Lots of medical tourism data in simple chart

This chart makes it visually very easy to see the prices of medical procedures in the USA, Korea, Singapore, and India.
Fun personal story about Indian medical costs:
In 2013 I got bit by a homeless guys pit bull and had to go to the hospital and get a full set of rabies shots.
Insurance paid $7,500 for the first set of shots, and $350/each for the 4 follow-up shots.
I was going to India THREE DAYS AFTER I GOT BIT, and the same shots cost: $50 for the first set of shots, and $7/each for the 4 follow-up shots.
The Indian healthcare system is far less regulated than the USA, so the quality of care was....questionable at times...but the difference in cost was staggering!
$9,000 vs $78 😳