headline Posted in: Print Ads
  741. Pop up contest to win different different discounts Posted in: Pop Ups
  742. We don’t talk enough about the power of a smiling face Posted in: Home Pages
  743. Refer a friend program for Eufy home products Posted in: Landing Pages
  744. Great homepage with illustrated before and after image Posted in: Before and After, Home Pages
  745. Landing page quiz does a great job of selling participation Posted in: Landing Pages
  746. Unique sales page for art prints Posted in: Sales Pages
  747. Inviting home page for shoe store with above the fold video Posted in: Home Pages
  748. Interactive Homepage copy for features benefits Posted in: Home Pages
  749. Cool design for contest homepage that grabs attention Posted in: Home Pages
  750. Above the fold copy with clear headline Posted in: All
  751. Blog popup copy with a lot of personality Posted in: Pop Ups
  752. Bob Felder Baseball Glove Advertisement Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Images, Print Ads
  753. Homepage Headline that changes text Posted in: Headlines, Home Pages
  754. Homepage CTA is a “Yes or No” question Posted in: Home Pages
  755. The Day My Kid Went PUNK Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  756. Request demo page loaded with social proof + testimonial Posted in: All
  757. Saas company has an entire page of case studies to use as testimonials + social proof Posted in: Social Proof, Testimonial Examples
  758. 1976 “Dynamite Stereo” Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  759. 70 content ideas for social media from SocialMediaToday Posted in: Social Media
  760. Gary Halbert Coat of Arms Letter Real Product Picture Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  761. 1973 Brylcreem Hair Length Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  762. Clear & simple headline sets proper expectations for Email newsletter Posted in: Home Pages
  763. Vintage IBM ad asks and answers questions Posted in: All
  764. Vintage car ad speaks directly to young men Posted in: Print Ads
  765. newsletter sponsor marketplace displays social proof with client list Posted in: Home Pages, Social Proof
  766. Homepage for music industry link page Posted in: Home Pages
  767. Interactive pricing calculator for cyber security company Posted in: Pricing
  768. Toaster Heat Setting Visual Chart Posted in: All
  769. Kamen Rider Movie Poster Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  770. Chat pop up on SaaS company offers promo code Posted in: Pop Ups
  771. Simple banner ad with strong offer CTA Posted in: Ads, Headlines
  772. Vintage Range Rover ad shows how they are different Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  773. Sales page with interactive CTA Posted in: Sales Pages, Signup Forms
  774. This sign up form has great sales page elements Posted in: Landing Pages, Signup Forms
  775. Clever Ikea print ad for comforter Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  776. Good twitter Ad for Truebill Posted in: Ads
  777. Sale page for affiliate program that sells Posted in: Sales Pages
  778. Vintage sneaker ad with unique selling point Posted in: Advertorials, Print Ads
  779. memorable vintage FedEx print ad Posted in: Advertorials, Print Ads
  780. Modern print ad takes advantage pop culture norms Posted in: Print Ads
  781. GIF of product that shows off main features of shorts Posted in: Product Descriptions
  782. Vintage BMW clever print ad Posted in: Advertorials
  783. Nest sales email has a good set up headline Posted in: All
  784. Keynote zoom event landing page sparks urgency with countdown ticker Posted in: Event Marketing, Landing Pages
  785. Introducing Pop Tarts Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  786. Rotating product GIF is a great way to display your goods Posted in: Product Descriptions
  787. Cool animated product description for clothing company Posted in: Product Descriptions, Videos
  788. Vintage Range Rover ad Posted in: Ads, Advertorials
  789. Vintage Land Rover ad speaks on innovation Posted in: Ads, Advertorials
  790. Well researched & relatable beer print ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  791. SaaS interactive product description Posted in: Product Descriptions
  792. Miro “Just Show It” GIF Posted in: Ads, Images
  793. SaaS homepage feature & benefits section cleverly adds in customer testimonials Posted in: Product Descriptions, Testimonial Examples
  794. SaaS displays offer on account signup page Posted in: Signup Forms
  795. 1953 Revere Ware Cooking Tools Ad Posted in: All
  796. AirSign Vacuum Ad Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images
  797. John Carlton’s headline paints a picture in the readers head Posted in: Copywriting, Direct Mail, Headlines
  798. Email with countdown offer sparks sense of urgency Posted in: Emails
  799. Sales email for battery that shows of use cases Posted in: Emails
  800. Dedicated customer success story page with unique CTAs Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  801. 1997 LA Times Beeper Code Article Posted in: Funny and Weird
  802. Gary Provost on writing w/ short sentences. Posted in: All
  803. Bose black friday email has the perfect formula to make sales Posted in: Emails
  804. 1977 Honeywell “Electronic Mail” Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  805. 1983 Bacardi Rum Bottlecap Mixer Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  806. Email marketing service pricing slider Posted in: Pricing
  807. Twitter Ad for fitness app using animation to show value Posted in: Ads
  808. Campaign Monitor Homepage with customer success story Posted in: Home Pages
  809. Mixpanel has an entire page dedicated to testimonials Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  810. Black friday email for watch brand gives sense of urgency Posted in: Emails
  811. Pricing for SAAS urges annual pricing Posted in: Pricing
  812. Career page on SaaS site using video testimonials of employees Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  813. Sales page for affiliate program sparks ideas for creators Posted in: Sales Pages
  814. Awesome homepage headline and matching visuals for audio/video editor Posted in: Headlines, Videos
  815. Homepage for consultant with clear copy Posted in: Home Pages
  816. About page with great use of stats for social proof Posted in: About Pages, Social Proof
  817. Request sales call form with added social proof Posted in: Signup Forms
  818. Writing feature & benefits formula Posted in: Formulas
  819. Account upgrade email transforms into sponsorship offer Posted in: Copywriting, Emails
  820. Hand drawn explanation of web dashboard Posted in: Product Descriptions
  821. Edit any website javascript trick for mockups Posted in: Copywriting, Images
  822. Wealthfront visually displays the diverse investment options they offer Posted in: Home Pages, Product Descriptions
  823. Sony professional camera old school style feature / benefits product descriptions Posted in: Product Descriptions
  824. Gamified popup for e-com store Posted in: Pop Ups
  825. Music fest colorful pricing page with colorful copy for each tier Posted in: Pricing
  826. Stephen King Quote Posted in: Copywriting, Quotes
  827. SAAS company shows pricing with a interactive sliding scale Posted in: Pricing
  828. Business coach with unique pricing structure Posted in: Pricing
  829. SAAS company uses animated banner to display testimonials Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  830. Animated homepage for SAAS company Posted in: Home Pages
  831. Vintage Dodge with memorable headline Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird
  832. Eufy security camera email thank you / sales page Posted in: Emails, Sales Pages, Social Proof
  833. Upsell sales page for water company Posted in: Sales Pages
  834. Vintage sneaker ad describes the shoe perfectly Posted in: Print Ads
  835. Wealthfront testimonial and social proof mash up Posted in: Social Proof, Testimonial Examples
  836. App homepage displays demo in every environment there software is available Posted in: Home Pages, Product Descriptions
  837. Great sales copy and images for Sony DSLR Amazon product page Posted in: Product Descriptions, Sales Pages
  838. Homepage displays product demo and a try before you buy feature Posted in: Home Pages
  839. Summarize.com beta pricing chart Posted in: Pricing
  840. Navigating the Maze: Gaming Licenses and Regulations in Switzerland and French-speaking Europe Posted in: Ads
  841. Designjoy pricing chart lets you order online or book a call Posted in: Pricing
  842. About page lacks key elements Posted in: About Pages
  843. Design agency displays there work Posted in: Portfolio, Product Descriptions
  844. Designjoy cleverly presents feature benefits Posted in: Home Pages
  845. Longbranch Burbon Billboard Posted in: Ads, Billboards
  846. Homepage for coffee brand uses video to show off product Posted in: Home Pages
  847. Sunglasses Instagram ad Posted in: Ads, Instagram
  848. A coffee alternative compares their product to traditional coffee to convert sales Posted in: Copywriting
  849. Sales page for water brand with consistent CTAs Posted in: Sales Pages
  850. Skin care brand pop up advertises special sale Posted in: Pop Ups
  851. Reddit ad for skin care product uses before and after photos Posted in: Ads, Before and After
  852. Vintage car ad highlights all of the features and benefits of owning a Citroen Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  853. Athletic Greens dedicated testimonial & review page Posted in: Social Proof, Testimonial Examples
  854. Homepage for newsletter host uses a GIF to highlight product features Posted in: Home Pages
  855. About page with many displays of social proof in form of company stats Posted in: About Pages, Social Proof
  856. Non profit about page is really a sales page Posted in: About Pages, Sales Pages
  857. Pricing for non profit donations / contest entries Posted in: Pricing
  858. Beehiiv displays tweet testimonials on homepage Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  859. Product showcase and CTA for newsletter host Posted in: Product Descriptions
  860. colorful product page for THC gummies Posted in: Pricing, Sales Pages
  861. Homepage for THC gummies with two CTAs above the fold Posted in: Home Pages
  862. Entire page dedicated to social proof / Testimonials Posted in: Social Proof, Testimonial Examples
  863. Why Bitfinex Partnering with OrionX Could Be a Game-Changer for Latin America Posted in: Crypto
  864. 1974 Triumph Spitfire Sports Car Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  865. Image showing dial-up modem “handshake” noise explanation Posted in: Images
  866. Find Malik A Wife Billboard 😂 Posted in: Ads, Billboards, Funny and Weird
  867. Can you afford to own a Citroen (1960) Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  868. Brand Names Foundation “Competition” Ad Posted in: Ads, All, Print Ads
  869. Hughes ComSat Satellite Broadcast Ad 1965 Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  870. Poison Gas Sniff Kit Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  871. Newsletter growth profit calculator Posted in: Pricing
  872. Social proof copy on newsletter host beehiiv website Posted in: Social Proof
  873. Great homepage images that explain the service Posted in: Home Pages, Landing Pages, Product Descriptions
  874. Draftkings sports betting homepage offers up to $500 to new subs Posted in: Home Pages
  875. Book a call landing page for consultant with great copy Posted in: Home Pages, Landing Pages, Sales Pages
  876. Artist hand written product description for bag Posted in: Images, Product Descriptions
  877. Artist e-com store forces sign up + quiz in order to make a purchase Posted in: Signup Forms
  878. Raise discounted gift card marketplace home page Posted in: Home Pages
  879. Referral program shows great social proof Posted in: Copywriting, Social Proof, Testimonial Examples
  880. Vintage Nissan Dotson print ad Posted in: Advertorials, Print Ads
  881. Novelty toothpaste vintage ad Posted in: Advertorials, Print Ads
  882. Great copywriting for Footaction rewards program sales page Posted in: Sales Pages
  883. Domino’s pizza rewards program landing page Posted in: Landing Pages
  884. Vintage Spam ad Posted in: Ads, Advertorials
  885. Social proof could be improved for this agency Posted in: Social Proof, Testimonial Examples
