Amazing ad from McGraw-Hill that demonstrates what it’s like for someone going into a sales meeting trying to pitch a product.
"Give Me One Evening and I'll Give You a Push-Button Memory"
What a FANTASTIC line! Here's what makes it kick-ass: It implies an immediate benefit: A better memory. It's very specific on what you get:...
Aug 22, 2017
Moz About Page
This about page features a growth style timeline and a small "our story" blurb. Image Description The image showcases Moz's about page, featuring a...
Jul 31, 2017
About Pages
MasterClass “high touch” sales sequence
MasterClass has a super interesting sales sequence on their homepage which in 6 steps gets you to purchase (rather than just showing you pricing...
Jul 23, 2023
Signup Forms
Home Pages
Sales Pages
Wild Turkey's thinner steaks & smaller cars ad
This is the best of a series of ads Wild Turkey did in this style. It's bitingly funny, unapologetic, and memorable. It also does...
Jun 8, 2020
Print Ads