This shows the college majors people most regret getting, usually due to a lack of opportunity the major gets vs the amount of effort/cost to acquire it.
Do you regret any of these??
Spiegel Holiday Catalog in 1943 Coat & Gloves Ad
This drawing for a mens coat and gloves looks very elegant and clean. From the Spiegel Holiday Catalog in 1943. I love the simplicity...
Feb 9, 2022
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Let’s re-do this classic 1950’s David Ogilvy ad for Schweppes Tonic Water.
....The original Let’s give it a more modernized headline 😂 What if we made it more seasonal and festive?? Let’s give it a totally...
Dec 20, 2023
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Funny and Weird
Smile at the world billboard
What a hilarious, completely true billboard by Smile at the World.
Oct 7, 2020
Panasonic Nose Hair Trimmers Billboard
Not only does this creative billboard capture attention, but it has a double meaning. Cutting nose hairs, just like electrical wires, is a sensitive...
Jul 24, 2020