Familiarity Blindness

"Familiarity Blindness" is when you look at your own page sooooo many times that it becomes difficult to update it and see it as a new user would.
However when you look at someone else's page it's instantly easy to update it because you're looking at it for the first time!
Image Description
A cartoon face with spiraled eyes is intensely staring at a piece of paper. This visual humorously illustrates the concept of "Familiarity Blindness."
Positive Aspects
The image cleverly conveys the feeling of being hypnotized or overwhelmed by something overly familiar. It humorously captures the essence of "Familiarity Blindness" by showing how one's perception can be skewed by seeing something too often.
Key Takeaways
- Familiarity Blindness: Repeatedly viewing your own work makes it hard to notice needed updates.
- Fresh Perspectives: New eyes see opportunities for improvement more easily.
- Importance of Outsiders: Getting external feedback can be incredibly valuable.
Additional Insights
Ever tried proofreading your own article after staring at it for hours? You’ll miss the glaring typo that a friend spots in seconds. It’s like trying to find Waldo in your own book – frustratingly elusive! Consider swapping pages with a peer or taking a break to refresh your perspective.