  886. Refer a friend program lets users earn $5 credits Posted in: Signup Forms
  887. This copy speaks to a specific customer Posted in: Copywriting
  888. Great headline and limited options for marketplace user Posted in: Headlines, Sales Pages, Social Proof, Testimonial Examples
  889. Homepage for used gift card marketplace shows off features Posted in: Home Pages
  890. Landing page image that shows feature benefits Posted in: Landing Pages
  891. Reddit ad for art investment app calls out the market they are after Posted in: Ads, Social Media
  892. Great product photos that show the solution to common pain points Posted in: Images, Product Descriptions
  893. Long form sales page for book Posted in: Sales Pages
  894. Pop up lets visitors spin the wheel for a deal Posted in: All
  895. Social media scheduler does a good job using graphics to describe service Posted in: Product Descriptions, SaaS Pages
  896. About page for saas – social media scheduler Posted in: About Pages, SaaS Pages
  897. Good keynote speaker about page Posted in: About Pages, Landing Pages
  898. Gamified pop up for sports apparel e-com store Posted in: All, Pop Ups
  899. Pop up for food brand offers a chance to win free prize Posted in: Pop Ups
  900. Colorful homepage showing off product with a great headline Posted in: All
  901. Magic spoon cereal pricing and clever copy Posted in: All
  902. Great product description & graphics by Magic Spoon Posted in: Images
  903. Money-back guarantee from old school Maytag print ad Posted in: Print Ads
  904. Social proof in this old school Goodyear headline Posted in: Print Ads
  905. Old School car ad uses scarcity to sell Posted in: Headlines, Print Ads
  906. Old Chevy ad that could be a modern online sales page Posted in: Print Ads
  907. Old School camera print ad visually shows value Posted in: Print Ads
  908. social proof sub headline on home page Posted in: Headlines, Home Pages, Social Proof
  909. Social proof + testimonials double team for finance app Posted in: Social Proof, Testimonial Examples
  910. Pop up sells with exclusive hard to resist offer Posted in: Ads, Pop Ups
  911. Good copy on GQ pop up Posted in: Pop Ups
  912. Beautifully designed home page for investing app Posted in: Home Pages
  913. How to jump a car simple image Posted in: Images
  914. Interesting pricing model on sperm testing/freezing company Posted in: Pricing
  915. Simple homepage headline for cash back app Posted in: Headlines, Home Pages
  916. Homepage with images that describe & sell Posted in: Home Pages, Images
  917. About page for cashback app that sells Posted in: About Pages
  918. Music festival tier pricing Posted in: Event Marketing, Pricing
  919. Built in scarcity pricing structure Posted in: Pricing
  920. Coming soon page for music festival shows fans what to expect next year Posted in: Home Pages, Social Proof
  921. 13-step Twitter growth playbook Posted in: Formulas, Tweets
  922. Mars Bar “Ingredients” Ad from 1957 Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  923. Daily Dad Instagram Stories Promoting Email Signup Posted in: Ads, Community, Emails, Instagram, Pop Ups, Signup Forms
  924. “The Van That Can” Chevy Astro Ad from 1986 Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Print Ads, Product Descriptions
  925. Pop up with a exclusive offer to urge sign up Posted in: Headlines, Pop Ups
  926. Pop up with CTA that is activated when scrolling Posted in: Pop Ups
  927. Liquid Death Coffin Advertising at Conference Posted in: Ads, Event Marketing, Funny and Weird
  928. 1887 “Explainer Image” for Lamps Posted in: Images, Product Descriptions
  929. Fabric Brush Product Image Descriptions Posted in: Images, Product Descriptions
  930. Bad Marketing Copy Vs Good Marketing Copy Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Tweets
  931. Bell Telephone 1983 Ad with Text Markup Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  932. Spiegel Holiday Catalog in 1943 Coat & Gloves Ad Posted in: Ads, Pricing, Print Ads
  933. Reddit ad urging viewers to take a quiz Posted in: Ads, Advertorials
  934. Great above the fold homepage for music festival Posted in: Home Pages
  935. This music festival homepage has everything you need to sell tickets Posted in: Event Marketing, Home Pages, Landing Pages
  936. Great about page that screams authenticity Posted in: About Pages, Images, Testimonial Examples
  937. Sneaker retailer pop up offers $5 off next order when signing up for newsletter Posted in: All
  938. Burger joint renames menu items after office supplies Posted in: Copywriting, Funny and Weird
  939. Email newsletter homepage displays social proof with blurbs from popular journalists Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  940. Pricing compared to industry standard pricing model Posted in: Pricing, Sales Pages
  941. Great “Product Explainer” Homepage from Span.io Posted in: Headlines, Home Pages, Sales Pages
  942. Eclipse Food Colorful Homepage Posted in: Home Pages
  943. Eclipse Foods Great Email Pop Up Posted in: Emails
  944. Funny but effective direct headline Posted in: Funny and Weird, Headlines, Images
  945. Iced coffee outdoor ad that visually sells Posted in: Ads, Billboards, Outdoor Advertising
  946. Email newsletter landing page limits viewer to one action Posted in: Home Pages, Landing Pages, Newsletter
  947. Print ad for CBD brand that knows the market and why they are different Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  948. Brand collaboration billboards Posted in: Ads, Billboards, Outdoor Advertising
  949. How to write a sponsorship letter / cold email framework Posted in: Formulas
  950. Clever billboard that uses context to create a bigger story Posted in: Ads, Billboards, Funny and Weird
  951. “Member Missions” for Community Building Posted in: Community, Copywriting, Emails, Headlines
  952. Emotional before and after ad Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Instagram
  953. Instagram ad with great copy Posted in: Ads, Instagram
  954. FAQ ad – Great copy Posted in: Ads, Instagram
  955. Before and after fitness Instagram ad Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Instagram
  956. Peter Jennings “Change” Ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Pricing
  957. Great newsletter homepage Posted in: Headlines, Home Pages, Landing Pages, Newsletter
  958. Old War Jeeps Sale Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  959. Image that visually explains Posted in: Ads, Images, Instagram
  960. A checklist for a successful day Posted in: Motivation, Tweets
  961. Anatomy of a Email Newsletter Posted in: Formulas, Newsletter
  962. Corvette “Chassis” Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  963. Post-It Notes ad from 1980 showing new adhesive feature Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  964. Smith & Wesson “Steak Gun” Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  965. Japanese Fanta Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  966. Maruchan Instant Noodles Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  967. This ad needs a headline Posted in: Ads, Images
  968. A meme turned into a Instagram ad Posted in: Ads, Instagram
  969. Great before & after Ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Instagram
  970. 2022 Twitter Planner Posted in: Social Media, Tweets
  971. Good show but no tell. This Ad needs a headline. Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Instagram
  972. Powerful image & quote matchup that sparks curiosity Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images
  973. Ad that speaks the same language as there audience Posted in: All
  974. Ad with no words but works Posted in: Ads, Images
  975. Instagram ad needs a more specific headline Posted in: Ads, All, Instagram
  976. Crazy Burger King letter to Michelin Star Posted in: Advertorials, Funny and Weird
  977. Instagram ad that’s a bit too wordy Posted in: Ads, Instagram
  978. Spam & Pancakes Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  979. Great above the fold copy for mobile landing page Posted in: Headlines, Landing Pages
  980. Homepage page giving great expectations Posted in: Headlines, Home Pages, Landing Pages
  981. Meme that could be a Ad Posted in: Funny and Weird, Instagram, Social Media
  982. Interactive Twitter Ad Posted in: Ads, Tweets
  983. Oura Ring Instagram Story Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Instagram, Social Media
  984. 1963 “Just like Grandma used to make” ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  985. Oribi Pricing Page Slider Posted in: Pricing
  986. Bright Cellars’ Taste Matrix Twitter Ad Posted in: Ads
  987. Visuals > Words Posted in: Copywriting, Images
  988. 1971 American Airlines “Coach Lounge” Ad Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Images, Print Ads
  989. Ads for a steering wheel food/work tray Posted in: Ads, Images
  990. The Changing World Order by Ray Dalio Posted in: Data, Tweets
  991. How to read more Posted in: Formulas, Images, Motivation
  992. SMRTFIT Adjustable Dumbells Ad Posted in: Ads
  993. Quiznos Spongmonkeys Superbowl Ad Posted in: Videos
  994. Bad Vet Billboard Example Posted in: Billboards
  995. Cool Gym Explainer Images Posted in: Images
  996. Huel Visual Callout Ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Pricing
  997. Global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 2021 chart Posted in: Data
  998. Before & After Instagram Ad Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Images, Instagram
  999. Punctuation Saves Life Copywriter Ad Posted in: Copywriting
  1000. Vintage Santa Ads Posted in: Ads, Holiday Promos, Print Ads
  1001. Test Posted in: All
  1002. Andrew Gazdecki on startup advice Posted in: Advice, Tweets
  1003. Jesse Pujji tweet about communication Posted in: Tweets
  1004. Botox and Dermalfill Ad Posted in: Images
  1005. What is in Coca-Cola Ad Posted in: Ads, Images
  1006. Scan Cafe Before and After Photo Posted in: Before and After
  1007. Beardbrand Before and After Image Posted in: Before and After
  1008. “Mental Contrasting” goal setting method Posted in: Advice, Formulas, Motivation
  1009. Pet groomer dog haircut before and after Posted in: Before and After
  1010. Powerwashing before and after photo Posted in: Before and After
  1011. Norwex detergent before and after Posted in: Ads, Before and After
  1012. Andrew Gazdecki advice on picking an idea for a startup Posted in: Advertorials, Tweets
  1013. Joseph Campbell tweet on fear Posted in: Motivation, Quotes, Tweets
  1014. Behind every great writer Posted in: Motivation, Quotes, Tweets
  1015. Product Description Video Posted in: Videos
  1016. Awesome BlackMagic.so Homepage Posted in: Home Pages, SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  1017. British Rail Protection Ad Posted in: Direct Mail, Flyers, Images, Print Ads
  1018. Kodak Christmas Ad from 1955 Posted in: Ads, Direct Mail, Pricing, Print Ads
  1019. Oscar The Grouch Motivation Posted in: Motivation, Quotes
  1020. Working in marketing advice. Posted in: Advice, Tweets
  1021. Russian McDonald’s Email Posted in: Emails
  1022. WeWork Black Friday Sale Email Posted in: Emails
  1023. Neat Christmas McDonald’s ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1024. Kools “Cold” Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1025. Presto Pressure Cooker Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1026. Scott “Soft” Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1027. Writing Motivation to just get starteed Posted in: Copywriting, Images, Motivation
  1028. Features VS Benefits Posted in: Before and After, Copywriting, Images
  1029. Retro GumRoad.com Homepage Posted in: Home Pages, SaaS Pages
  1030. Hot Dr Pepper Drink ☕️ Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1031. IdeaToStore Instagram Contest Landing Page Posted in: Event Marketing, Instagram, Sales Pages
  1032. Sam Altman World Moving Faster Tweet Posted in: Advice, Tweets
  1033. Utopia 2 Tier Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1034. Utopia Sales Page Posted in: Home Pages, Sales Pages
  1035. 1969 McDonald’s BigMac launched ad Posted in: Ads
  1036. Running a startup is 99% writing Posted in: Copywriting, Tweets
  1037. Exploding Topics newsletter landing page Posted in: Home Pages, SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  1038. Exploding Topics About Page Posted in: About Pages
