Nobody is thinking about you
Don't worry about what others are thinking. They likely aren't thinking about you. Think about your own life:- Are you...
Create your own luck chart
This is a simple little "Luck" chart that shows the different ways luck is created, and you can see how...
Revenue Replacement graph
This graph illustrates the time it took to replace Pat Walls Engineering's salary with his own software.For the first year...
Pat Walls List of Projects and Outcomes
Pat Walls compiled a list of his projects and their outcomes, serving as a great reminder of lessons learned and...
The Learning Pyramid
Learning can take many forms, and some are better than others: • Lecture: 5% (Average Retention Rate) • Reading: 10%...
Q2 is near
Whatever your 2024 goal is, you have 9 more months to complete it ❌ Q1: January, February, March ✅ Q2:...
”Food is a gift we give ourselves 3 times a day.”— Kimbal Musk
Why learn calculus?
Subjects like calculus were hard to get excited about because they never told you WHY this was helpful. If you...
Motion beats meditation
“Motion beats meditation.” It means sometimes JUST DOING THINGS to advance a goal is better than pondering on it. Not...
When things are hardest, a clear goal is the most important thing. To have a fountain of energy to draw from. Establishing a worthwhile goal is the hardest part. It gives you a place to go and a reason to get up.— Earl Nightingale
Confidence is built upon an experience of success.
Perfection is rarely convenient.
Reading is the antidote to short attention span.— Jeff Bezos
Choose a problem, not a product.
“Choose a problem, not a product.” This is a great way to think about finding ideas that can sell. Instead...
You’re 2,000 cold calls away from being a millionaire.
Noah Kagan's Yearly Goal Chart
This is a cool Yearly Goal Chart @noahkagan makes every year, divided into 4 parts: - Work - Health -...
Guard your brain when writing.
I have to “guard my brain” when trying to do work. This usually involves: - Putting my phone upside down...
The 4% Rule
“The 4% Rule is a “back-of-the-envelope” calculation for how much money you’d need to retire for approximately 25 years. While...
More experiments in 2024.
I wanna try more crazy experiments in 2024.
There’s an amazing subreddit called /r/fatFIRE which is full of people trying to be F.I.R.E. (Financially Independent Retire Early) “FAT”-FIRE...