This is from a Facebook ad for a marketer's email templates.
We usually highlight images here on because they're very clear and understandable.
This image is great for the opposite reason.
It's enticing because it's just barely too hard to read.
You can see that you'll be getting a lot of templates...and they're presented in a way that's both slightly frustrating (in a good way) and intriguing.
Fairy Soap lasts 2x longer
This is a great way to go beyond just stating a claim like "Our soap lasts twice as long". Showing the products next to...
Aug 24, 2020
City of Los Angeles crappy designer ad
In line with other crappy design ads (1, 2) this City of Los Angles ad posts grabs attention by being so out of line...
Oct 11, 2024
Funny and Weird
I'm in St. Kitts
I'm in St. Kitts all week and it's awesome! Here I am walking over an old 400 year old dam: My hiking outfit (and...
May 5, 2023
Swipes Email
Big list of subject lines and their open rates
This is a big list of headlines and subject lines used on KopywritingKourse over the years, with their corresponding open rates. Image Description The...
Aug 25, 2017