  1039. 10 Reasons to buy a Zenith Stereo Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Images, Print Ads
  1040. Uhaul Truck with Callouts Rolling Advertisement Posted in: Ads, Billboards, Images
  1041. Machine Vs Deep learning explanation Posted in: Data, Images
  1042. Dog Aggression Chart Posted in: Images
  1043. AV Cable Type Chart Posted in: Data, Images
  1044. Hims Facebook Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Funny and Weird
  1045. Dog Copywriting 😂 Posted in: Copywriting, Funny and Weird, Images
  1046. Lower Body Exercises Easy Chart Posted in: Images
  1047. Moore’s Law Data Plot Posted in: Data, Images, Stats
  1048. Catchy “Watching TV While Vacuuming” Image Posted in: Images, Print Ads
  1049. Wake up to Tang Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1050. “Why are the wheels crooked” Volkswagen Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1051. Chemicals used in cigarettes Posted in: Copywriting, Images
  1052. Tools are bought, Transformations are sold Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Quotes
  1053. Great analogy about washing hands Posted in: Flyers, Funny and Weird, Print Ads
  1054. Burger King “Actual Size” Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1055. Spuds MacKenzie 1980’s Magazine Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1056. “Don’t be the guy that looks tired” Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting
  1057. Awesome image showing how big and small things are in the universe Posted in: Images
  1058. Good/Bad illustration for UX about thumb placement Posted in: Before and After, Images
  1059. Good/Bad illustration for social login UI Design Posted in: Before and After, Images
  1060. BariLife walk a mile a day challenge Posted in: Landing Pages, Signup Forms
  1061. Dog To English Translation image Posted in: Images
  1062. Car company chart Posted in: Data, Images
  1063. Which Whisk image Posted in: Images
  1064. Funny septic tank sign Posted in: Ads, Billboards, Outdoor Advertising
  1065. Cable Management Product Before/After Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Images
  1066. Cockpit Drawing Explainer Image Posted in: Images
  1067. If you were flying the Concorde tomorrow you wear a Rolex Posted in: Print Ads
  1068. 1967 Chevette Magazine Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1069. Give Johnny Walker holiday ad Posted in: Ads, Holiday Promos, Print Ads
  1070. 1967 version of “eCommerce” Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1071. Awesome “one easy piece” 1970’s male jumper ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1072. Great Ford Bronco old-school print ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1073. Men’s shorts style image Posted in: Images
  1074. Rev Pricing Chart Posted in: Pricing
  1075. Circles of Friendship chart Posted in: Images
  1076. Time it takes hackers to brute force your password Posted in: Images
  1077. McGraw-Hill Magazines Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1078. Forms of energy image Posted in: Images
  1079. David Ogilvy on Good Ads Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  1080. David Ogilvy on Bad Campaigns. Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  1081. School Competitors. Posted in: Advice, Tweets
  1082. Productivity is physical, creativity is mental. Posted in: Advice, Tweets
  1083. How The Simpsons would promote on newspaper Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1084. Great 1961 ad for Ford Econoline trucks Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  1085. Image showing you can get A LOT of music for cheap Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  1086. Aweber “Get Off LeadPages” Email Posted in: Copywriting, Emails
  1087. The Establishment Wig ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1088. 1930’s illustration showing aerodynamic engineering of new cars Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  1089. 6 questions to answer before starting any new project Posted in: Advice, Tweets
  1090. Mod Bikes Online Ad Campaign Posted in: Ads
  1091. Dharmesh Shah thought on Hubspot’s plans for the future. Posted in: Tweets
  1092. Simple conversation starter found on Reddit Posted in: Advice
  1093. Ross Simmonds on where to look for beta testers Posted in: Advice, Tweets
  1094. The Wig Establishment Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Funny and Weird, Print Ads
  1095. Yes I want a live monkey! Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Print Ads
  1096. Andrew Wilkinson on the value of a Twitter follower. Posted in: Advice
  1097. More Doctors Smoke Camels Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Print Ads
  1098. Air plane throttle level explainer image Posted in: Images
  1099. Lightbulb comparison image Posted in: Images
  1100. Jack Altman’s Compound Startup Thought. Posted in: Advice
  1101. Josh Harcus testimonial Copywriting Course Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Testimonial Examples
  1102. Founders of PayPal Graph Posted in: Images
  1103. Austin Rief on platforms and creators Posted in: Advice
  1104. Magic is just someone spending more time on something than anyone else might reasonably expect. Posted in: All
  1105. Anthony Pompliano’s advice about building something of value Posted in: Advice
  1106. Balaji on the founding influencer model Posted in: Advice
  1107. Ross Simmonds creating business from a Subreddit Posted in: Advice, Tweets
  1108. Fastest Way for a guy to look great Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1109. CopyWork on some classic ads Posted in: Ads, Advertorials, Formulas
  1110. It makes your house look bigger Volkswagen Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1111. 1914 Wrigley’s Gum Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1112. 1960’s Band-Aid Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1113. 1923 Caldwell’s Syrup Pensin Posted in: Ads, Advertorials
  1114. What year car do the jones drive? Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1115. Nobody’s Perfect Volkswagen Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Print Ads
  1116. Volkswagen 2 shapes Landscape Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1117. 1960’s Sanatogen Tonic Wine Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Print Ads
  1118. 1939 Ad for Phosferine Tonic Wine Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Print Ads
  1119. Wendy’s 1984 “Parts is Parts” commercial Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Videos
  1120. “Just Listed” real estate agents direct mailer Posted in: Direct Mail, Flyers
  1121. “We buy property” direct mailer card Posted in: Direct Mail, Flyers
  1122. Handwritten windows and shades Direct Mail Posted in: Direct Mail, Flyers
  1123. Mosquito Alert Pest Control Direct Mail Flyer Posted in: Direct Mail, Flyers
  1124. 1979 Dr. Pepper Magazine Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1125. 1905 Coca Cola Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1126. Dust Buster Weight Comparison Image Posted in: Images
  1127. Glowforge Email Signup Form Posted in: Signup Forms
  1128. Silly Putty Vintage Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  1129. Vintage Radio Broadcasting Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1130. Basecamps before and after testimonial page Posted in: Before and After, Testimonial Examples
  1131. Basecamp Features and Benefits Image Posted in: Images
  1132. Vintage Cup-A-Soup Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1133. Keychain alarm comparison chart Posted in: Images, Pricing
  1134. Why Marketers Use Loom Sales Page Posted in: Landing Pages, SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  1135. Why Designers Use Loom Sales Page Posted in: Landing Pages, SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  1136. 2 Cold Emails, 1 Good, 1 Bad Posted in: Before and After, Emails
  1137. Muhammad Ali VS George Foreman Boxing Ad from 1974 Posted in: Ads, Event Marketing, Flyers
  1138. Apple Revenue Sources Chart Posted in: Data, Images
  1139. Dog and Cat Ownership Graph Posted in: Data, Images
  1140. LOL “Dogue Magazine” Cover Posted in: Funny and Weird
  1141. Worst BBQ In Texas Posted in: Outdoor Advertising, Restaurant Signs
  1142. Great sponsored ad by a wine company on Twitter Posted in: Ads, Advertorials, Images
  1143. Great Email Newsletter Homepage by The Generalist Posted in: Home Pages, Landing Pages, Newsletter
  1144. Nice 3-tiered pricing with email signup Posted in: Pricing
  1145. Aaron Allen & Associates Newsletter Posted in: Newsletter
  1146. Testimonials.to clean looking homepage with pricing Posted in: Home Pages, Landing Pages, Pricing, SaaS Pages
  1147. Cool Before/After From Text To Video Posted in: Before and After, Images
  1148. Mailshake Pricing Page Posted in: Pricing
  1149. 1970 Palmolive Dish Soap Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1150. Get TackleBox Home Page Posted in: Home Pages
  1151. Scrollable Sidebar Menu Before/After Posted in: Before and After
  1152. TackleBox Cohort 2-Tiered Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1153. Nike Zoom HyperRev Print Ad Posted in: Images, Print Ads
  1154. Copywriting Course Before and After Posted in: Before and After, Landing Pages, Signup Forms
  1155. “They’re not cheap” Atoms shoe ad. Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Pricing, Print Ads
  1156. Amazon’s first landing page to now. Posted in: Landing Pages
  1157. HelloFresh sales page Posted in: Landing Pages, Pricing, Sales Pages
  1158. Educational Ad For Exercise and Eating Posted in: Ads
  1159. CrewFire 3-tiered pricing structure Posted in: Pricing
  1160. All the stuff to put on a sales page Posted in: Copywriting, Landing Pages, SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  1161. The very first online ad created by AT&T Posted in: Ads, Landing Pages
  1162. 1978 calculator add with image/text markup Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1163. Pie chart showing “How I Get Fat Baking” Posted in: Funny and Weird, Images
  1164. “Get a horse” 1966 magazine ad appealing to parents Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1165. Yearly business improvement plan Posted in: Advice, Images
  1166. 1963 Wate On Ad Posted in: Ads, Advertorials, Print Ads, Testimonial Examples
  1167. 1961 Bell Telephone Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1168. Del Monte Ad 1958 Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1169. Kodak Christmas Ad 1968 Posted in: Ads, Holiday Promos, Print Ads
  1170. Santa Typewriter Ad 1977 Posted in: Ads, Holiday Promos, Print Ads
  1171. Zippo Christmas Ad Posted in: Ads, Holiday Promos, Print Ads
  1172. How stuff used to be sold: Weird Tales Magazine 1927 Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1173. Cheez Wiz 1965 Good Housekeeping Ad Posted in: Ads
  1174. Wendy’s 1979 Hamburger Newspaper Ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  1175. 1986 McDonalds cross promotion ad with Gillette Posted in: Ads
  1176. Clever IKEA Sleep Ad Posted in: Ads, Funny and Weird, Images, Print Ads
  1177. Funny Chart About Writing Ideas Out Posted in: Data, Funny and Weird, Images
  1178. Miller Shirts Ad Using Only Imagery and Pricing Posted in: Images, Pricing, Print Ads
  1179. Ford Regular Vs Giant Vans Ad with Great Imagery Posted in: Images, Print Ads
  1180. Austin Shoe Hospital Email with Before/After Pics Posted in: Before and After, Emails, Images
  1181. Updating a Google Presentations slide to be better Posted in: Before and After, Copywriting
  1182. Image in iMac vs image in Zoom and MacBook Air Posted in: Images
  1183. Microsoft Teams vs Slack Posted in: Images
  1184. Coke “Post Thanksgiving” Ad with Image Markup Posted in: Images, Print Ads
  1185. CrewFire nice and clean homepage Posted in: Home Pages, SaaS Pages
  1186. “Meet Skimpy Wiring” Ad Posted in: Headlines, Print Ads
  1187. “It Shouldn’t Take An Act of Congress” Volvo Saftety Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1188. “Best Time For Braces” clever billboard Posted in: Billboards, Funny and Weird, Outdoor Advertising
  1189. Brain density of humans vs elephants vs chimpanzees image Posted in: Images
  1190. Wall Street Journal Twitter Ad Posted in: Ads
  1191. Supercar rental “price comparison” chart Posted in: Pricing
