Total Addressable Market
When looking at market size it’s helpful to look at the realistic amount you can capture. TAM: Total demand for...
The AIDA Slippery Slope
Use the A.I.D.A. Formula to slide people down “The Slippery Slope” of content:
Why learn calculus?
Subjects like calculus were hard to get excited about because they never told you WHY this was helpful. If you...
Motion beats meditation
“Motion beats meditation.” It means sometimes JUST DOING THINGS to advance a goal is better than pondering on it. Not...
Choose a problem, not a product.
“Choose a problem, not a product.” This is a great way to think about finding ideas that can sell. Instead...
Build lots of things, only one needs to hit
Guy builds 20+ tools over 4 years before finding one that’s starting to work. Lesson #1: Try lots of stuff....
This is how raising the price of a product can help you.
Mike was selling air purifiers for $1,000. He couldn’t sell many at that price, so he upped it to $2,000...
Things that worked well for me in 2023:
• NEWSLETTER to interact with audience. Stay top of mind. • SHORT CLIPS to stay top of mind, get new...
It’s not a “pivot” if you don’t lose a bunch of customers.
My best productivity advice for 2024:
• Write your to-do list the night before. • When a task is finished, scratch it off. • Never add...
YouTube: Quality and Uniqueness will triumph over Quantity and Speed.
Almost everyone who has a blog YouTube Channel notices the same phenomenon where 3 to 5 articles/videos bring in alllllllll...
Noah Kagan's Yearly Goal Chart
This is a cool Yearly Goal Chart @noahkagan makes every year, divided into 4 parts: - Work - Health -...
Caffeine Spectrum Data
Easily visualize the caffeine content you’re getting from different drinks with this cool graphic. This is generalized data, actual content...
Guard your brain when writing.
I have to “guard my brain” when trying to do work. This usually involves: - Putting my phone upside down...
The “Normal Distribution” shows up in almost every area of life.
The “Normal Distribution” shows up in almost every area of life: • Test scores • Height • Stock market returns...
The 4% Rule
“The 4% Rule is a “back-of-the-envelope” calculation for how much money you’d need to retire for approximately 25 years. While...
Social Proof Before And After
Sprinkling in some "Social Proof" is one of the simplest additions to sales copy. Look at this email footer and...
Change the paint, change the room
This is the paint equivalent of good copy: Slightly modify where the paint is (and isn't) and it changes up...
Headed to a billion dollars by sending emails, making Creator Flywheels, Nathan Barry of ConvertKit
Did an interview with @nathanbarry where we talk about who is making money with newsletters. Also: - Setting up "Creator...
How cash in bank affects lifestyle
Great chart by @asmartbear that shows how cash in the bank affects your lifestyle. $1,000 = “I can’t lose my...