Great chart by @asmartbear that shows how cash in the bank affects your lifestyle.
$1,000 = “I can’t lose my job.”
$100,000 = “I can own my house.”
$2,000,000+ = “I can have freedom.”
$50,000,000 = “I only fly private.”
Email newsletter homepage displays social proof with blurbs from popular journalists
This Email newsletter home page displays a long list of of popular journalist who subscribe along with a blurb. These are powerful triggers to...
Feb 7, 2022
Full blog post email from KopywritingKourse
Instead of pushing people via to a blog via email, this email just contains the full blog post, allowing a user to consume the...
Mar 9, 2018
Video Production Pricing Sheet
This pricing table actually has videos right inside the pricing tables. Normally that's not recommended, but since this company is literally selling video making...
Jul 11, 2017
1967 "What does a banana have to be to be a Chiquita?" Ad
A hilarious 1967 print ad with a shocking image, intriguing headline and copy making you crave a banana. 🤣
Apr 23, 2023
Print Ads