  1192. Regular Fit vs Athletic Fit Shirts Posted in: Images
  1193. How To Argue Hierarchy Pyramid Posted in: Images
  1194. Explaining Monitor Refresh Rate Posted in: Images
  1195. How long it takes to forget chart Posted in: Formulas, Images
  1196. 2020 is almost over (Copywriting Course) Posted in: Images
  1197. Scammy “Chin Reducer” Ad Posted in: All, Images, Print Ads
  1198. The S1 Club’s Before + After Explainer Image Posted in: Before and After, Images
  1199. One Pair of Sunglasses for All Kinds of Days (SunSensor) Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  1200. Classic Car Ad Posted in: Ads
  1201. Ed Gandia Short and Sweet Email Posted in: Emails
  1202. Fisher-Price Magazine Ad 1980 Posted in: Ads, Images, Print Ads
  1203. Who’s Your Daddy? (Nike) Posted in: Ads, Images
  1204. Tasty looking Big Mac ad from 1979 Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Print Ads
  1205. Great image and text for a watch on Amazon Posted in: Images
  1206. Lululemon Branding vs. Competitors Chart Posted in: Images
  1207. Classic magazine ad for a storytelling class Posted in: Print Ads
  1208. Project Untethered Car Marker Advertising Posted in: Outdoor Advertising
  1209. Shiny Object Syndrome Image Posted in: Images
  1210. Vapona Bug Killer Spray Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1211. Porsche “Unleashed” Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1212. Wonderbra Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1213. Porsche Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1214. Durex End of the World Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1215. Axe Exit Sign Sticker Ad Posted in: Outdoor Advertising
  1216. Barbecue Street Drain Ad Posted in: Outdoor Advertising
  1217. 3M Security Glass Street Advertisement Posted in: Outdoor Advertising
  1218. Wealthiest People Diagram Posted in: Data, Images
  1219. Coffee Economics Image Posted in: Images
  1220. IPMonitor SaaS Homepage Posted in: Home Pages, Landing Pages, SaaS Pages
  1221. 3-Tiered Pricing Example from IPMonitor Posted in: Pricing
  1222. Weapons of Mass Creation Poster Posted in: Copywriting, Images
  1223. TransferWise Newspaper Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1224. Schweppes Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1225. Alka-Seltzer Hangover Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1226. Method Dish Soap Description Posted in: Product Descriptions
  1227. Volkswagen Vintage Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1228. Tiny Capital Homepage Posted in: Home Pages, Landing Pages
  1229. Mahabis After Christmas Sale Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1230. Puma Christmas Overnight Shipping Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1231. Casper Daylight Savings Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1232. Bonobos Thanksgiving Checklist Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1233. Vezina Work From Home Outdoor Ad Posted in: Outdoor Advertising
  1234. Asos Last Minute Christmas Sale Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1235. 1-800-Contacts Warm Email Reminder Posted in: Emails
  1236. Loft Thanksgiving Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1237. Huckberry Black Friday Sweepstakes Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1238. San Fransisco 49ers Black Friday Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1239. Julep Cyber Tuesday Sale Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1240. Black Friday + Cyber Monday Sales Graph Posted in: Data, Holiday Promos, Stats
  1241. Poppin Cyber Monday Email GIF Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1242. Canvas Pop Black Friday Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1243. Brooks Brothers Cyber Monday Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1244. American Eagle Black Friday Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1245. Amazon Black Friday Facebook Ad Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1246. MOO Black Friday Early Bird Sale Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1247. JetBlue Thanksgiving Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1248. Michael J Fox Giving Tuesday Twitter Campaign Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1249. Steve Madden Black Friday Opt-In Tweet Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1250. Kopari Black Friday Influencer Marketing Strategy Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1251. Black Friday Website Traffic Trends (Mobile vs Desktop) Posted in: Data, Holiday Promos, Stats
  1252. Very Black Friday Offline Ad Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1253. Express Black Friday Homepage Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1254. Vending Machine Revenue Chart Posted in: Images
  1255. Best Buy Black Friday Tweet Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1256. Rad Black Friday Facebook Ad Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1257. Home Depot Black Friday Ad Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1258. Sephora Black Friday Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1259. Old Navy Black Friday Instagram Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1260. 22 Days Nutrition Black Friday Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1261. Geology Diagram Posted in: Images
  1262. Chubbies “Thighber” Monday Ad Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1263. Barnes and Nobles Black Friday Tweet Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1264. Levi’s Black Friday Opt-In Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1265. Smile at the world billboard Posted in: Billboards
  1266. Thunderbird Vintage Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1267. Asos Black Friday Instagram Post Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1268. Breaking Down Goals Posted in: Images
  1269. The Hill Side Cyber Monday Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1270. Clever Yeti Social Distancing Billboard Posted in: Billboards, Outdoor Advertising
  1271. Jack Spade Cyber Monday Reminder Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1272. MyMind “How It Works” Beautiful Page Posted in: About Pages, SaaS Pages
  1273. Sevenly Black Friday Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1274. Dr. Martens Cyber Monday Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1275. Christopher and Banks Black Friday Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1276. Peel Black Friday Teaser Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1277. Optional Paid Email Signup Posted in: Pricing
  1278. Design Mentorship Sales Page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1279. Three tiered mentorship pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1280. Clean graphic demonstrating signaling Posted in: Images
  1281. Funny vest image with lines Posted in: Images
  1282. Paul Minors Tiered Pricing Chart Posted in: Pricing
  1283. Carhartt Black Friday Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1284. Pretty Little Thing Black Friday Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1285. Forever 21 Black Friday Email Posted in: Emails, Holiday Promos
  1286. How To Prevent An Anxiety Attack Image Posted in: Images
  1287. How to Decide Faster Image Posted in: Images
  1288. Toyota Camry Used Car Ad Posted in: Ads
  1289. Drifting Instructions Image Posted in: Images
  1290. Old Navy Black Friday Ad Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1291. Harbor Freight Black Friday Newspaper Ad Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1292. How Designers Buy Wine Pie Chart Posted in: Images
  1293. Barber Buzzer Length Diagram Posted in: Images
  1294. Sustainable vs. Not Sustainable Diet Posted in: Images
  1295. Cards Against Humanity Black Friday Ad Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1296. Instagram Stories vs. Reels Comparison Chart Posted in: Images
  1297. Patagonia Anti-Black Friday Ad Posted in: Ads, Holiday Promos
  1298. Telephone Pole Diagram Posted in: Images
  1299. Menards Black Friday Newspaper Ad Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1300. Storq Black Friday Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1301. REI Anti-Black Friday Billboard Posted in: Billboards, Holiday Promos
  1302. Chubbies Black Friday Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1303. Music Store Black Friday Sign Posted in: Holiday Promos, Outdoor Advertising
  1304. New York Public Library Black Friday Ad Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1305. Kohls Black Friday Sweepstakes Tweet Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1306. Growth Rangers Personality Filled SEO Agency Home Page Posted in: Home Pages, Landing Pages
  1307. Johnson & Johnson Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1308. How To Not Wake Up A Baby Posted in: Images
  1309. Remarkable 2 Product Explainer Video Posted in: Videos
  1310. Naval’s Meeting Policy Image Posted in: Images
  1311. AMF Bowling Print Ad (1959) Posted in: Print Ads
  1312. Corvette Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1313. Muscle and Strength Black Friday Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1314. Dental Flyer In Austin Posted in: Direct Mail, Flyers
  1315. Dance Dojo Black Friday Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1316. SmarterQueue Black Friday Re-Engagement Email Posted in: Holiday Promos
  1317. WPBeginners Black Friday Affiliate Email Posted in: Emails, Holiday Promos
  1318. Doggy Birthday Billboard Posted in: Funny and Weird
  1319. Instagram vs. Reality Photoshoot Posted in: Before and After
  1320. NASA Wiring Workmanship Standards Image Posted in: Images
  1321. Quinine Whisky Remedy Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1322. Get To The Point Posted in: Advice, Images
  1323. Password Strength Image Posted in: Images
  1324. Stanford Design Thinking Gmail Ad Posted in: Ads, Emails
  1325. Bluehost Black Friday Sale Email Posted in: Emails, Holiday Promos
  1326. Yoast Black Friday Reminder Email Posted in: Emails, Holiday Promos
  1327. Beacon Black Friday Preview Email Posted in: Emails, Holiday Promos
  1328. Vertoku knife slice demo Posted in: Videos
  1329. Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe Posted in: Packaging
  1330. Have you gone noseblind? Posted in: Ads, Images
  1331. Dental “Typo” Street Ad Posted in: Outdoor Advertising
  1332. Mountain Bike Decal Shop Before/After Posted in: Images
  1333. Brazinco Sun Screen Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1334. Gold’s Gym Train At Home Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1335. Great Gym Landing Page From Hale Fitness Posted in: Home Pages, Landing Pages, Sales Pages
  1336. Nasojet Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1337. Samsung Anti-Glare TV Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1338. Doggy CBD Drops Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1339. Verizon vs AT&T Coverage Map Posted in: Images
  1340. Fairy Soap lasts 2x longer Posted in: Images
  1341. Bite Toothpaste Bits Homepage Posted in: Headlines, Home Pages
  1342. New Years Resolutions vs. Small Habits Graph Posted in: Images
  1343. Percentage of Population on Faceebook (by Country) Posted in: Data, Stats
  1344. Lifebuoy Soap Vintage Print Ad Posted in: Before and After, Print Ads
  1345. Bell Telephone Vintage Quarantine Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1346. DuPont Wax Vintage Print Ad Posted in: Before and After, Print Ads
  1347. Thomas Henry “Results” Billboard Posted in: Billboards
  1348. Connect The Dots Image Posted in: Images
  1349. Volkswagon Jetta Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1350. Very scientific chart 😂 Posted in: Images
  1351. Air Canada Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1352. PETA Vegan Bus Ad Posted in: Outdoor Advertising
  1353. IWC Watch Guerilla Marketing Posted in: Ads
  1354. The North Face Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1355. Lego Imagination Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1356. The Art of Shaving Product Image + Benefits Posted in: Images
  1357. What mobile websites should look like Posted in: Images
  1358. Professional translator’s “past work” Posted in: About Pages, Images
  1359. Success Quote by Yvon Chouinard (Founder of Patagonia) Posted in: Quotes
