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Sugarman Trigger #4

Jun 19, 2020

Image Description

A cartoon character is holding a newspaper labeled "WSJ" while sitting in an orange chair. The text above reads, "It's in The Wall Street Journal, so it MUST be legit!"

Positive Aspects

The image humorously illustrates the concept of credibility by associating it with a reputable publication like The Wall Street Journal. It visually reinforces the idea that being featured in a credible source boosts trust.

Key Takeaways

  • Credibility Formula: Sugarman emphasizes that credibility is built through honesty and integrity.
  • Ease of Selling: Once credibility is established, selling becomes significantly easier because trust is inherent.
  • Platform Credibility: Sugarman uses QVC as an example of a platform with high credibility, making sales more effective.
  • Power of Association: Being associated with credible entities or platforms, like The Wall Street Journal, enhances perceived legitimacy.

Additional Insights

Establishing credibility isn't just about truthfulness; it's about consistent integrity across all interactions. Think of it like building a reputation that precedes you, making sales smoother and more natural. Just like how a good joke lands better when the comedian is trusted, your sales pitch will too!

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Sugarman Trigger #4 | SwipeFile