The 4% Rule
“The 4% Rule is a “back-of-the-envelope” calculation for how much money you’d need to retire for approximately 25 years. While...
Social Proof Before And After
Sprinkling in some "Social Proof" is one of the simplest additions to sales copy. Look at this email footer and...
Change the paint, change the room
This is the paint equivalent of good copy: Slightly modify where the paint is (and isn't) and it changes up...
Headed to a billion dollars by sending emails, making Creator Flywheels, Nathan Barry of ConvertKit
Did an interview with @nathanbarry where we talk about who is making money with newsletters. Also: - Setting up "Creator...
How cash in bank affects lifestyle
Great chart by @asmartbear that shows how cash in the bank affects your lifestyle. $1,000 = “I can’t lose my...
AirBnB revenue went up after painting house black
This guys AirBnB revenue went up after painting his rental house black. This was in Mt Hood, Oregon. Original post...
The Pareto Principle in action
The Pareto Principle states 20% of activity will account for 80 percent of results. You can see it demonstrated here...
Industries die and become niche
When an industry dies, it doesn’t just disappear into oblivion right away. It slowly shrinks, then shrivels, then consolidates, then...
Speak French, Visit France. Speak English, Visit the World.
What a cool advertisement displaying the value of learning English:
Show, Don’t Tell. But with Sugar.
This is the simplest and most effective demonstration of sugar content I’ve ever seen. Seeing a Coca-Cola label say “39g...
The top book I’ve ever recommended
The book I’ve recommended to people that’s had a 100% hit rate with everyone I’ve recommended it to is Project...
How the name “Hampton” came about
How @thesamparr picked the name “Hampton” for his private club of entrepreneurs. Positive Aspects The blog post title "How the...
There’s an amazing subreddit called /r/fatFIRE which is full of people trying to be F.I.R.E. (Financially Independent Retire Early) “FAT”-FIRE...
ChatGPT voice feature
Wow…the ChatGPT voice feature is incredible. In the shower I can say, “I’m preparing for a podcast interview, give me...
Best party crashing advice
In college I’d crash parties to network with people way above me. The ultimate way I found to crash any...
CEO of NetFlix naming strategy
The CEO of NetFlix Marc Randolph recently shared how they picked the name “NetFlix” from a list of names based...
Write for humans, not algorithms.
Image Description The image features the phrase "Write for humans, not algorithms" prominently displayed over a background of binary code....
What people will pay for.
Image Description The image features a list of reasons why people spend money, overlaid on a background of dollar bills....
The 4% Rule
6 "relationship filters" for finding a partner
Was listening to @heydannymiranda podcast and the guest @justinkan listed out 6 "relationship filters" for finding a partner I've never...