  1360. Thomas Edison Quote About Failure Posted in: Quotes
  1361. Winston Churchill Quote About Opportunity Posted in: Quotes
  1362. Tupperware Stay Home Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1363. Budweiser Let’s Get Together Ad (1952) Posted in: Ads, Images
  1364. Prospect Research Diminishing Returns Posted in: Images
  1365. Seth & Riley’s Garage Hard Lemonade “Dumb Ad” Posted in: Print Ads
  1366. Reebok Pump Michael Chang Ad Posted in: Ads, Images
  1367. Neck Pain Pillow Before After Posted in: Before and After, Images
  1368. Diahatsu Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1369. KFC “Monday Diet” Reverse Coupons Posted in: Direct Mail
  1370. Short Shorts Leg Imprint Ad Posted in: Outdoor Advertising
  1371. Earl Nightingale on communication Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Quotes
  1372. Gollum Dental Ad Posted in: Before and After
  1373. Happiness Chemicals Image Chart Posted in: Advice, Images
  1374. ChainFuel 4-Tiered Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1375. Hot Wheels Highway Ad Posted in: Billboards
  1376. Durex Pandemic Ad Campaign Posted in: Ads
  1377. Raelyn Tan’s Secret Vault Image Posted in: Ads, Images
  1378. Compression bag before and after Posted in: Before and After
  1379. Boots for sale on Craigslist (before and after) Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Images
  1380. Dentist Shark Facebook Ad Posted in: Ads, Before and After
  1381. Burger King Ad That Steals Customers Posted in: Outdoor Advertising
  1382. AC Tuneup Direct Mail Flyer Posted in: Copywriting, Direct Mail, Flyers
  1383. Ghost Org Complex Vs Simple Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1384. The “Don’t Hire Us” Page Posted in: About Pages, Pricing
  1385. Panasonic Nose Hair Trimmers Billboard Posted in: Billboards
  1386. The Comparison Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1387. The Crazy Story Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1388. Starwax Super-Targeted Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1389. The Personalized Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1390. The Helpful Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1391. The No Blame Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1392. Bellroy Wallets USP-Focused Hero Homepage Posted in: Before and After, Home Pages
  1393. The Durability Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1394. Concise vs Wordy Writing Posted in: Before and After, Copywriting
  1395. The No-Brainer Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1396. Restaurant Tunnel Billboard Posted in: Billboards
  1397. The Sniper Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1398. The Case Study Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1399. Features vs. Benefits (Diet Coke) Posted in: Copywriting
  1400. The 5 Levels of Awareness Posted in: Copywriting
  1401. The Missing Ingredient Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1402. How much sugar is in a can of Coke? Posted in: Videos
  1403. Disney’s business strategy infographic (1957) Posted in: Images
  1404. Solar energy home page mockup before and after Posted in: Before and After, Home Pages
  1405. The Prevention Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1406. The 4 C’s Copywriting Formula Posted in: All, Copywriting
  1407. 5 Stages of Market Sophistication Posted in: Copywriting
  1408. The Analogy Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1409. MoonClerk home page Posted in: Home Pages
  1410. Awesome “grandparents” illustration from WaitButWhy Posted in: Images
  1411. The Risk-Free Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1412. The 4 U’s Copywriting Formula Posted in: Copywriting
  1413. Sales Email Copywriting Formulas Posted in: Copywriting
  1414. The One-Up Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1415. YardZen Before/After Pic Posted in: Before and After, Images
  1416. The Exotic Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1417. The Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS) Copywriting Formula Posted in: Copywriting
  1418. 10 Steps to Writing Great Copy Posted in: Copywriting
  1419. The X-Factor Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1420. The Value-First Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1421. How To Create Advertising That Sells by David Ogilvy Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Print Ads
  1422. The Discovery Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1423. When Working More Is A Waste Of Time Posted in: Images
  1424. Creative Tailgaiting Billboard Posted in: Billboards
  1425. The Lightbulb Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1426. Funny Dentist Ad Posted in: Ads
  1427. The Long-Term Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1428. Funny Dentist Billboard Posted in: Billboards
  1429. The Easy-Peasy Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1430. Checy Caprice Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1431. Facebook Vintage Newspaper Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1432. The WARNING Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1433. The Problem-Solver Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1434. The Objection-Buster Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1435. The Shoe Pocket Posted in: Ads
  1436. Hello Sign’s Hero Section Posted in: Home Pages, Videos
  1437. Entrepreneur’s journey: What you see vs What you don’t see Posted in: Data, Images
  1438. Youtube Vintage Newspaper Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1439. Skype Vintage Newspaper Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1440. Oberlo Home Page Posted in: Home Pages
  1441. Twitter Vintage Newspaper Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1442. Made By Matthews Software Design Services Page Posted in: Portfolio
  1443. Sarah Marie Anderson Copywriting Services Page Posted in: Portfolio
  1444. Kira Hug Copywriting Services Page Posted in: Portfolio
  1445. Talking Shrimp Work With Me Page Posted in: Portfolio
  1446. Neville Medhora Work With Me Page Posted in: Portfolio
  1447. The Contrarian Lens Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1448. The “DIY” Lens Posted in: Advice, All, Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1449. Jim Bean “Back To Basics” Food Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1450. Jim Bean “Back To Basics” Graffiti Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1451. Jim Bean “Back To Basics” Pants Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1452. Jim Bean “Back To Basics” Lipstick Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1453. Copywriting Lenses List Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Lenses
  1454. Mobile Vs. Desktop Ad Spend Trends Posted in: Data, Stats
  1455. Advertising Forecast for 2021 Posted in: Data, Stats
  1456. Webinar invitation email (Before + After) Posted in: Before and After
  1457. Social Network Active Users Comparison Posted in: Data, Stats
  1458. Nomatic Backpack Video Homepage Posted in: Home Pages
  1459. Listerine Ad from 1971 Posted in: Print Ads
  1460. Bounty Paper Towel Comparison Ad Posted in: Ads
  1461. Cal Newport Quote About Following Your Passion Posted in: Quotes
  1462. Ecommerce Growing Share of Total Q4 Sales Posted in: Data, Stats
  1463. Political polarization chart Posted in: Data, Images
  1464. Cornell Note Taking Method Posted in: Images
  1465. Ahrefs Long Pricing Page Posted in: Landing Pages, Pricing, SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  1466. Lao Tzu Quote Posted in: Advice
  1467. Kissing advertorial Posted in: Advertorials, Images
  1468. Chocolate is a fighting food Posted in: Images
  1469. Online vs. In Store Shopping Preferences Posted in: Data, Stats
  1470. Comparing Different Types of Emails Posted in: Data, Stats
  1471. “Creativity is…” Posted in: Images
  1472. Zipcar Home Page Posted in: Home Pages
  1473. Autonomous Chair Video Ad with Callouts Posted in: Ads, Videos
  1474. Segmented Opt-In Slideup Posted in: Signup Forms
  1475. Helpful Stats for Ecommerce Sellers Posted in: Data, Stats
  1476. Toys R Us Store Growth Animation Posted in: Data, Images
  1477. Consumer Cybersecurity Savviness Stats Posted in: Data, Images, Stats
  1478. The Job Application Numbers Game Posted in: Data, Stats
  1479. Gen Z and Millenial Social Media Platform Use Posted in: Data, Stats
  1480. Coronavirus Affect on Ecommerce Industries Posted in: Data, Stats
  1481. Ecommerce Shipping Stats Posted in: Data, Stats
  1482. Reasons for Abandoned Carts Posted in: Data, Stats
  1483. Ecommerce Refunds Stats Posted in: Data, Stats
  1484. Try using a single call to action for emails Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Emails, Images
  1485. Write 3 versions of a cold email Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Emails, Images
  1486. NimbleBar Bartending School Landing Page Posted in: Landing Pages, Sales Pages
  1487. Avoid cold emails with really bad introductions Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Emails, Images
  1488. How Images Help You Remember Things Posted in: Data, Images, Stats
  1489. Blog Reader Attention Statistics Posted in: Data, Stats
  1490. Cricketeer suit ad showing flexibility Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1491. Make actionable steps in “How To” content Posted in: Advertorials, Copywriting, Images
  1492. Make more “personal” posts about a topic Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1493. Best Blog Post Image-to-Text Ratio for Shares Posted in: Data, Stats
  1494. Avoid confusing “buzzwords” in your copy Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1495. Don’t add too many CTA’s Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Images
  1496. British Tosser Trash Sign Posted in: Flyers, Outdoor Advertising
  1497. Plain Text vs. HTML Emails Posted in: Data, Stats
  1498. SMS Reach Posted in: Data, Stats
  1499. Dan Harmon’s 8-Step Story Circle Posted in: Videos
  1500. Effects of Multi-Tasking on Productivity Posted in: Data, Stats
  1501. Email ROI vs Other Mediums Posted in: Data, Stats
  1502. “Faster than a Ferrari” Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1503. “This space reserved for a tooth that must last 63 years” Posted in: Ads, Headlines, Print Ads
  1504. Sugarman Trigger #24 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1505. Sugarman Trigger #23 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1506. Sugarman Trigger #22 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1507. Sugarman Trigger #21 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1508. Follow-Up Emails and Response Rates Posted in: Data
  1509. How interruptions affect productivity and flow Posted in: Data, Images
  1510. Sugarman Trigger #20 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1511. Sugarman Trigger #19 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1512. Sugarman Trigger #18 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1513. Simple empires graph from Ray Dalio Posted in: Data, Images
  1514. Sugarman Trigger #17 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1515. Sugarman Trigger #16 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1516. Scotch Tape Unique Benefits Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1517. Sugarman Trigger #15 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1518. Clean 3-Column Testimonial “Wall of Love” by Trends Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  1519. Great Nikon camera ad with text callouts Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1520. 1959 Breakfast Bar Ad Posted in: Ads, Flyers, Print Ads
  1521. Dog Weight Loss Before & After Posted in: Before and After
  1522. Sugarman Trigger #14 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1523. Classic Charles Atlas comic ads Posted in: Ads
  1524. Visual guide to different types of chocolate chip cookies Posted in: Images
  1525. Michi Ramen Home Page Posted in: Home Pages
  1526. Sugarman Trigger #13 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1527. Volkswagen Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1528. Matter’s Explainer Video Posted in: All
  1529. Mighty Health’s Home Page Posted in: Home Pages
  1530. Hey.com’s Manifesto + Sales Page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1531. Sugarman Trigger #12 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1532. “What would ___ do?” Posted in: Advice, Formulas, Quotes
  1533. Sugarman Trigger #10 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1534. Add a “constraint” to a problem Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  1535. Visible Homepage with Simple Cell Phone Offer Posted in: Home Pages
  1536. Volkswagen Beetle Interchangeable Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1537. “What is my $1,000/hour skill?” Posted in: Advice, Formulas, Quotes
  1538. “How can I 10X this?” Posted in: Advice, Formulas, Quotes
  1539. Effectiveness vs Repetition Posted in: Images
  1540. Sugarman Trigger #9 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1541. Sugarman Trigger #8 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1542. Sugarman Trigger #7 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1543. Sugarman Trigger #6 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1544. Sugarman Trigger #5 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1545. Sugarman Trigger #4 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1546. List of 103 copywriting tips Posted in: Copywriting
  1547. David Ogilvy Quote About Idiots Posted in: Quotes
  1548. Add social proof by linking to famous names or brands Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Testimonial Examples
  1549. Sugarman Trigger #3 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1550. Sugarman Trigger #2 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1551. Sugarman Trigger #1 Posted in: Advice, Copywriting
  1552. Inflation Image Posted in: Images
  1553. Three Tiered Pricing for Kopywriting Kourse Posted in: Pricing
  1554. Simple before & after photo using no image markup Posted in: Before and After, Images
  1555. Joe Sugarman Psychological Triggers Video Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas
  1556. Psychological Triggers from Joe Sugarman Posted in: Advice, Books, Formulas
  1557. Simple Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Formulas, Images
  1558. 70% Content, 30% Sales Formula Posted in: Advertorials, Advice, Copywriting, Formulas
  1559. Cool equality image (with pirate joke) Posted in: Images
  1560. 20 Passive Income Ideas Image Posted in: Images
  1561. Take care of yourself first Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  1562. Figma.com Home Page Posted in: Home Pages
  1563. Fitbit Product Recommendation Quiz Posted in: All
  1564. Easy and Simple Comparison Chart Posted in: Before and After, Images, Pricing
  1565. Yoda quote do or do not Posted in: Quotes
  1566. Benjamin Franklin quote about things worth reading Posted in: Quotes
  1567. Intercom’s “versus” page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1568. Success built on failures (Instagram cartoon) Posted in: Images
  1569. Personality Defense Quote Posted in: Advice, Formulas
  1570. Circle of Influence Concept Posted in: Advice, Formulas, Images
  1571. Chief Community Sales Page Posted in: Home Pages, Landing Pages, Sales Pages
  1572. Restaurant Testimonial Drawings Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  1573. How can I solve this hilariously? Posted in: Advice, Formulas
  1574. Thank the problem Posted in: Advice, Formulas
  1575. Flowchart or graph the problem out Posted in: Advice, Formulas
  1576. Write things down on a card Posted in: Advice, Formulas
  1577. “What Would _____ Do?” Posted in: Advice, Formulas
  1578. The Totem Pole of Focus Posted in: Advice, Formulas
  1579. Flip The Problem Around Posted in: Advice, Formulas
  1580. Why am I upset/sad/slow? Posted in: Advice, Formulas
  1581. Money is an exchange for human labor Posted in: Advice, Money
  1582. HVAC Facebook Ad before/after Posted in: Ads, Before and After
  1583. David Cancel Advice Tweetstorm Posted in: Advice
  1584. Proposal email before/after Posted in: Before and After, Emails
  1585. Balsamiq sales page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1586. disguise’s home page before/after Posted in: Before and After, Home Pages
  1587. Wild Turkey’s thinner steaks & smaller cars ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1588. Rescue dog ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1589. Omega Speedmaster Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1590. Eat This, Not That (chocolate bar edition) Posted in: Advice, Images
  1591. Chirp Wheel bubble wrap explainer video Posted in: Videos
  1592. Shoe repair service before + after Posted in: Ads, Before and After, Print Ads
  1593. Men’s Hat Before and After Print Ad Posted in: Before and After, Print Ads
  1594. Water Heater Print Ad (1965) Posted in: Print Ads
  1595. Cambodian Pizza Restaurant Sign Posted in: Restaurant Signs
  1596. LED lighting before + after Posted in: Before and After, Images
  1597. Coca Cola Print Ad (1966) Posted in: Print Ads
  1598. Before and After Nail Into Sword Photo Posted in: Before and After, Images
  1599. David Ogilvy Weak Products Quote Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  1600. David Ogilvy Gusto Quote Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  1601. David Ogilvy Deadlines Quote Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Direct Mail, Print Ads, Quotes
  1602. David Ogilvy Key To Success In Selling Quote Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  1603. David Ogilvy Entertaining Vs Selling Quote Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  1604. David Ogilvy Short Text No Jargon Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  1605. Ogilvy Goals Quote Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  1606. David Ogilvy Fun Quote Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  1607. Pee Wee Tee Vee Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1608. Functional Training Homepage Before and After Posted in: Before and After, Home Pages
  1609. Personal Training Homepage Before and After Posted in: Before and After, Home Pages
  1610. Bricks Headline Before and After Posted in: Before and After, Headlines
  1611. Physical Therapy Sign Before and After Posted in: Before and After
  1612. Panhandling Before and After (with New Copy Angle) Posted in: Before and After
  1613. Barber Instagram Before and After Posted in: Before and After, Portfolio
  1614. Chiropractor Ad Before and After (Brand Marketing vs. Benefit Marketing) Posted in: Before and After
  1615. Miro Story Mapping Ad GIF Posted in: Ads, Images
  1616. Sam Altman Quote Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  1617. Kobe Bryant Basket Quote Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  1618. LeadPages cancellation page Posted in: Landing Pages
  1619. Panel Mini Lume Cuve Explainer Video Posted in: Ads, Videos
  1620. Action Lab Headline Posted in: Headlines
  1621. AJ&Smart Design Sprints Landing Page Posted in: Landing Pages
  1622. Stratechery “Aggregation Theory” Images Posted in: Before and After, Images
  1623. ArborBridge home page Posted in: Home Pages, Landing Pages, SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  1624. Focus on the other person’s needs Posted in: Advice, Before and After, Copywriting
  1625. Evernote Testimonials (Logo Carousel) Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  1626. Zoom Case Study Testimonials Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  1627. Ezoic Results-Oriented Testimonials Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  1628. Freshbooks Testimonial Strategy (Less is More) Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  1629. World Nomads Testimonial Stories Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  1630. The Dance Dojo Testimonials Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  1631. Ash Ambirge Gossip Testimonials Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  1632. Transferwise Testimonial Combo (Video + Recent) Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  1633. Ben Settle Testimonials Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  1634. The Hustle Testimonial Tweets Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  1635. Aweber 5-Tier Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1636. Aweber Visual Testimonial Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  1637. UserBase 2 Tier Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1638. PastaDrop Explainer Video Posted in: Videos
  1639. WPEngine landing page for Genesis Pro Posted in: Landing Pages, Videos
  1640. Clever breakdown of toothpaste ingredients Posted in: Copywriting, Images
  1641. Jerry Seinfeld On Doing Things You Love (Howard Stern Interview) Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  1642. iMac. Pretty. Freaking Powerful. Posted in: Headlines, Images
  1643. Smart People Change Minds A Lot Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  1644. A lot of writers throughout history have embraced walking Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Quotes
  1645. Drink old wine. Burn old logs. Read old books. Keep old friends. Posted in: Advice, Quotes
  1646. “Users are pleased by design, but drawn to the content” Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Images, Quotes
  1647. Nice WordPress Consultant Site Posted in: Home Pages, Portfolio, Testimonial Examples
  1648. Backlinko Scaling Content Graphic Posted in: Copywriting, Images
  1649. Jack Dorsey: “I learn the most when I make myself feel uncomfortable” Posted in: Quotes
  1650. Open Peeps Illustration Sales Page Posted in: Home Pages, Sales Pages
  1651. From Data to Impact Posted in: Images
  1652. SEM Rush Landing Page Posted in: Landing Pages, SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  1653. How To Survive A Lighting Strike Image Posted in: Images
  1654. The Emotions FeelingWheel Posted in: Images
  1655. Mill Street Brewery Beer Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1656. Ford Capri Print Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1657. Roast My Landing Page’s home page Posted in: Home Pages, Landing Pages, Portfolio, Sales Pages
  1658. The Messy Writing Process Posted in: Copywriting, Quotes
  1659. Ski resort turns a negative review into an ad Posted in: Ads, Images, Testimonial Examples
  1660. Ideation Bootcamp by The Hustle Posted in: Sales Pages
  1661. Solar Energy Cost-Saving Graph Posted in: Images
  1662. BarkBox’s “How This Works” Section Posted in: Images
  1663. Replace Your Face App ad (featuring PewDiePie) Posted in: Videos
  1664. Drip’s Pricing Page Slider Posted in: Pricing
  1665. Dog Using Ramp GIF Posted in: Images, Videos
  1666. GQ outfit photo with callouts Posted in: Images
  1667. Nick Gray “Friend Update” Email Posted in: Copywriting, Emails
  1668. Funny Pie Chart In Reddit Posted in: Images
  1669. PJRVS Minimalist Home Page Posted in: Home Pages, Landing Pages
  1670. 1% Of People Create The Most Content Posted in: Copywriting, Images
  1671. Bravado Spice’s home page video pop-up Posted in: Videos
  1672. Funny Photoshop Ad Posted in: Images, Outdoor Advertising
  1673. Home page with explainer videos Posted in: Home Pages, Videos
  1674. Awesome and simple portfolio home page site Posted in: Home Pages, Landing Pages, Portfolio
  1675. Reddit Coronavirus mask meme Posted in: Images
  1676. Noom Pricing Page Posted in: Pricing
  1677. Coronavirus mask infographic Posted in: Ads
  1678. Built With Three Tiered Pricing Structure Posted in: Pricing
  1679. BuiltWith Pricing Page Posted in: Pricing, SaaS Pages
  1680. Glide Apps Home Page Posted in: Home Pages, SaaS Pages
  1681. Glide App Demo GIF Posted in: Images
  1682. Stream Labs Dual Option Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1683. Free Copywriting Guides Posted in: Books
  1684. How To Make Maximum Money In Minimum Time – by Gary Halbert: Posted in: Books, Money
  1685. Breakthrough Advertising – by Eugene Schwartz: Posted in: Books
  1686. A Whack on the Side of the Head – by Roger Von Oech Posted in: Books
  1687. Save The Cat – by Blake Snyder Posted in: Books
  1688. This Book Will Teach You How To Write Better – by Neville Medhora Posted in: Books
  1689. Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got – by Jay Abraham Posted in: Books
  1690. Ogilvy on Advertising – by David Ogilvy: Posted in: Books
  1691. Advertising Secrets of the Written Word – by Joseph Sugarman: Posted in: Books
  1692. The Boron Letters – by Gary Halbert Posted in: Books
  1693. Efficient Layout for lots of information Breaking Bad episodes Posted in: Images
  1694. Funny NASA “Buzzword Generator” Posted in: Copywriting, Images
  1695. Old Pan-Am “French Restaurant” Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1696. Real Estate Company Doing “FaceTime Tours” Posted in: Ads
  1697. American Express 0% Deferment Announcement Posted in: Copywriting, Emails
  1698. The Kopywriting Kourse Posted in: Books
  1699. Chirp Wheel Explainer Video Posted in: Videos
  1700. Es6.io Homepage Posted in: Home Pages
  1701. Folding Stroller Explainer Gif Posted in: Videos
  1702. Small Business Email Asking Members To Stay Active Posted in: Emails
  1703. CoronaVirus Cat Flattening Image Posted in: Copywriting, Images
  1704. Easy Image Showing Geography Terms Posted in: Images
  1705. SendGrid 2.6 Second Email Deliverability Ad Posted in: Ads
  1706. David Abbott 5 Rules of Copywriting Posted in: Advice, Copywriting, Quotes
  1707. Base Content Priority Chart Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas
  1708. Sink Dish Rack Product GIF Posted in: Images
  1709. Guitar Image Mockup With Text Vertical Posted in: Images
  1710. Guitar Image Mockup With Text Posted in: Images
  1711. War Dogs Image Mockup Posted in: Images
  1712. Story Circle Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas, Images
  1713. Amazon Email Template Sizing And Text Guidelines Posted in: Copywriting, Emails, Formulas, Headlines, Images
  1714. H&M Copy Options Email Template Posted in: Copywriting, Emails
  1715. Porsche Youth Ad Posted in: Ads, Print Ads
  1716. Blog Post Checklist Posted in: Formulas
  1717. Joe Sugarman Magic Baloney Ad Posted in: Ads, Direct Mail
  1718. Great WordPress SEO plugin landing page Posted in: Landing Pages
  1719. Nick Kolenda’s School of Mind Posted in: Sales Pages
  1720. Taft Boot Facebook Holiday Ad Posted in: Ads, Images
  1721. Shattered Glass Bears 😳 Posted in: Copywriting, Outdoor Advertising, Restaurant Signs
  1722. Huckberry Memorial Day Sale Email Posted in: Emails
  1723. Huckberrry Labor Day Email Posted in: Emails
  1724. Huckberry Black Friday Email Posted in: Emails
  1725. Getting 3 Copywriters To Write For You Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Images
  1726. Swet Tailor Facebook Ad Posted in: Ads, Images
  1727. Dance On Your Doctors Grave Pamphlet Posted in: Advertorials, Direct Mail, Images, Packaging, Print Ads
  1728. Ideas Vs Action Posted in: Copywriting, Images
  1729. Netflix Free Trial Pricing Posted in: Copywriting, Pricing, Sales Pages, Signup Forms
  1730. Simplified Dieting Image Chart Posted in: Copywriting, Images, Videos
  1731. Apple using clever images to show all layers of a photo Posted in: Copywriting, Videos
  1732. Kopywriting Kourse Sales Page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1733. Kopywriting Kourse About Page Posted in: About Pages
  1734. Funny Lion King Pizza Restaurant Sign Posted in: Restaurant Signs
  1735. Writing Effective Ad Headlines – The Zeigarnik Effect Posted in: Copywriting, Headlines
  1736. Scotts Bass Lessons Sales Page Posted in: Sales Pages, Signup Forms
  1737. Before & After Template With Explanations Posted in: Before and After
  1738. Amanda Steinberg Mission Statement Posted in: Quotes
  1739. Dr. Gloria Horsley’s Mission Statement Posted in: Quotes
  1740. Mission Statement Quote From Denise Morrison Posted in: Quotes
  1741. Mission Statement Quote From Joel Manby Posted in: Quotes
  1742. Mission Statement Quote from Mahatma Gandhi Posted in: Quotes
  1743. The AIDA Formula in Drawings Posted in: Copywriting
  1744. AIDA Formula Video with Ross Hudgens and Neville Medhora Posted in: Copywriting, Videos
  1745. Kopywriting Kourse Review: Getting Copywriting Help and Training Posted in: Videos
  1746. Lydian Dental Direct Mail Flyer Posted in: Direct Mail, Flyers
  1747. Hill Country Ranch Sale Direct Mail Flyer Posted in: Direct Mail, Flyers
  1748. TrustPilot Direct Mail Brochure Style Flyer Posted in: Direct Mail, Flyers
  1749. Apple Credit Card Explainer Video Posted in: Videos
  1750. How To Be Creative Video Posted in: Videos
  1751. Great SaaS Copywriter Portfolio Posted in: Portfolio
  1752. How to write a one pager video Posted in: Videos
  1753. “I love my slow database” Redis Labs Anti-Ad Posted in: Ads
  1754. Wine Trail Ranch Liquidation Flyer in Austin Posted in: Direct Mail
  1755. Cognitive Biases Chart Posted in: Copywriting, Stats
  1756. Pasta Creative Packaging Posted in: Packaging
  1757. Three Tiered Pricing Video for Copywriters Posted in: Copywriting
  1758. Ranch Sale Direct Mail Flyer Posted in: Direct Mail
  1759. NerdPilots 3 Tiered Website Design Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1760. If you sell 50 book a day for $14.99/each you make $191,497.25/yr Posted in: Pricing
  1761. If you sell 15 book a day for $14.99/each you make $57,449.18/yr Posted in: Pricing
  1762. If you sell 10 books a day for $9.99 you make $25,524.45/yr Posted in: Pricing
  1763. If you sell 5 books a day for $17.59 you make $22,471.22/yr Posted in: Pricing
  1764. If you sell 1 book a day for $5/each you make $1,277.50/yr Posted in: Pricing
  1765. Nautique Wake Surfing Boat Explainer Video Posted in: Videos
  1766. Centurion Wake Surfing Boat Explainer Video Posted in: Videos
  1767. Great About Page from Ry Rob Posted in: About Pages
  1768. Price Intelligently’s high end dual pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1769. Acupuncture direct mail drop flyer Posted in: Direct Mail
  1770. Personalized Direct Mail Drop for Manual Therapy Clinic Posted in: Direct Mail
  1771. Writer’s Block Definition Posted in: Copywriting
  1772. Swipe File Definition Posted in: Copywriting
  1773. Kopywriting Definition Posted in: Copywriting
  1774. Copywriting Definition Posted in: Copywriting
  1775. Foundr Consulting Course Sales Page Posted in: Sales Pages, Testimonial Examples
  1776. Headlines – NeilPatel Posted in: Headlines
  1777. Headlines – Backlinko Posted in: Headlines
  1778. Headlines – SmartBlogger Posted in: Headlines
  1779. Headlines – SmartPassiveIncome Posted in: Headlines
  1780. Headlines – TheHustle Posted in: Headlines
  1781. Headlines – blog.hubspot Posted in: Headlines
  1782. Headlines – ConversionXL Posted in: Headlines
  1783. Headlines – OkDork Posted in: Headlines
  1784. Headlines – Sumo Posted in: Headlines
  1785. Headlines – IWillTeachYouToBeRich Posted in: Headlines
  1786. Headlines and Titles – Kopywriting Kourse Posted in: Headlines
  1787. Electric Scooter Accident Billboard Posted in: Billboards, Outdoor Advertising
  1788. Facebook Post Type Performance Posted in: Stats
  1789. Facebook Page Engagement Down 50% Posted in: Stats
  1790. Custom LED sign for golf Posted in: Billboards, Outdoor Advertising
  1791. Custom LED sign for selling GMC trucks Posted in: Billboards, Outdoor Advertising
  1792. Nightwatch SEO service Sales Page Posted in: Home Pages, SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  1793. Eve Mattress Ad Campaign Posted in: Outdoor Advertising, Print Ads
  1794. The 22 Rules of Storytelling by Pixar Posted in: Copywriting, Formulas
  1795. Old Typewriter Print Ads Posted in: Print Ads
  1796. Remington Typewriter “Bragging” Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1797. Typewriter Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1798. Vest-Pocket Adding Machine Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1799. Old Print Ad for Paper Fastener Machines Posted in: Print Ads
  1800. Copy Chief “5 Ways” Sales Page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1801. The Copy Cure Landing Page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1802. Articoolo monthly and one-time pricing structure Posted in: Pricing
  1803. Making better content checklist Posted in: Copywriting
  1804. Side-bar testimonials on CodeMentor Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  1805. Beachside Property Direct Mail Posted in: Direct Mail
  1806. Tyndall Love Direct Mail Flyer Posted in: Direct Mail
  1807. Garden Bros Circus Direct Mail (Gives free tickets away) Posted in: Direct Mail
  1808. Fifth and West Condos Direct Mail Flyer Utilizing Numbers Posted in: Direct Mail, Print Ads
  1809. The Tyndall’s Direct Mail flyer Posted in: Direct Mail
  1810. Frase AI About Page Posted in: About Pages
  1811. MindMeister 4-Option Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1812. More Clients Every Month by Derek Halpern of Social Triggers Posted in: Sales Pages
  1813. I AM TOOTH Billboard for Dentist Posted in: Billboards, Outdoor Advertising
  1814. Clever advertisement for garage builder Posted in: Ads, Copywriting, Direct Mail, Outdoor Advertising, Print Ads
  1815. Super effective Facebook Post for selling a business Posted in: Copywriting
  1816. Quizlet “Add Superpowers” Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1817. Popular car website uses old-school 90’s style Posted in: Home Pages
  1818. Advanced Personal Finance Sales Page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1819. Easier to read text with bullet points example Posted in: Copywriting
  1820. Make “Warning Labels” more effective with using bullet lists Posted in: Copywriting
  1821. Remove excess words, use “more info” links Posted in: Copywriting
  1822. Application Form Word Reduction Copywriting Example Posted in: Copywriting
  1823. Qgiv’s 4-Option Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1824. Advanced Personal Finance Pricing Structure Posted in: Pricing
  1825. David Ogilvy Copywriting Advice Compilation Posted in: Copywriting
  1826. Email promo for Advanced Personal Finance Posted in: Emails
  1827. David Ogilvy quote about connecting yourself and advertising Posted in: Copywriting, Quotes
  1828. Copywriting portfolio of Lee Rowley Posted in: Portfolio
  1829. Sumo Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1830. KingSumo Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1831. Crazy Egg Tiered Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1832. SquareSpace Tiered Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1833. Churn Down For What Email Subject by AppSumo Posted in: Emails
  1834. The Hustle Funny “Four Loko” Email Giveaway Posted in: Copywriting, Emails
  1835. Great features page by PipeDrive Posted in: Pricing, SaaS Pages
  1836. PipeDrive Home Page Posted in: Home Pages, SaaS Pages
  1837. New Professionally Designed KopywritingKourse Sales Page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1838. Amazon Alexa Google AdWords Ad Posted in: Ads
  1839. Visual Demo style landing page for writing software Posted in: Home Pages, SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  1840. Copywriting Command Center for new copywriters Posted in: Copywriting
  1841. Freemium to Enterprise level pricing structure Posted in: Pricing
  1842. 10K Subs Sales Page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1843. Apology email from Leadpages about internet outage Posted in: Emails
  1844. FYI Search Sales Page Posted in: SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  1845. Flexport “Why Us?” Page Posted in: SaaS Pages
  1846. Monday Explainer Video Posted in: Videos
  1847. LavaShield Corporate Explainer Video Posted in: Videos
  1848. KlientBoost About Page with employee descriptions Posted in: About Pages
  1849. WPEngine 4 Tier Pricing Posted in: Pricing
  1850. Scott’s Cheap Flights Homepage Posted in: Home Pages, Signup Forms
  1851. Yoga studio pricing options Posted in: Pricing
  1852. The ONE Thing Home Page Posted in: Home Pages
  1853. Expert service help page for Infusionsoft Posted in: Signup Forms
  1854. Existing Customer Special Pricing by Sketch Posted in: Pricing
  1855. Sketch App Home Page Posted in: Home Pages, SaaS Pages
  1856. Smart From Scratch Posted in: Sales Pages
  1857. See Why Learning Sales Page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1858. 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan Posted in: Sales Pages
  1859. Likeaglove Sales Page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1860. Social Media Manager School Sales Page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1861. Staggered SaaS page with video demos Posted in: SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  1862. Simple staggered layout SaaS page for Writing Software Posted in: Home Pages, SaaS Pages
  1863. Woot banner ad Posted in: Ads
  1864. Volkswagen Lemon Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1865. Craigslists Photography Post Posted in: Scripts
  1866. Facebook Groups Photography Script Posted in: Scripts
  1867. Facebook Photography Post Posted in: Scripts
  1868. Craigslist Website Script Posted in: Scripts
  1869. Facebook Group Website Script Posted in: Scripts
  1870. Facebook Post Website Script Posted in: Scripts
  1871. Schweppes Tonic Billboard Posted in: Billboards
  1872. Schweppes Tonic Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1873. Schweppes Bitter Lemon Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1874. Schweppes Tonic Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1875. Schweppes Tonic Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1876. Schweppes Ginger Ale Print Ad Posted in: Print Ads
  1877. Hilarious “Three Tiered Pricing” with $0 option “Excluding Everything!!” Posted in: Pricing
  1878. Variable quantity pricing layout Posted in: Pricing
  1879. Award Winner Testimonial Example Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  1880. Impossible Foods Homepage Posted in: Home Pages
  1881. Slack animated explainer video Posted in: Videos
  1882. Walmart motion graphics explainer video Posted in: Videos
  1883. Price Intelligently Sales Page Posted in: SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  1884. Neville with tattoos Posted in: Profile Photos
  1885. Neville without tattoos Posted in: Profile Photos
  1886. Linda wearing swimsuit with full body tattoos Posted in: Profile Photos
  1887. Linda wearing swimsuit without tattoos Posted in: Profile Photos
  1888. Linda wearing dress with chest tattoos Posted in: Profile Photos
  1889. Linda wearing dress without tattoos Posted in: Profile Photos
  1890. Sara with full body arm, legs, neck tattoos Posted in: Profile Photos
  1891. Sara without tattoos Posted in: Profile Photos
  1892. Sara with arm and neck tattoos Posted in: Profile Photos
  1893. Sara without tattoos Posted in: Profile Photos
  1894. Jack with full tattoo sleeve Posted in: Profile Photos
  1895. Jack without tattoos Posted in: Profile Photos
  1896. Noah with arm and neck tattoos Posted in: Profile Photos
  1897. Sam with arm and neck tattoos Posted in: Profile Photos
  1898. Sam with No tattoos Posted in: Profile Photos
  1899. David Komie Attorney That Rocks Billboad Posted in: Billboards
  1900. Price Intelligently Homepage Posted in: Home Pages, SaaS Pages
  1901. Waze explainer video Posted in: Videos
  1902. Crazy Egg explainer video Posted in: Videos
  1903. DocuSign animated explainer video Posted in: Videos
  1904. Intercom explainer video Posted in: Videos
  1905. Dropbox explainer video Posted in: Videos
  1906. LastPass explainer video Posted in: Videos
  1907. Upwork animated explainer video Posted in: Videos
  1908. HubSpot explainer video Posted in: Videos
  1909. Foam roller catchy headline Posted in: Ads, Headlines
  1910. GoLiveHQ Website Pricing Packages Posted in: Pricing
  1911. Get people to schedule a call about product page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1912. 12 Reasons You Haven’t Bought a Tuft & Needle Mattress Posted in: Copywriting, SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  1913. Kopywriting Kourse Sales Page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1914. Ikigai Japanese formula for finding “reason for being” in life Posted in: Formulas
  1915. Photography One-Pager Posted in: Flyers
  1916. WordPress Flyer Posted in: Flyers
  1917. The Friars Club Text Message Ad Posted in: Event Marketing
  1918. HustleCon 2018 sales page Posted in: Event Marketing, Sales Pages
  1919. Fake news flyer and bookmark Posted in: Direct Mail
  1920. Profile Photo: Anouk Profile Posted in: Profile Photos
  1921. Profile Photo: Mary Profile Posted in: Profile Photos
  1922. Profile Photos: Jaime Profile Posted in: Profile Photos
  1923. Profile Photo: Ankit Profile Photos Posted in: Profile Photos
  1924. Profile Photo: Derek Halpern With Neutral Disdain Posted in: Profile Photos
  1925. Profile Photo: Derek Halpern With Suit And Power Pose Posted in: Profile Photos
  1926. Profile Photo: Ramit Staring You Down Posted in: Profile Photos
  1927. Profile Photo: Noah Kagan With Smile and “Power Arms” Posted in: Profile Photos
  1928. Profile Photo: Noah Kagan Crazy Hair and Crazy Beard Posted in: Profile Photos
  1929. Profile Photo: Neville Dressed Indian Posted in: Profile Photos
  1930. Profile Photo: Neville On Laptop WITHOUT Homer Posted in: Profile Photos
  1931. Profile Photo: Neville On Laptop WITH Homer Posted in: Profile Photos
  1932. Profile Photo: Neville Casually Sitting Posted in: Profile Photos
  1933. Profile Photo: Neville Smiling On Website Posted in: Profile Photos
  1934. Profile Photo: Neville Smiling Slightly Posted in: Profile Photos
  1935. Profile Photo: Neville Staring Vaguely In The Distance Posted in: Profile Photos
  1936. Profile Photo: Neville Doing A Handstand Posted in: Profile Photos
  1937. Profile Photo: Neville Smiling And Crossing Arms Posted in: Profile Photos
  1938. Profile Photo: Neville with Neutral Disdain Posted in: Profile Photos
  1939. Profile Photo: Neville Smiling Really Big Posted in: Profile Photos
  1940. Profile Photo: Neville With Neutral Expression Posted in: Profile Photos
  1941. TechCrunch event marketing email Posted in: Emails, Event Marketing
  1942. Udemy enrollment confirmation email Posted in: Emails
  1943. SEO link request email from Tony Robbins team Posted in: Emails
  1944. Ramit Sethi engagement email. Posted in: Emails
  1945. Neil Patel style blog notification email. Posted in: Emails
  1946. Scratch Explainer Video Posted in: Videos
  1947. Sonic Sign Posted in: Restaurant Signs
  1948. Hard Rock Cafe Posted in: Restaurant Signs
  1949. Chefs Plate Pricing Page Posted in: Pricing
  1950. Nicole Dieker Contently Portfolio Posted in: Portfolio
  1951. Ron Anderson’s Carbonmade Portfolio Posted in: Portfolio
  1952. Spadge PDF Copywriting Portfolio Posted in: Portfolio
  1953. Jay Miutz Copywriting Squarespace Portfolio Posted in: Portfolio
  1954. Dancing Advertorial Posted in: Advertorials
  1955. L’Oreal Paris Advertorial Posted in: Advertorials
  1956. Rapid Loss Advertorial Posted in: Advertorials
  1957. Social Triggers Email Bootcamp Sales Page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1958. The “Brain Dump” method to writing headlines Posted in: Headlines
  1959. Headlines that get them curious Posted in: Headlines
  1960. Before/After case study or testimonial Headlines Posted in: Before and After, Headlines
  1961. Headlines that tell them a surprising fact Posted in: Headlines
  1962. Headlines show what an amazing value it is Posted in: Headlines
  1963. Give them different options to choose Posted in: Pricing
  1964. Headlines that make it free Posted in: Headlines
  1965. Headlines that make it urgent Posted in: Headlines
  1966. Headlines that make them want to belong Posted in: Headlines
  1967. Dollar Shave Club Packaging Posted in: Packaging
  1968. OwnLocal Homepage Posted in: Home Pages
  1969. Sam Altman On Masters Of Scale Podcast Notes Posted in: Notes
  1970. Sam Altman – How To Build The Future Video Notes Posted in: Notes
  1971. Bob Metcalf On Tim Ferriss Podcast Notes Posted in: Notes
  1972. Vibes Earphone Packaging Posted in: Packaging
  1973. DropPy Sales Page Posted in: SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  1974. Fit Buns Packaging Posted in: Packaging
  1975. Purely Wholesome Soap Belly Band Posted in: Packaging
  1976. Luxe Bubble Bath Packaging Posted in: Packaging
  1977. B.E.E. Cleaning Products Packaging Posted in: Packaging
  1978. Brushman Packaging Posted in: Packaging
  1979. Arnold Workout Advice Notes Posted in: Notes
  1980. Airtable Product Page Posted in: SaaS Pages
  1981. Airtable Homepage Posted in: SaaS Pages
  1982. Aweber Facebook Group Community Signup Email Posted in: Emails
  1983. F.A.Q. Style Email For Selling Course Posted in: Emails
  1984. Asking for phone number email Posted in: Emails
  1985. Full blog post email from KopywritingKourse Posted in: Emails
  1986. CodeMentor’s simple blog notification email Posted in: Emails
  1987. Matthew Barby’s SEO course email announcement Posted in: Emails
  1988. HubSpot re-engagement email Posted in: Emails
  1989. Hustlecon Event Marketing Email Posted in: Emails, Event Marketing
  1990. Chad Zreet Portfolio Posted in: Portfolio
  1991. Casper Testimonials. Posted in: Testimonial Examples
  1992. Casper Signup Form Posted in: Signup Forms
  1993. Off The Grid Signup Form Posted in: Signup Forms
  1994. HustleCase Sales Page Posted in: Sales Pages
  1995. Siteleaf Website Posted in: SaaS Pages
  1996. Aura Health Posted in: SaaS Pages
  1997. Toggl Sales Page Posted in: SaaS Pages, Sales Pages
  1998. Toggl App Posted in: SaaS Pages
  1999. Miguel Ferreira Copywriting Portfolio Website Posted in: Portfolio
  2000. 6 Ways To Make Money Online Posted in: Money, Pricing


👉🏼 Browse the full Swipe File 👈🏼


Websites we dig:

KopywritingKourseA copywriting blog run by Neville Medhora with a unique style and take on the business of copywriting.
ConversionXLThis is a cool site taking a scientific approach to marketing. Best for big agencies to follow. Run by the very-matter-of-fact Peep Laja.
Neil PatelA famous name in the content marketing world, Neil Patel pumps out an enormous amount of content rivaling big companies like HubSpot, and is famous for being one of the founders of CrazyEgg and QuickSprout.
HitenismOne of the founders of Crazy Egg, KISSmetrics, Quick Sprout, and overall famous guy in the SaaS industry. Runs a great marketing blog and newsletter.
OkDorkThe marketing blog (and podcast) of Noah Kagan, who is behind AppSumo, Sumo, and was Facebook employee #30.
CopyHackersA blog about writing by Joanna Wiebe Lance Jones that talks about copywriting and writing in general.
Enchanting MarketingA marketing blog run by Henneke which talks about business writing.
WrittentA blog about all things writing and articles about the business of writing.
SmartPassiveIncomeA blog run by Pat Flynn which discusses website building, affiliate marketing, and experiments on side income.
The HustleOne of the top daily newsletters on the web that sends out to 1m+ readers a day condensing tech news into an easy to read newsletter.
Benedict EvansBenedict Evans is one of the top respected minds analyzing mobile technology and future tech trends and a former A16Z partner.
Andrew ChenA great blog by venture capitalist and former head of growth at Uber Andrew Chen covering the venture world and personal essays on startup growth.
Copy ChiefA blog and podcast maintained by copywriter Kevin Rogers who was also a stand up comedian and direct response writer.
A16ZThe official website of Andreessen Horowitz venture capital.
Ray KurzweilA blog about advancements in technology, maintained by one of the top AI researchers in the world Ray Kurzweil.
Lex FridmanLex Fridman is a former AI lecturer at MIT, startup founder, and top podcast/YouTube host on the field of artificial intelligence.
AppSumoA great blog and site scouring the web for software deals and new helpful tools for people who work on their computers.
ProductHuntOne of the top places on the web to discover new tools and software online.


Facebook Groups for marketers to join:

Facebook GroupDescription:
The Cult Of CopyA Facebook Group moderated by Colin Theriot that discusses all things copy.
The Cult Of Copy Job BoardA place to post and look for writing jobs.
Copywriting Training WheelsA Facebook Group for absolute copywriting beginners.
CopyMonkA Facebook Group moderated by Danavir Sarria of CopyMonk.
Traffic And CopyA quirky group run by Vin Clancy and Charlie Price
ClickFunnels GroupA Facebook Group for users of ClickFunnels, though anyone can join.
Viral Copy GroupA group that posts viral content pieces, usually of the humorous type.
LeadPages GroupA group for users of LeadPages, although anyone can join.
The Gary Halbert Copy ClubA group for fans of Gary Halbert and his writing style.
Choose Yourself GroupA group focused around James Altucher's book Choose Yourself.
Copy BestiesA friendly beginners copywriting group moderated by Tepsii Thendo and Wendy Lambert.
Kopywriting Kourse GroupA copywriting Facebook Group moderated by Neville Medhora.
Badass Marketers & FoundersA really great Facebook group that discusses marketing and startups, run by Josh Fechter.

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